Binary code: Mystery number one. Artur Zadikyan

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Название Binary code: Mystery number one
Автор произведения Artur Zadikyan
Год выпуска 2024

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thought it was a prank at first, but the situation was too serious for jokes. The pod sped past another station, which was exactly the same as the previous two. Ruthra oriented himself: the Knight call sign indicated that the stations had official names as well. It was customary in intelligence and military circles to use secret designations for facilities, towns, villages, military units, etc.; to contact a station, you had to give the operator a secret call sign.

      Where is the capsule going? Judging by what Vasilievich said, he figured that the capsule would return to where he sat in it.

      – Where is the capsule going? – Ruthra asked.

      – The capsule is not coming, the capsule is going," the voice replied.

      – Don't be so smart, tell me where the pod is going. – Ruthra said irritably.

      – The final destination is the Polygon facility. I am a computer, I answer according to the program, don't get angry.

      Ruthra took a deep exhale, calmed down, determined to make contact:

      – I understand you're an operator?

      Although Zero had employed a similar machine capable of supporting logical dialog, he had never had a conversation with it that way.

      The computer did not respond. Then Ruthra decided to emphasize the more important question:

      – What's "Polygon"? We have to go back.

      – Program set," the voice replied.

      – Where is this located? – Ruthra was outraged, though he tried to remain calm.

      – The Polygon Center is an advanced level training facility.

      – What level? I've had enough of my own.

      – I'm not authorized to answer that.

      – Where is it located?

      – The Polygon facility is located at paragraph 88.

      – 88? – Ruthra asked in surprise and annoyance.

      – 88," repeated a voice from the speakers.

      The capsule was traveling through a very long station, and it was not like the others: high ceiling, huge tubes partially embedded in the wall running in a semicircle along the walls. Ruthra realized that they were not tubes: incredibly, they were marked with ballistic missile markings. On exiting the station, the number 36 was painted on the wall. "When will it be 88?" – he thought. After running through several options in his mind, Rutra decided to check the "interlocutor".

      – Tell me all about Center Zero," he said.

      – The answer requires an eight-digit tolerance code.

      – All right, tell me what you're authorized to tell me.

      – About what, exactly?

      – Tell me about the Polygon point," Ruthra suggested.

      – The Polygon Center is used to enhance individuals," the computer replied briefly.

      – That's it?

      – That's it for you. For more information – you must give the eight-digit authorization code.

      – Where am I supposed to get it?

      – You should know it if you have a security clearance.

      – I guess I have clearance, but no code," Ruthra said, more to himself than to her. – Well, why do I need you as my interlocutor?

      – I can answer unclassified questions and I also monitor your well-being.

      – And how am I feeling? – Ruthra asked with some sarcasm.

      – Your parameters are normal," the computer mind replied calmly.

      – Unclassified questions – what are those for you?

      – They're not for me.

      It was no use getting angry, you had to ask in a way "she" understood.

      – What questions are unclassified? – Ruthra asked, hoping for a precise answer.

      This time the computer got it 'right', though it didn't help Ruthra. "She" said:

      – I can answer any publicly available questions from open databases and some about ongoing processes.

      – Can you get on the internet?

      – Yeah, that's absolutely right.

      – Can you put on some music?

      – I can.

      – How much more time is needed to reach station number 88?

      – Another 32 minutes and 19 seconds," the computer replied with extreme precision.

      – Is there any destination information you can give me?

      – Not without an access code.

      Ruthra considered it useless to dialog further.

      – Turn on the Discover Trance radio station," he asked.

      – I'm on it.

      A dynamic melody began to play in the capsule. Ruthra decided to gather his thoughts, to analyze what was happening.


      Soon enough, the capsule stopped. The door opened. A man in a strange jumpsuit, white gloves, and a face mask (like a doctor's) opened the capsule's hatch.

      – Come out," he said with absolutely no emotion.

      There was something familiar and yet mysterious in his gaze. Ruthra stepped out, looked around, and asked:

      – Where am I?" cried Ruthra.

      – Follow me. Don't shout," the man in overalls said calmly. – You are nobody here, only three people know that you are here.

      – Who are these three men?

      – The one who sent, the one who met, and the one we are going to.

      – What is your rank? – Ruthra asked in a commanding voice.

      – My name is Ruthra, come along," he said. – You will soon get over it.

      – How!?

      Ruthra looked closely at the stranger and realized that it was an exact replica of him. He looked anxiously into the eyes of the man in all white and asked quietly:

      – What's going on?

      There was no response. The doppelganger turned around, heading for the door on the opposite side. Ruthra saw that everything around him was white, like an operating room.

      – What the hell is this all about, I demand an answer!

      – Come on, I told you, it'll pass soon.

      – What will pass? Who are you? Where am I? I demand communication with Center Zero! – Rutra shouted.

      The doppelganger walked ahead, and Ruthra followed him, or rather, he caught up with him and tried to make him answer questions. They reached a door that blended in with the wall, like everything else here. Ruthra-2 stood in front of the scanner, a red beam appeared, and the door opened. Behind it was a large vestibule (like a freight elevator).

      – Come in," the doppelganger said.

      Ruthra entered and waited for the man in white to enter as well, but it never happened.

      – Take your clothes off.

      – Why? – Ruthra asked.

      – Take your clothes off!

      Rutra wanted to get out, but at that moment a spark flashed at eye level and an electric shock ran through his body. Pain shot through his body and Rutra fell down, he was slightly concussed.

      – What's going on here, who are you, who's in charge? – Ruthra struggled to speak, stood up and prepared to attack his copy.

      – Take off your clothes," the doppelganger repeated