Traffic safety organization and transportation process. A. Yu. Timkova

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Название Traffic safety organization and transportation process
Автор произведения A. Yu. Timkova
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785006010987

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of the Russian Federation on the topic under consideration include Decree of March 1, 2011 N 248 “Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its territorial organs.”

      More detail conveyance process regulated special government decrees By issues transportation cargo. TO these include the resolution of April 23, 1994 N 372 “On measures By ensuring security at transportation dangerous cargo by road”, as well as the decision of April 15, 2011 N 272 “About approval Rules transportation cargo automotive transport.” Passenger transportation regulated resolution Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2009 N 112 “On approval Rules transportation passengers And luggage automotive transport And urban ground electric transport.” government decrees regulated And other Aspects transportation processes. As of January 1, 2016, more than 40 regulations on these questions.

      Formulated federal laws And government decrees legal base automotive transportation complemented normative legal acts federal bodies executive authorities – ministries transport, internal affairs, healthcare, education and science.

      Special authorized federal executive body authority in the field of transport is the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federations (Ministry of Transport Russia). Position about this Ministry The Government of the Russian Federation approved on July 30, 2004 by its Decree No. 395Motor transport legislation. State and practice of application. According to given position, Ministry transport RF is federal body executive authorities V areas transport. He is charged with the functions of developing state policy and regulatory legal regulation V transport areas, including automotive And urban electric transport, security transport security And implementation organizational and legal activities By management movement on automotive roads. TO powers ministries transport RF relate Also coordination And control activities subordinate to him Federal services By supervision V sphere transport, Federal road agencies, Federal railway transport agency and the Federal Maritime Agency And river transport. So the way How directly, So And through named state bodies Ministry transport RF ensures the regulation of all modes of transport for the benefit of societies and states.

      IN Regulations O Ministry transport Russian Federations fixed his concrete authority, implementation which defines behavior of individuals and activities of legal entities in the transport sphere. Total such powers more eighty. At this near twenty from them intended For regulation activities persons, owning And exploiting road transport facilities. So, Ministry transport RF claims rules transportation passengers luggage And cargo on basis And in performance transport statutes And codes, establishes forms of forms of certificates and cards admission on transport facilities For implementation intercity automotive transportation, A Also form statements O admission To implementation international automotive transportation, claims model vocational training programs in the field of international automotive transportation, order extradition special permissions on implementation international transportation dangerous cargo, order extradition evidence O preparing drivers road transport funds, carrying dangerous cargo, And statements courses such preparation.

      TO powers ministries transport RF Also relate definition order holding exam And extradition evidence O professional preparing consultants By issues security transportation dangerous cargo automotive transport, establishing order extradition evidence O admission road transport funds To transportation dangerous cargo, statement rules categorization automotive tunnels Adoption acts, determining scroll measures to train employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, implementing transportation automotive transport And urban ground electric transport To safe work And transport funds To safe operation. Ministry establishes periodicity holding relevant checks, acts, defining professional And qualifying requirements To employees legal persons And individual entrepreneurs, implementing transportation automotive transport and urban ground electric transport, defines order passing professional selection And professional training by the specified employees who are hired for work related to movement (management) transport funds, A Also order design planned scheduled assignments on verification transport funds V process their exploitation And content such assignments. Should Also Mark, What Ministry transport RF granted right develop And approve rules ensure security transportation passengers and cargo by road and urban ground electric transport.

      Realizing listed authority, Ministry transport RF by its order dated January 15, 2014 N approved the named Rules and scroll activities By preparing workers legal persons And individual entrepreneurs, implementing transportation automotive transport And ground electric transport To safe work And transport funds To safe operation. Data normative legal act To requirements By ensuring security transportation passengers And cargo subjects transport activities assigned requirement about providing compliance vehicles used in the process of operation, the requirements legislation Russian Federations O technical regulation, A also the requirement to ensure safe conditions for the transportation of passengers And cargo, including transportation V special conditions.

      IN Rules defined directions activities By implementation fixed V them requirements. Security professional competence And professional suitability drivers achieved holding professional selection And professional training drivers, health monitoring of drivers, compliance with the regime labor And recreation V process their work, passing briefing By security transportation. IN these purposes Ministry transport RF entrusted on legal persons And individual entrepreneurs, implementing V Russian Federations activity, related With exploitation transport funds, destined For transportation passengers And cargo (Further – subjects transport activity), the following responsibilities:

      – ensure control of the health status of vehicle drivers funds;

      – Not admit To management transport means persons, located V able alcoholic, narcotic or other intoxication;

      – organize conducting obligatory medical inspections of drivers and respond to their results, up to the suspension from work;

      – provide control compliance established legislation regime working time And time recreation drivers.

      Goals ensure security transportation passengers And cargo serve Also messages O reasons And circumstances occurrence road transport incidents O places location points medical and technical assistance, dispatch control centers movement transport funds, intelligence O okay connections With these points.

      The subjects of transport activities must conduct with drivers introductory, pre-trip, seasonal and special briefings. First view briefing is carried out when they are hired, the second – during transportation children and dangerous goods, bulky and heavy goods, the third – V spring-summer And autumn-winter period, fourth – V case threats committing terrorist acts And other dangerous situations.

      IN Rules differentially fixed requirements To secure conditions transportation of passengers and goods. Wherein paragraphs 33—60 describe the features of the placement and securing of goods. In paragraphs 61—87 defined requirements To ensuring safe conditions organizations transportation passengers. Simultaneously V p.61 established, What routes regular transportation passengers buses organized on automotive roads I – III categories.

      Subjects transport activities, implementing regular transportation passengers obliged provide everyone driver track leaf, schedule (schedule) movements By route regular transportation, a route diagram indicating dangerous areas. They have to control compliance schedules (graphic arts) movements And norms the maximum capacity of vehicles, as well as the compliance of the path movements transport funds established routes regular transportation.

      The Rules clearly outline the requirements for ensuring security transportation passengers And cargo V special conditions, To which relate transportation By winter roads, off-road, crossings through aquatic barriers, transportation on routes passing in mountainous areas. Such transportation may carried out only at condition notifications organizations, who exploit the named difficult sections of roads and crossings, with taking into account air temperature, ice strength, time of day, operating mode crossings, infrastructure plots roads and road markup.

      Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2014 N 7 approved the second Regulation in the form of a List of activities for the preparation