The Drowning Child. Alex Barclay

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Название The Drowning Child
Автор произведения Alex Barclay
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007494583

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him, and the kids from his class confirmed that he hadn’t been to school that day. Now, Teddy was panicking. At seven forty-five, she called BRCI again and insisted she would wait on the line to speak with John. He came home right away when she told him Caleb was missing.’

      ‘So, John Veir was working what shift?’ said Ren.

      ‘Well, here’s the other strange thing,’ said Ruddock. ‘He was rostered in to work at seven a.m., but he didn’t show up until the three p.m. shift.’

      ‘Nobody called from work to check where he was that morning?’ said Ren.

      ‘No,’ said Ruddock. ‘They were taken up with the escaped inmate from the day before.’

      ‘Wouldn’t that have made them even more suspicious if Veir didn’t show?’ said Ren.

      ‘I guess they trust him,’ said Ruddock.

      ‘I’m not buying that Veir screwed up his start time,’ said Ren. ‘An ex-military man who works a standard shift arrangement gets it wrong the same morning his son disappears?’

      ‘The only thing is,’ said Ruddock, ‘Veir was filling in for someone yesterday. It was supposed to be his day off. So it wasn’t part of his usual routine.’

      ‘Still,’ said Ren. ‘And when the school called, he didn’t pick up?’

      ‘He said he was home, but he didn’t realize the ringer was turned off.’

      ‘That sounds like bullshit to me,’ said Ren, ‘because he brought his cell phone to work, and he would have seen the missed call.’

      Ruddock nodded. ‘Another thing that’s bothering me is that we’ve gotten reports from some of the neighbors that they heard raised voices coming from the house quite regularly. The father and son. Apparently, mother and son were very close.’

      ‘Did they say what the arguments were about?’ said Ren.

      ‘They didn’t always hear everything, but the general sense is that it was about Caleb keeping in line, not talking back, that kind of thing,’ said Ruddock. ‘We also saw something at the house – scuff marks on the bottom of Caleb’s door. On the inside. Like it had been kicked at. And the doorjamb looked damaged, as if someone was trying to open a locked door.’

      ‘They lock him in?’ said Ren.

      Ruddock shook his head. ‘Both parents said the door was never locked, and that they had never even seen a key.’

      ‘We only have the father’s word that Caleb was alive and well yesterday morning,’ said Ren. ‘No one else can confirm that. What if something went down the night before? The father locks Caleb in, Caleb goes nuts, the father goes too far. And if that happened Sunday night, that would have given him a lot of time to figure out a plan to get rid of the body.’

      ‘No traces of blood were found anywhere in the house or in the garage,’ said Ruddock. ‘Plus no one saw John Veir leave the house Sunday evening, which of course, doesn’t mean a whole lot, but he hasn’t come up on any of the traffic cams yet.’

      ‘And what about yesterday?’ said Ren.

      ‘There aren’t a lot on that route,’ said Ruddock, ‘but we have him at a 7-Eleven on I-5 at 14.05. Bought a bottle of water, some gum.’

      ‘Any dramatic eyeballing of the security camera?’ said Ren. ‘Any sense that he was trying to time-stamp his activity to prove he couldn’t have been elsewhere?’

      ‘Well, he looked up when he walked into the store,’ said Ruddock. ‘But he could have done that anyway.’

      ‘Did he always stop on his way to work?’ said Ren. ‘Like, I hate doing that – I want to get in my car – bam – arrive in work, no stops.’

      ‘Guess it depends on how long the journey is,’ said Ruddock. ‘His is an hour. But I didn’t ask him. I didn’t think it was significant.’

      ‘Clearly you still don’t,’ said Ren, smiling.

      Ruddock smiled back.

       Lovely smile.

      ‘What have you done in terms of a search?’ said Gary.

      ‘As much as we could in darkness last night,’ said Ruddock. ‘We have a search organized to start here at midday. We wanted to make that appeal at the press conference too, maximize volunteer numbers.’

      ‘What about the missing inmate?’ said Gary. ‘Could he be connected to this?’

      ‘Too early to say,’ said Ruddock. ‘His name is Franklin J. Merrifield – he’s eighteen months into a thirty-five year sentence for robbery, homicide, rape, and arson. He was admitted to Salem Hospital on Sunday because of a seizure, and escaped while he was there – the guard watching him was sleeping, but may have been drugged. Whether the seizure was faked, and this was all planned ahead of time, we don’t know. And seizure activity doesn’t always show up in EEGs. He had an appeal rejected just last month. His buddy cut a deal with the prosecution and had his sentence reduced to seventeen years.’

      ‘On what grounds was the appeal?’ said Ren.

      ‘Merrifield has maintained his innocence throughout,’ said Ruddock. ‘He admits to the robbery, but denies all other charges. He says he was going along for the ride, didn’t know his buddy was carrying a firearm. His appeal was on the grounds that the jury was poorly instructed on accomplice liability.’

      ‘When was Merrifield reported missing?’ said Gary.

      ‘Five p.m., Sunday,’ said Ruddock.

      ‘Do they believe he had help from someone in BRCI before he ever got to the hospital?’ said Ren.

      Ruddock nodded.

      ‘Any incidents between him and John Veir?’ said Ren.

      ‘Nothing we know about,’ said Ruddock.

      ‘Could we take a look at the Veirs’ questionnaires?’ said Gary.

      ‘Sure,’ said Ruddock. ‘I’ve got them right here.’

      He handed them the forms that every parent of a missing child fills out as soon as they make the initial report. Gary and Ren scanned them.

       John Veir, fifty-seven years old; born and raised in Tate, Oregon; joined the military in 1977, US Navy – 00D, married Teddy Veir in 2000; did one tour in Afghanistan; three tours in Iraq; one son – Caleb, born 2004; left the military in 2009, worked in different businesses around Tate, employed as a corrections officer in BRCI since 2010; mother deceased, father living in Madison, Wisconsin; one sister – Alice Veir, lawyer, living in Spokane, Washington.

       Teddy Veir, fifty-four years old; born and raised in Tate, Oregon; married John Veir in 2000; one son – Caleb, born 2004; works part-time in Gemstones, Tate, suffers from anxiety, no family living in the US, but has a brother and sister-in-law in Australia.

      ‘What’s 00D?’ said Ren.

      ‘Double-oh Delta,’ said Gary. ‘He was a navy diver.’

      Part of the questionnaire asked parents to name anyone they might want law enforcement to take a look at; anyone who might have given them a bad feeling or may have an issue with the family.

      ‘Teddy Veir’s written the names of five men she thinks we should take a look at,’ said Ren. ‘And John Veir has ten.’ She raised her eyebrows.

      ‘Well, some of his include former inmates at BRCI,’ said Ruddock. ‘We’re going through the list.’ He glanced at his wall clock. ‘The press conference is about to start. Let’s walk.’

      ‘OK,’ said Ren. ‘I was wondering – I saw a couple of black ribbons on the trees on the drive in …’

      ‘That’s not about Caleb,’ said