The Ox in 2017: Your Chinese Horoscope. Neil Somerville

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Название The Ox in 2017: Your Chinese Horoscope
Автор произведения Neil Somerville
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008205416

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5 February 1962 to 24 January 1963

      Rabbit 25 January 1963 to 12 February 1964

      Dragon 13 February 1964 to 1 February 1965

      Snake 2 February 1965 to 20 January 1966

      Horse 21 January 1966 to 8 February 1967

      Goat 9 February 1967 to 29 January 1968

      Monkey 30 January 1968 to 16 February 1969

      Rooster 17 February 1969 to 5 February 1970

      Dog 6 February 1970 to 26 January 1971

      Pig 27 January 1971 to 14 February 1972

      Rat 15 February 1972 to 2 February 1973

      Ox 3 February 1973 to 22 January 1974

      Tiger 23 January 1974 to 10 February 1975

      Rabbit 11 February 1975 to 30 January 1976

      Dragon 31 January 1976 to 17 February 1977

      Snake 18 February 1977 to 6 February 1978

      Horse 7 February 1978 to 27 January 1979

      Goat 28 January 1979 to 15 February 1980

      Monkey 16 February 1980 to 4 February 1981

      Rooster 5 February 1981 to 24 January 1982

      Dog 25 January 1982 to 12 February 1983

      Pig 13 February 1983 to 1 February 1984

      Rat 2 February 1984 to 19 February 1985

      Ox 20 February 1985 to 8 February 1986

      Tiger 9 February 1986 to 28 January 1987

      Rabbit 29 January 1987 to 16 February 1988

      Dragon 17 February 1988 to 5 February 1989

      Snake 6 February 1989 to 26 January 1990

      Horse 27 January 1990 to 14 February 1991

      Goat 15 February 1991 to 3 February 1992

      Monkey 4 February 1992 to 22 January 1993

      Rooster 23 January 1993 to 9 February 1994

      Dog 10 February 1994 to 30 January 1995

      Pig 31 January 1995 to 18 February 1996

      Rat 19 February 1996 to 6 February 1997

      Ox 7 February 1997 to 27 January 1998

      Tiger 28 January 1998 to 15 February 1999

      Rabbit 16 February 1999 to 4 February 2000

      Dragon 5 February 2000 to 23 January 2001

      Snake 24 January 2001 to 11 February 2002

      Horse 12 February 2002 to 31 January 2003

      Goat 1 February 2003 to 21 January 2004

      Monkey 22 January 2004 to 8 February 2005

      Rooster 9 February 2005 to 28 January 2006

      Dog 29 January 2006 to 17 February 2007

      Pig 18 February 2007 to 6 February 2008

      Rat 7 February 2008 to 25 January 2009

      Ox 26 January 2009 to 13 February 2010

      Tiger 14 February 2010 to 2 February 2011

      Rabbit 3 February 2011 to 22 January 2012

      Dragon 23 January 2012 to 9 February 2013

      Snake 10 February 2013 to 30 January 2014

      Horse 31 January 2014 to 18 February 2015

      Goat 19 February 2015 to 7 February 2016

      Monkey 8 February 2016 to 27 January 2017

      Rooster 28 January 2017 to 15 February 2018


      The names of the signs in the Chinese zodiac occasionally differ, although the characteristics of the signs remain the same. In some books the Ox is referred to as the Buffalo or Bull, the Rabbit as the Hare or Cat, the Goat as the Sheep and the Pig as the Boar.

      For the sake of convenience, the male gender is used throughout this book. Unless otherwise stated, the characteristics of the signs apply to both sexes.

      With his shrill cock-a-doodle-do, proud strutting and distinctive plumage, the Rooster is an impressive bird. He commands attention and, with his beady eyes, is always alert and summing up situations. And his vigilant nature will be seen in his own year.

      The Year of the Rooster promises much, but above all it calls for effort and hard work. Those who slack could feel the effects of the Rooster’s beak! Roosters have high standards and over the year important progress will be made.

      On the international stage there could be much posturing and flexing of military muscle. As a result there could be periods of tension in some areas, especially where there is a power vacuum or a strong surge of nationalism, but a lot of the posturing of the Rooster year is just for show and in many instances agreements will be brokered and tensions eased.

      A further feature of the year will be the increasing voice of some minorities. Long-standing resentment can surface and in some instances sweep away established orders. Some of the year will be unsettling and its effects – including on some national borders – far-reaching.

      Early in 2017 the newly elected American president will take office and be quick to exert their authority. Not only will they be keen to start on their own legislative programme but also eager to make their mark on American foreign policy. International developments early on in the Rooster year could lead to swift responses and set the tenor of the new administration. In addition, the Rooster year will see much dialogue between world leaders, with key issues being addressed, especially ones relating to global security, environmental concerns and trade. Some landmark treaties will be signed and their effect can be considerable.

      Within many nation states there will also be much internal dialogue and many decisions concerning policies and future directions. Rooster years can see much soul-searching and this process can be hastened by several prominent leaders standing aside.

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