Binary code Mystery number three. Artur Zadikyan

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Название Binary code Mystery number three
Автор произведения Artur Zadikyan
Год выпуска 2024

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at its core.

      …Otherwise, there are fears that under current development trends, Russia's combat capabilities could be significantly reduced.

      The general stopped speaking, looked around the room, put the papers in a folder, then turned to the audience.

      – Dear fellow soldiers, I have submitted my research for your judgment. If you have any questions, I am ready to answer them.

      There was silence in the hall, for some reason no one wanted to ask questions, everyone took the speakers' statements on faith or was embarrassed to be accused of illiteracy, ignorance, or fear of contradicting their "superiors". Rutra figured this out by the method of "mind-reading" by facial expressions, behavior, eye expressions and other indicators that are not available to ordinary people. Looking around and seeing this universal unanimity, Ruthra decided to break the established tradition. He raised his hand, and the announcer pointed at him with his pointer.

      – Do you have a question, Comrade Gagarin?

      "Oh! I'm being followed. Or do I have suspiciousness syndrome?" – Ruthra thought.

      – Yes, I would like to know what the current government has done wrong in what you listed; how much control do our military have over strategic nuclear forces? Can our rulers surrender the secret of ballistic missile launch control without the knowledge of the people? Maybe it's all a sham, maybe they'll just go out of control at the right moment? For example, as it happened in Iraq, with part of the military equipment based on foreign electronics, during the overthrow of Hussein.

      – Very relevant and interesting question. You can sense the level. You, my young friend, I have the right to call you that because of your age, have very correctly pointed out that it can be a sham. Why? Listen to the following and draw conclusions.

      He pulled a sheet out of a folder, looked it over, then looked into the audience, began to speak:

      – As is known, the START agreement was signed in Prague with Russia's dissenting opinion on missile defense, which is supposed to guarantee the impossibility of a unilateral gratuitous U.S. nuclear strike on Russian territory. These guarantees are allegedly provided by the Americans' refusal to build radars on the territory of Poland and the Czech Republic. In fact, after the U.S. creates mobile means of controlling nuclear materials on the basis of "Inspector" technologies transferred to them by the Russian side under the sanction of the Russian Security Council, the U.S. side will have an absolute possibility to intercept all warheads of our strategic missiles in case of a retaliatory strike on the U.S. territory, since these technologies allow not only to inspect, but also to destroy any nuclear systems. The Americans will simply no longer need any locators in Poland and the Czech Republic. We are talking about one of the directions of nuclear relativistic technologies, abbreviated as NRT, namely, the creation of the first effective beam weapon based on a proton gas pedal on the reverse wave. This gas pedal can be placed on the Russian AN-124 ("Ruslan") airplane. Within the framework of the contract between the U.S. CIA and the Russian side, a full range of theoretical and experimental studies was conducted with the involvement of a number of Russian organizations equipped with appropriate gas pedal equipment. The expertise was performed by the Los Alamos and Brookhaven National Laboratories of the United States. The interception of warheads directed toward the United States, if they have such an "inspection" system, is as follows. Space stations detect missile launches from enemy territory, decimeter long-range detection stations in Alaska, Greenland, and, as far as I remember, in England, take warheads for escort and transmit target designation to Ruslan mobile systems raised on alert over U.S. territory. "Ruslan" conduct irradiation of the combat order consisting of warheads and decoys, reject the decoys and then focused beam of protons destroy the warheads. And over their own territory. And there is no need to strain with all kinds of radars neither Poland, nor Czech Republic, nor Russia… and the defeat of the territory of an unarmed enemy, since we, unfortunately, are forbidden to engage in this system for ourselves. I hope that many things have become clear to everyone, including the fact that the option of complete surrender of remote control of nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles is possible, although I assure you that we as creators have taken care of this, so we need to prepare a replacement in the person of your generation.

      When he said this, the presenter became very worried, wary, wanted to warn him about something or stop his speech. I whispered to him:

      – That's it, that's it, that's enough.

      The general looked at him, blinked his two eyes as if signaling or agreeing, nodded approvingly, and sat back in his chair. It passed almost without meaning to the audience, but Ruthra caught the "bundle of information". A slight shiver ran through his body, and his hair rose slightly. He couldn't believe his ears, his mind kept repeating, "…we as creators took care of it." Ruthra couldn't listen to anything else, but he had to sit down for the sake of conspiracy.

      – Questions are desirable later, after all the speeches, write them down, and now I give the floor to our next, so to speak, fellow soldier, – restlessly announced the leader of the meeting.

      After giving the delegates a moment to reflect on what they had heard, the chief introduced the next speaker.

      – Dear friends, our next speaker is Nikolai Illarionovich Semeyko, a member of the security service of our bureau in fraternal Ukraine. I think there is no need to explain who needs enmity between two brotherly peoples, which was not even conceivable a short time ago. You have the floor, Mykola Illarionovich.

      Chairman, gestured to the microphone.

      – Hiya, brothers and sisters. The topic of my report is "The US Fed is pushing the world towards World War III". I will now give you many facts and reasons confirming my words, touch upon the situation in Ukraine, and you will decide for yourself why many events have happened, are happening and will happen. So, who benefits from war, who needs it, so to speak, as a method of existence? And the answer is simple. The war is necessary for the owners of the Federal Reserve System, for the large global financial capital. In Ukraine, processes are now taking place that lead to the unleashing of the Third World War. As I wrote, this is an attempt to weaken Russia and militarization of the economy combined with radicalization of national-patriotic sentiments.

      "Yes," Ruthra said to himself, "I expected more from you. And still he listened in places.

      – …Ukraine is included in the process of preparation for a world war. The economy is being militarized first. With the help of external funding from Britain, Israel, Canada and the United States, the population mobilized into the AFU is being trained in combat interaction with NATO units and weapons. In July, a military doctrine was adopted, where Russia was named as the main enemy, not even a potential, but a direct aggressor… This will be followed by a war for the return of Donbass or Crimea under control with a transition to a large-scale uncontrolled process – the beginning of the Third World War… Weakening of Russia by the conflict in Syria will give a real chance and reason to unleash a war in the West. In any case – the presence of several localized conflicts, in which Russia will be drawn, only more satisfies the solution of the task set for the U.S. foreign policy. To start, successfully complete the Third World War and collapse, taking control of the resources of Eurasia, Russia! The result will be the preservation of the architecture of international monetary relations created after World War II, led by the US Fed in the financial sphere and the US in the geopolitical sphere. We can firmly assert that Ukraine, carried away by global processes and led by its own government, is moving towards an imminent large-scale war. Who needs it – we have already found out. Thank you for your attention.

      After the last speaker, a break was announced, during which many people went to the organized buffet, smoke breaks, toilets and just to "stretch their legs". The meeting was heading towards the end of the main part, after which the organizers and members of the "top group" were to stay. Since Rutra was a "young fighter", he was not allowed to attend the final part, so, to his delight, he could leave. All that remained was to listen to the chairman's closing remarks. The break was over, the ZKRovtsy went into the hall. The chairman, without waiting for silence, began to speak.

      – Dear colleagues, I hope that, being already ideologically "savvy", you have once again realized who and what is opposing us. It is no exaggeration to say that they want to blur the boundary