Binary code: Mystery number one. Artur Zadikyan

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Название Binary code: Mystery number one
Автор произведения Artur Zadikyan
Год выпуска 2024

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and not, for example, General Ivashov. Apparently, he did not yet know the secret meaning of the ranking list and his mission in Zero.

      It was not easy to get through to Ivashov's office. He had to pass through two automated stations, the ZAS special communications station and the encryption-coding department. Rutra didn't have clearance yet, so the general came out to meet him and escorted him to his office.

      As he entered his office, Ruthra noticed through the ajar door to the P station compartment that it was a sort of miniature movie theater – no rows of seats, but a huge screen and a control panel with a ball-shaped apparatus covered with oval, touch screens in the center.

      – This is the central post of the Perimeter system," explained the post commander.

      Whether he wanted to show that he had no secrets from Ruthra, or whether he realized that soon Ruthra would not only have clearance everywhere, but would be checking and controlling the posts, or whatever, Ruthra was not overly curious.

      – I'm interested in the autonomous control and command system. There's nothing about it in the package.

      – It's top secret," Ivashov replied, not seeming surprised at Rutra's reluctance to see the post itself. – Some of the information is transmitted only orally!

      – Could it be? – Ruthra asked without embarrassment, trying not to offend his interlocutor.

      – That's the point! At least the documents for this part are written in such a way that they don't reveal everything about it. According to the instructions created by those who created and brought the system into combat, the key controls are transmitted orally. I received them verbally, too, and will only pass them on verbally. Those are the instructions. Also, the holder of the information does not know who else has the information. I know for a fact that there are several redundant systems, but who is in them is not supposed to know. It will be up to the committee to decide to whom I will pass the information, but the other duplicators will not know about it.

      – But the committee knows about it, right?

      – Makes sense, but I don't know exactly.

      – Who's on the committee?

      – More on that later. It's a separate clearance. The Committee is no less complex than an autonomous control and command system. Some of the information there is anonymized.

      – How's that?

      – If you are admitted and happen to be present at the gathering, you will be very surprised. In the meantime, listen up. This is a complex expert system, equipped with multiple communication systems and sensors that monitor the combat situation. This system monitors the presence and intensity of conversations on the air on military frequencies, the receipt of telemetry signals from the posts, the level of radiation on the surface and in the vicinity, the regular occurrence of point sources of powerful ionizing and electromagnetic radiation at key coordinates, coinciding with the sources of short-term seismic disturbances in the Earth's crust, which corresponds to the pattern of multiple ground nuclear strikes, the presence of live people at the command post. Based on the correlation of these factors, the system makes a final decision on the need for a retaliatory strike. There is another variant of the system's operation. Upon receiving information about the first signs of a missile attack, the Commander-in-Chief puts the system into combat mode. After that, if within a certain time the command center of the system does not receive a signal to stop the combat algorithm, command missiles are launched. This is where the interesting part comes in. What is the combat mode?

      – How's that?

      – Here we go. At first, we did everything by the book. Every four hours, the codes change. The system resets the download and starts over. It's monitored by all the understudies and someone else! If any of the posts on schedule duty miss even a minute, an alarm goes off, and the codes are changed by one of the understudies, and the one who missed is classified. That is, nothing else is known about him. The most interesting thing is that in order to test the system, maintenance was once conducted under the new instructions. An emergency occurred during the maintenance. According to the instructions, the Cheget and Kazbek systems were switched off and they were de-energized. The commands came from the post of the object "Zero", that is, from us, or rather – from me, to whom all understudies are subordinated. Everything went smoothly, without fail, but after the moment of code change, which had not been changed, because the tests were in progress and the time of change was shifted, the system suddenly gave a command to the combat mode.

      – Was it supposed to be different?

      – You see, the autonomous control and command system was de-energized, we didn't enter a command, the system had nowhere to get an order.

      – So what?

      – Everyone's in shock. What do we do? Confirmation signals are coming in from all stations. The commander-in-chief is on the line: "What's the matter?" Submarines, missile sites are requesting confirmation or cancelation! My hair is standing on end! No one was really in such a situation. Although the launch training was going on in such a way that everyone was so sure of himself that he would have made a decision without hesitation. Everything was mixed up in my head. What if there was a malfunction, a mistake, a test, a drill? Time is running into seconds. I give the command to urgently shut down the phase and enter new codes. The thing is, the whole system was under routine maintenance. The decision was made at the top, that is, at the bottom. You know what I mean. There was no one to argue with.

      – Why?

      The general looked at Rutra surprised, not answering the question, he continued:

      – Perimeter" requests "Cheget" and "Kazbek", but there is silence. We wait for a request directly to the post to confirm the presence of a person, i.e. to manually give the command "Stand down", and then it turns itself off. And the automatics records in the log that the command to disconnect was from a person. Who gave the command? At first we thought it was the understudies. We're waiting to see who will be sent to the "grave". A large gathering is announced. The question is raised: who made such a regulation? Specifically unknown. From official positions – the head of the Ministry of Defense, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces and Commander-in-Chief – refer to the requirement of the developer of the system. All those who had anything to do with it, veiledly hint that it is necessary to deal with the specialists of NPO "Impulse", on whose recommendation the regulations were changed. That is with the specialists of the Zero Center, because in this situation our specialists acted under the legend of this enterprise. You should know that by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation NPO "Impulse" was determined to be the leading organization for creation of automated control systems for the benefit of the Russian Armed Forces. Those responsible for Cheget and Kazbek report that the command came through an internal closed line. That it was coordinated and approved by the top leadership. It is not known who or what gave the command "Stand down". We had to close the case and deal with it quietly. That is, to take the blow on ourselves, declaring that there was no failure, the system worked according to its program. We appointed a guilty person for misinterpretation of the functionality of the stages of routine work, which was the reason for the fuss. Everything was settled, settled, but the questions remained. It is impossible to hide it completely. That's why "specialists" of NPO "Impulse" had to write a report about possible failures in the system due to interference from an unknown source. Admiral Hent says that after he conducts an internal investigation at the Zero facility, we will reconvene. The investigation isn't finished yet, though a reassembly is scheduled in a couple days. So time is short…

      The general was silent again, thinking.

      – What?" Ruthra asked warily.

      A certain Admiral Hent, whom only the "veterans" of Center Zero knew, was an unknown, mythical person for Rutra. And if Vasilievich said that Zero was an international supranational organization that analyzed information flows from all intelligence services, including "hostile" ones, then who could this Hent be? His level Rutra was still imagining in the abstract.

      – It would be surprising to me if you didn't have questions," the head of the "P" department finally spoke up.

      – How, after your story…

      – So