I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire. Boris Borisovich Shabrin

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Название I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire
Автор произведения Boris Borisovich Shabrin
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785006094703

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a chance encounter, if you will. I was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

      Fose: Can you elaborate on that?

      Dracula: Elaborate? Very well. I was a warrior, fighting for my country and my people. I was a man of honor and principle, unlike most of the weak-minded fools of this era. One day, I stumbled upon a cave in the Carpathian Mountains. Inside, I found the vampire, slumbering in his coffin. It was then that fate decided to intervene.

      Fose: And what happened next?

      Dracula’s eyes glinted with a cold, detached amusement as he considered the magician’s question. What happened next is none of your business, he drawled, a sardonic smirk playing at the corners of his lips. Suffice it to say that the vampire turned me into a vampire, and my life was forever changed.

      He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest as he regarded the magician with a calculating gaze. You can’t even begin to comprehend the magnitude of that change, he continued, his voice dripping with contempt. I became immortal, with powers beyond the comprehension of mere mortals. I could move faster than the blink of an eye, sense things that no human could ever detect, and crush a man’s skull with a single blow.

      A flicker of something almost resembling regret passed over his features, but it was gone in an instant. But with great power comes great responsibility, he intoned, his voice low and deadly serious. I had to learn to control my thirst for blood. I had to learn to exist in a world that I was no longer a part of. And I had to learn to do it alone.

      He leaned forward, his piercing gaze fixing the magician in place like a butterfly pinned to a board. Do you have any idea what it’s like to live for centuries, never aging, never changing, always on the outside looking in? he demanded. To watch as entire civilizations rise and fall, as empires crumble to dust and new ones take their place? To see the same mistakes repeated over and over again, with no hope of ever seeing true progress?

      He chuckled darkly, a sound like shards of ice raining down on glass. You humans are so limited in your scope, he said, a note of contempt creeping into his voice once again. You see only what’s right in front of you, never looking beyond the horizon to the infinite possibilities that lie beyond. But I…I have seen it all. And let me tell you, mortal, it’s not a pretty sight.

      Fose: Impressive! Can you tell me about the nature of the vampire who turned you?

      Dracula’s eyes glinted dangerously as he regarded Fose. The nature of the vampire? he repeated incredulously, as though the question itself was beneath him. You humans always want to categorize and label everything, don’t you? But some things are simply beyond your comprehension.

      He paused for a moment, as if considering whether to reveal any more. Finally, he spoke again, his voice low and menacing. The vampire who turned me was no ordinary creature. He was powerful, cunning, and ancient, with a hunger for blood that could never be satiated. He had been alive for centuries, perhaps even millennia, and he had seen things that would drive a mortal mad.

      Dracula’s voice grew colder, his eyes glinting with a fierce intensity. But make no mistake, he warned, he was no friend of mine. He saw something in me, some potential for darkness and destruction, and he exploited it. He turned me into a monster, a creature cursed to roam the night, forever hungering for the blood of the living.

      As he spoke, the air around them seemed to grow chillier, and Fose couldn’t help but feel a shiver run down his spine. Dracula’s power was palpable, and his rage was all-consuming. It was as though he were reliving that fateful night, the moment when his life had been forever changed. And in that moment, Fose knew that he was in the presence of true evil.

      Fose: And how did you react to the transformation?

      Dracula: How did I react? I was terrified, of course. I had become something that I had previously thought was only a myth. But I soon realized the advantages of my new state. I was stronger, faster, and more powerful than any mortal. And I was immortal, free to roam the earth for eternity. It was a gift and a curse, all rolled into one.

      Fose: Thank you for your time, Dracula.

      Dracula: Don’t thank me, mortal. Your time is fleeting, and your existence is meaningless. But I suppose I should commend you for your feeble attempt at understanding the complexities of my life.

      Reasons for Vlad’s selection

      Fose: Dracula, I’m curious about the more circumstances surrounding your transformation into a vampire. What do you think made you stand out to the vampire who turned you?

      Dracula: What could have possibly made me stand out to the vampire who chose to bestow the curse of immortality upon me? Was it my cunning, my ruthlessness, my unquenchable thirst for power and blood? Or was it something deeper, something hidden beneath the surface, something that even I myself have yet to fully comprehend?

      You see, my dear magician, there are many theories as to why I was chosen. Some say it was my bravery in battle, others claim it was my unwavering loyalty to my people. Perhaps it was the mere fact that I was a prince, with a lineage that stretched back centuries. Or perhaps, and this is just speculation mind you, the vampire who turned me saw something within me that no one else could. A spark, a glimmer of potential that was just waiting to be unleashed.

      But then again, who knows? Maybe it was just a whim of fate, a roll of the cosmic dice that landed me squarely in the path of this ancient creature. Whatever the case may be, I can say with certainty that my life was forever changed by that fateful night. And now, as I stand here before you, centuries later, I can’t help but wonder… what would have happened if I had never been turned? What kind of man would I be today? Would I still be a prince, or would I have met some other fate? These are questions that will never be answered, my dear magician. But then again, maybe that’s just the nature of life… full of mysteries and unanswered questions, just waiting to be uncovered.

      Fose: Fascinating. And was there any particular purpose behind your transformation? Did the vampire who turned you have some grand plan in mind?

      Dracula: Ah, the purpose of my transformation, a question that has haunted me for centuries. I cannot discount the possibility that there was a greater purpose behind my transformation. Perhaps the vampire who turned me foresaw some role that I would play in the grand scheme of things. Some part to be played in the great cosmic drama that unfolds around us all. Or perhaps he simply saw in me a vessel through which he could express his own dark desires and ambitions.

      But regardless of the reasons behind my transformation, I have come to accept it as a part of who I am. A part of the endless cycle of life and death, of predator and prey, that defines the world of the vampire. And though I may never fully understand the motivations of the vampire who turned me, I can take comfort in the knowledge that I am a creature of power and immortality, destined to walk the earth for all eternity.

      Rituals or processes involved

      Fose: Dracula, can you tell us about any rituals or processes that were involved in your transformation into a vampire? Were there any specific ceremonies or preparations that were required, or whether there were any specific items or tools involved in the process?

      Dracula: Ah, the transformation. It was not a mere process or ritual, but rather a culmination of events that led to my rebirth as a vampire. It was not something that could be achieved by a simple ceremony or a set of preparations. It was a journey that took me through the depths of darkness and the heights of enlightenment.

      Fose: Can you elaborate on that? What do you mean by depths of darkness and heights of enlightenment?

      Dracula: Ah, the depths of darkness and the heights of enlightenment. These are the two poles between which the journey to becoming a vampire oscillates. The depths of darkness represent the innermost depths of one’s being, where the primordial instincts reside. It is the place where one confronts their