The Burden. Агата Кристи

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Название The Burden
Автор произведения Агата Кристи
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007534999

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Franklin, following his wife out on to the terrace, said:

      ‘Why do women have to talk such nonsense to babies? Eh, Laura? Don’t you think it’s odd?’

      ‘I don’t think it’s nonsense,’ said Laura.

      ‘Don’t you? What do you think it is, then?’ He smiled at her teasingly.

      ‘I think it’s love,’ said Laura.

      He was a little taken aback.

      Laura, he thought, was an odd kid. Difficult to know what went on behind that straight, unemotional gaze.

      ‘I must get a piece of netting, muslin or something,’ said Angela. ‘To put over the pram when it’s out here. I’m always so afraid of a cat jumping up and lying on her face and suffocating her. We’ve got too many cats about the place.’

      ‘Bah,’ said her husband. ‘That’s one of those old wives’ tales. I don’t believe a cat has ever suffocated a baby.’

      ‘Oh, they have, Arthur. You read about it quite often in the paper.’

      ‘That’s no guarantee of truth.’

      ‘Anyway, I shall get some netting, and I must tell Nannie to look out of the window from time to time and see that she’s all right. Oh dear, I wish our own nanny hadn’t had to go to her dying sister. This new young nanny—I don’t really feel happy about her.’

      ‘Why not? She seems a nice enough girl. Devoted to baby and good references and all that.’

      ‘Oh yes, I know. She seems all right. But there’s something … There’s that gap of a year and a half in her references.’

      ‘She went home to nurse her mother.’

      ‘That’s what they always say! And it’s the sort of thing you can’t check. It might have been for some reason she doesn’t want us to know about.’

      ‘Got into trouble, you mean?’

      Angela threw him a warning glance, indicating Laura.

      ‘Do be careful, Arthur. No, I don’t mean that. I mean—’

      ‘What do you mean, darling?’

      ‘I don’t really know,’ said Angela slowly. ‘It’s just sometimes when I’m talking to her I feel that there’s something she’s anxious we shouldn’t find out.’

      ‘Wanted by the police?’

      ‘Arthur! That’s a very silly joke.’

      Laura walked gently away. She was an intelligent child and she perceived quite plainly that they, her father and mother, would like to talk about Nannie unhampered by her presence. She herself was not interested in the new nanny; a pale, dark-haired, soft-spoken girl, who showed herself kindly to Laura, though plainly quite uninterested by her.

      Laura was thinking of the Lady with the Blue Cloak.

      ‘Come on, Josephine,’ said Laura crossly.

      Josephine, late Jehoshaphat, though not actively resisting, was displaying all the signs of passive resistance. Disturbed in a delicious sleep against the side of the greenhouse, she had been half dragged, half carried by Laura, out of the kitchen-garden and round the house to the terrace.

      ‘There!’ Laura plopped Josephine down. A few feet away, the baby’s pram stood on the gravel.

      Laura walked slowly away across the lawn. As she reached the big lime tree, she turned her head.

      Josephine, her tail lashing from time to time, in indignant memory, began to wash her stomach, sticking out what seemed a disproportionately long hind leg. That part of her toilet completed, she yawned and looked round her at her surroundings. Then she began half-heartedly to wash behind the ears, thought better of it, yawned again, and finally got up and walked slowly and meditatively away, and round the corner of the house.

      Laura followed her, picked her up determinedly, and lugged her back again. Josephine gave Laura a look and sat there lashing her tail. As soon as Laura had got back to the tree, Josephine once more got up, yawned, stretched, and walked off. Laura brought her back again, remonstrating as she did so.

      ‘It’s sunny here, Josephine. It’s nice!’

      Nothing could be clearer than that Josephine disagreed with this statement. She was now in a very bad temper indeed, lashing her tail, and flattening back her ears.

      ‘Hallo, young Laura.’

      Laura started and turned. Mr Baldock stood behind her. She had not heard or noticed his slow progress across the lawn. Josephine, profiting by Laura’s momentary inattention, darted to a tree and ran up it, pausing on a branch to look down on them with an air of malicious satisfaction.

      ‘That’s where cats have the advantage over human beings,’ said Mr Baldock. ‘When they want to get away from people they can climb a tree. The nearest we can get to that is to shut ourselves in the lavatory.’

      Laura looked slightly shocked. Lavatories came into the category of things which Nannie (the late Nannie) had said ‘little ladies don’t talk about’.

      ‘But one has to come out,’ said Mr Baldock, ‘if for no other reason than because other people want to come in. Now that cat of yours will probably stay up that tree for a couple of hours.’

      Immediately Josephine demonstrated the general unpredictability of cats by coming down with a rush, crossing towards them, and proceeding to rub herself to and fro against Mr Baldock’s trousers, purring loudly.

      ‘Here,’ she seemed to say, ‘is exactly what I have been waiting for.’

      ‘Hallo, Baldy.’ Angela came out of the window. ‘Are you paying your respects to the latest arrival? Oh dear, these cats. Laura dear, do take Josephine away. Put her in the kitchen. I haven’t got that netting yet. Arthur laughs at me, but cats do jump up and sleep on babies’ chests and smother them. I don’t want the cats to get the habit of coming round to the terrace.’

      As Laura went off carrying Josephine, Mr Baldock sent a considering gaze after her.

      After lunch, Arthur Franklin drew his friend into the study.

      ‘There’s an article here—’ he began.

      Mr Baldock interrupted him, without ceremony and forthrightly, as was his custom.

      ‘Just a minute. I’ve got something I want to say. Why don’t you send that child to school?’

      ‘Laura? That is the idea—after Christmas, I believe. When she’s eleven.’

      ‘Don’t wait for that. Do it now.’

      ‘It would be mid-term. And, anyway, Miss Weekes is quite—’

      Mr Baldock said what he thought of Miss Weekes with relish.

      ‘Laura doesn’t want instruction from a desiccated blue-stocking, however bulging with brains,’ he said. ‘She wants distraction, other girls, a different set of troubles if you like. Otherwise, for all you know, you may have a tragedy.’

      ‘A tragedy? What sort of tragedy?’

      ‘A couple of nice little boys the other day took their baby sister out of the pram and threw her in the river. The baby made too much work for Mummy, they said. They had quite genuinely made themselves believe it, I imagine.’

      Arthur Franklin stared at him.

      ‘Jealousy, you mean?’


      ‘My dear Baldy, Laura’s not a jealous child. Never has been.’

      ‘How do you know? Jealousy eats inward.’

      ‘She’s never shown any sign of it. She’s a very sweet, gentle child, but