Binary code: Mystery number one. Artur Zadikyan

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Название Binary code: Mystery number one
Автор произведения Artur Zadikyan
Год выпуска 2024

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but a little simpler. There was no pompous beauty or large spaces. At each station Yuri Vasilyevich told what strategic object it was connected with, what it served. It was a city within a city. All strategically important organizations had their duplicate centers in Metro-2. Warehouses, factories, communication centers, military storage facilities were scattered over a huge area upstairs and secretly interlocked through Metro-2 downstairs.

      On the wall of one of the stations hung a diagram of both subways, secret and civilian, with their adjacent communications. "Metro-2" was much larger in diameter than the regular subway.


      On one of the usual working days, Zhidkov came to Rutra's office. It was clear from the expression on his face that Vasilievich was preoccupied with something.

      – Hello, Rutra Tigrovic.

      – Hello, Yuri Vasilyevich. Is something wrong?

      – Almost.

      – Nothing momentous, I hope?

      – The fateful thing has already happened.

      Ruthra didn't answer or ask any questions. He waited for the chief to continue.

      – You've probably realized by now that our special treaty with those whom ordinary citizens know as opposing parties looks not like a treaty, but a conspiracy.

      – Maybe. How could it be otherwise? This whole scene is played out in the way people are used to historically understand the events.

      – What I'm about to say is not for us to talk about. All the more so, it is not campaigning. However, I can, by virtue of my age and record, say it. Whatever treaties are proclaimed, there is a concept of rulers and those over whom the rulers have authority.

      – What are you talking about, Yuri Vasilyevich?

      – You have already realized, moreover – you have access to information, that many events that have already happened and that will still happen are not a priori what ordinary people think about them.

      – Well, that's what we are. People like a show with a good ending, so we make it happen.

      – Yes, but who harvests the harvest?

      – Reaper.

      – You've certainly heard of many narratives, so it won't be news to you much of what the modern world is based on. However, don't forget that we do this sort of thing for society. Just in whose interest?

      Ruthra realized that Vasilievich was preparing to resign, or rather, he was being prepared to resign, so he decided to pour his heart out. Although such organizations around the world were strictly clan-based, they recruited only those who, if they were against the system, would be de facto figures against themselves. It was a complex, hidden, shrouded in secrecy hierarchy, the existence of which was strictly concealed. It could not be otherwise. Because those who seized power also created structures inside the main controlling body of the country or countries, so that the real controlling structure was not known to anyone. Naturally, strangers were not taken there. Thus, clans were created that no one saw or heard.

      Ruthra realized that Vasilievich wanted to share information from this series. He looked at the colonel silently and waited for him to continue.

      – Look, Rutra, there's something similar in the The Committee of 300. Don't think it's a freelance piece of writing, because it was written by a career intelligence officer. I can't help but recount some of it to you, especially since I worked on the Echelon One program with Coleman. He makes it clear there that their goal is to enslave most of the people left on Earth after wars, disasters, and mass murder. Intelligence agents have a rule you learn well, "The best way to hide something is to put it in a conspicuous place." While secret agents were gathering intelligence, the information they were after was lying right under their noses. Often, they play out the spectacle while conspiracy-crazed cranks spend their time looking for those conspiracies in the wrong place and in the wrong direction. The most informed part of our society realizes that a conspiracy exists, this conspiracy hides under various names. Real information about the activities of the members of the invisible government is very difficult to obtain. After Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States, an important meeting was held in Washington in December 1980 under the auspices of the Club of Rome and the Socialist International. Both of these organizations are directly subordinate to the Committee. It is necessary to understand why nuclear power is so hated around the world, and why the fictitious "environmental" movement created and financed by the Club of Rome is being used to wage war against nuclear power. With the help of nuclear power to generate huge amounts of cheap electricity, third world countries would gradually become independent of US financial aid and begin to assert their sovereignty. The electricity produced by nuclear power plants is the key to bringing developing countries out of that backward state.

      – So it's all about the money?

      – Yes, in money and power. Or rather, power. Money can be printed, and power always gives you the opportunity to justify it. I hope you know what I mean. I'm gonna go. You think about it. You'll encounter a lot of things, you'll realize that this world is owned by specific individuals. I'll see you later.

      – See you later, Yuri Vasilyevich.

      The warden got up with difficulty and went to his room. "What did he mean to say? About what he knew, knows, or will find out?" – Ruthra pondered.

      Chapter 5. Who is nobody?

      After the last meeting, the contents of which Ruthra was still pondering, his supervisor came in on his regular work shift, after a walk through the hall and departments.

      – Good afternoon, Tigrovich," Zhidkov greeted him.

      – Good afternoon, Yuri Vasilyevich," Rutra said.

      – Here's a new set of documents, put those aside for now," he said, holding out the package. – Documentarily, we can refer to different services. At this stage, to perform the tasks required by the last developed program, we will be referred to GUSP.

      – Is this the president's office? – Rutra clarified.

      – Yes," confirmed the chief. – At first it will be unusual for you that a structural unit checks and controls the center.

      – Are we going to audit the administration?

      – Including. Listen to the introduction. GUSP – Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation.

      Zhidkov was silent for a moment, then added:

      – That's the way it is. Now I'm going to start educating you on another subject. Do you have any tea, coffee? Pour. I need to get you up to speed. You'll have another line of work.

      – What exactly? – Ruthra asked, shifting his eyebrows.

      – Listen to the next story.

      Rutra brewed coffee, opened a bar of chocolate, and poured it for Vasilievich.

      – In order for you to better understand the process of Echelon-1 and Echelon-2, I will tell you about a story that you probably know from a different angle, so to speak. And the angle is as follows: the architect of the world dollar system was a secret agent of the Kremlin!

      Rutra raised his eyebrows in surprise, but did not ask any questions. Vasilievich continued:

      – In 1944, the famous Bretton Woods Conference of the anti-Hitler coalition countries was held in the United States, where the dollar was declared the main world currency. The Soviet delegation also voted in favor of the dollar. Nowadays it seems incredible!

      Shortly before Bretton Woods, Moscow received a secret message from Washington from agent Donald Maclean. Maclean worked as the first secretary of the British Embassy in the United States! U.S. plans to dollarize the planet Stalin knew in advance. The head of the American delegation at Bretton Woods, Harry Dexter White, who developed the idea of the buck as the main world currency, was also an agent of the Kremlin.

      – No