The alien visitor's revelation. Александр Александрович Воробьёв

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Название The alien visitor's revelation
Автор произведения Александр Александрович Воробьёв
Год выпуска 2014

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I mean, it has not approach to its way out of hell, owing to its bad karma. The same thing goes for many emperors and kings, especially the medieval ones. Notably, that it is very hard to pass all the limbos starting from this sub-level, meanwhile it is extremely close to the horrendous area (so-called ‘zero’ level or the 9th sub-level). As I told you before, its temperature is below absolute zero, and it causes irreversible processes within the physical state of a soul. It further leads to informational erasing of personal ‘self’, and thus that building block of creation (pra-matter) remains pristine. Then the incarnation cycle of this pra-matter particle will be repeated, starting from a plant, then an animal, and finishing with a human being. However, the data field of the Real Universe will copy all the cycle of its past incarnation until latest events. Thus, its previous personal ‘self’ will exist in the static state.”

      “This was a short description of hell. But I am saying again, each sub-level of hell refers to an entire philosophical concept, and if you describe it with respect to moral, spiritual, and imaginative planes, it will turn out to be separate books.”

      2.2 My insight of the ‘heaven threshold’ – the level of the Real Universe that is most inhabited by human beings.

      “Anna, your explanation of what stands for hell is quite clear. But what stands for the 2nd level’s sub-level within the Real Universe? What is so-called ‘heaven threshold’?” I asked Anna.

      “Alex, my friend, the major part of human beings is stuck on the 2nd level, so it’s not the time to feel down. Your civilization is very young, may be even too young. Its paradox is that your earthborn civilization has achieved great technical progress, even though your nations alienate each other, and total standards of living are low. Such an evolution cannot be found in any other part of the Universe, at least we don’t know other intelligent creatures following such strange evolutional path. For this reason, evolution on Earth is unique. It turns out to be both progressive and regressive for human beings, and their spiritual development. In simple words, you ‘shift from one foot to another’, while the moral aspects of your spiritual evolution rapidly fall down. At the moment we record extreme occupancy of hell by dead souls, and this leads to its expansion within the data field of the Real Universe. This process may become unrecoverable. This is why all developed civilizations sound the alarm. In order to recover the situation with Earth, we take all possible measures, which do not interfere in evolutional laws of Universe. Execution of these measures is governed by the Galactic Council, which consists of spiritually developed cosmic civilizations. Your book is going to be one of these measures. Its function is to finally reveal truth (not fiction) to the human race, and open the secret of creation and evolutional mechanisms, using a simple and understandable language.”

      “But friend, let’s revert to our subject, and the role of the 2nd level in evolution of a human being.”

      “First three sub-levels are occupied by beings of low degree of spiritual evolution. Their selfishness overwhelms total dedication in the name of love and kindness. In short terms, each sub-level of the 2nd level possess their typical characteristics.”

      “The 1st sub-level refers to primitive egoism, when the main survival principal is ‘might is right’. This sub-level is the subject to incarnation of animals on Earth, but this is a separate topic, and I will not focus on it now.”

      “The 2nd sub-level refers to partial egoism, when human beings’ selfishness is aimed towards particular individuals. For example, a tribal leader may avoid being selfish towards particular tribe members due to the instinct of self-preservation or other senses, but selfishness will be surely aimed to the others”.

      “The 3rd sub-level refers to civilized egoism, when human beings move up their career ladders at the expense of the others. Here I can notice great desire of individual ‘self’ to get material benefits. This is so-called astral sub-level. I will tell you more details about it shortly.”

      “The 4th sub-level refers to hyper religiousness and non-desire to do socially useful work. Don’t mix this sub-level up with the 3rd level of the Real Universe, where human beings use their religiousness and spiritual goodness in order to spread kindness, sympathy, and faith in the bright future.”

      “The 5th sub-level refers to anxiety for knowledge, including technical and human sciences, which develop personal creativity. Meanwhile, sometimes the concerns for family may be ignored.”

      “The 6th sub-level refers to desire to assist surrounding persons, including family and beloved ones, based on the knowledge and socially useful work. Here appears sacrifice. There is no selfishness on this sub-level.”

      “Let’s see a simple example. An illiterate peasant survives by his own labor, feeds his family, and lives in harmony with nature. He always welcomes his guests, and he is ready to help people. In compliance with his spiritual evolution, his soul will get on the 6th sub-level, after he dies. But if his egoism overweighed his sympathy and charity, his soul would get on the 2nd sub-level. So, the factor, determining of each human being’s evolution, refers to their spirituality and morality, as well as their desire for knowledge, and creative labor. These are the mandatory conditions of spiritual evolution of each human being in its ongoing incarnations.”

      “The 7th sub-level refers to spiritually developed human beings, which have succeeded in intellectual and cultural aspects. These beings constantly search for life purpose within the carnal life plane. These people are very responsive to all kinds of injustice, and they are ready to protect the weak. They are very kind inside, and they don’t have many demands for themselves, while they will do best for their families. Sacrifice is a part of their characters.”

      “But let us revert back to the role of creativity in spiritual evolution of a human being. This is the property of personal ‘self’, which allows a human being of the 7th sub-level to transfer to the 3rd level of the Real Universe, provided that a human being is full of spiritual kindness. You may ask whether a human being, possessing the kindness and sympathy, but lacking any erudition, may continue its evolution on the 3rd level. Yes, it can. There is no inconsistency here. Kindness and sympathy also refer to creative processes in the course of every human being’s spiritual evolution. It is no less important than the creativity, based on cognition of the laws of creation. One property of a soul may prevail over the other, and these properties may continue soul’s evolution on the 3rd level. In practice, the 3rd level stands for paradise of the Real Universe. How many human beings have reached this level in the course of their spiritual evolution? Their number is miserable; they form an insignificant part of inhabitants of Earth. In reality, spiritual evolution of the human race ‘stands still’. I even notice its tendency to revert to the 1st level, for the reasons I told you before. If we name those people, whose spiritual evolution has brought them on the 3rd level, they will be: patriarch Alexy II of Moscow1, Elizabeth II2, Václav Havel3, mother Teresa4, and Pope John Paul II5. But notably, you don’t have to be a President or a top religious figure, in order to continue your spiritual evolution on higher level. It is enough to possess creativity together with the desire to relieve distress, owing to your kindness, and sympathy. Within the 4th level there are exactly collective beings with their collective ‘selves’, which push spiritual evolution of personal ‘self’. In reality, collective ‘self’ and personal ‘self’ seem to merge into one, and enrich personal ‘self’ with creativity, possessed by other personal ‘selves’, which will in total compose a collective being. Wisdom, kindness, creativity, and accumulated knowledge of creativity laws: all this merges into one collective ‘self’. Will a collective being further incarnate in the carnal plane of life? No. Collective beings perform other duties, while their fragments may reincarnate within the three-dimensional reality, if this is necessary. The main role of collective beings is to arrange the conditions of spiritual


The 15th Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus', the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church.


The Queen of the United Kingdom.


The first President of the Czech Republic.


The Albanian-Indian Roman Catholic nun and missionary honored in the Catholic Church as Saint Teresa of Calcutta.


The head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 1978 to 2005.