Prognostic function of octanalysis. Henry Vitton

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Название Prognostic function of octanalysis
Автор произведения Henry Vitton
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005960382

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posthumously became one of the most famous and influential figures in Western art history. In a decade, he created about 2,100 artworks, including around 860 oil paintings, most of which date from the last two years of his life. They include landscapes, still lifes, portraits and self-portraits, and are characterised by bold colours and dramatic, impulsive and expressive brushwork that contributed to the foundations of modern art. Not commercially successful in his career, he struggled with severe depression and poverty, which eventually led to his suicide at age thirty-seven.

      Vincent van Gogh born March 30, 1853, the octanalytic personality formula

      19 lunar day / 41-Scorpio / 83% – // 32-Aries / 5-43-Ox.

      The formula shows the congenital personality traits:

      – Van Gogh was born in the «waning moon» phase, the illumination of the moon’s surface is 83%;

      – pronounced congenital dominant altruistic abilities («five» as a background dominant);

      – pronounced congenital dominant managerial abilities («four» twice as first dominant);

      – pronounced congenital dominant creative abilities («three» as first and as second dominant);

      – congenital dominant rational abilities («two» as second dominant);

      – congenital dominant analytical abilities («one» as second dominant);

      – there is no deficiency of congenital dominants: all five instances of the personality show congenital dominance.

      The formula shows that out of the five instances of personality, three instances (5-Soul, 4-Heart, 3-Irratio) manifest themselves as pronounced congenital dominants and two instances (2-Ratio, 1-Mind) as congenital dominants.

      The formula also shows that in the psyche of Van Gogh, the introvert instances 4-Heart and 2-Ratio, complementing each other, show approximately the same congenital dominance as the extravert instances 5-Soul, 3-Irratio and 1-Mind. This means that when interacting with the outside world, Van Gogh’s psyche is equally tuned to both introversion and extraversion. In the «introversion-extraversion» system of Van Gogh’s psyche, a balance of introversion and extraversion is maintained. This means that Van Gogh’s psyche has low resistance to external stimuli.

      Van Gogh was born in the waning moon phase, the illumination of the moon’s surface is 83%. When a person is born on a full moon or almost on a full moon, the human psyche has an increased sensitivity.

      The formula also shows that in the two-component unconscious (3-Irration and 2-Ratio instances, in other words, «three» and «two») there is a pronounced imbalance towards irrationality in the «irrationality-rationality» system: irrationality («three» as first dominant and as second dominant) is more active than rationality («two» as second dominant).

      This means that irrational, spontaneous, unpredictable actions appear in Van Gogh much more often than rational, consistent, logical actions.

      A combination of four factors

      (1) hypersensitivity of the psyche, due to the birth of almost a full moon;

      (2) balance in the «introversion-extraversion» system and low resistance to external stimuli;

      (3) a strong imbalance in the «irrationality-rationality» system towards irrationality;

      (4) pronounced congenital dominant managerial abilities («four» twice as first dominant),

      create conditions for the formation of Van Gogh’s «strange» behavior, which is perceived by others as an accentuation of character, bordering on a personality disorder.

      Surrounding people often noted Van Gogh’s sloppy appearance, quick temper, and frequent fits of rage.

      The increased sensitivity of Van Gogh’s psyche, the mood of the psyche to both introversion and extraversion, as well as the setting of unconscious actions for irrationality, spontaneity, working alone, the absence of subordinates in the presence of pronounced congenital managerial abilities, all these factors together create a feeling of discomfort in Van Gogh and a lot of stress on the psyche.

      Therefore, there was a high probability that without the use of psycho-correction, Van Gogh’s psyche might not be able to withstand such a load, and the accentuation of Van Gogh’s behavior could develop into psychopathy. Vincent van Gogh died at the age of 37.

      Applicability limits of

      octanalytic personality formula

      Vincent van Gogh’s octanalytic personality formula shows that all five instances of personality show congenital dominance, there is no deficiency of congenital dominants, which can lead to personality disorder.

      However, the surrounding people perceived Van Gogh as crazy. This means that we have finally found the applicability limits of the octanalytic personality formula.

      Deficiency of congenital personality dominants can lead to personality disorder. However, the life story of Vincent van Gogh shows that in addition to this factor, there are other factors that are not reflected in the personality formula, which lead to a personality disorder.

      In this regard, it is necessary to consider the influence on human behavior of those areas of the psyche that are outside the five instances of personality (5-Soul, 4-Heart, 3-Irratio, 2-Ratio, 1-Mind).

      To describe the human psyche as a whole, octanalysis uses the eight-component structure of the human psyche: instances 0-Source, 7-Imagination, 6-Subconscious and five instances of personality 5-Soul, 4-Heart, 3-Irration, 2-Ratio, 1-Mind.

      Instance 7-Imagination forms images that strive to be realized in life. When a person is in a state of dreams, daydreams and does not want to get out of this state, then at that time the instance 7-Imagination dominates in his psyche.

      When a person cannot control the process of generating images in his psyche, then problems arise called «persistent hallucinations» that prevent a person from living, interfere with any activity.

      Instance 6-Subconscious stores in itself programs, according to which the images generated by instance 7-Imagination are embodied.

      When the instance 6-Subconscious dominates in the psyche, a person can be in various states: a state of sleep, trance, a hypnotic state, a state of prostration, somnambulism (sleepwalking), twilight clouding of consciousness.

      The interaction between the seven instances of the psyche (7-Imagination, 6-Subconscious, 5-Soul, 4-Heart, 3-Irratio, 2-Ratio, 1-Mind) create a wide variety of personality disorders.

      1.8. Personality disorder: Konstantin Batyushkov

      Consider the congenital personality traits of Konstantin Batyushkov.

      Konstantin Nikolaevich Batyushkov (18 [29] May 1787, Vologda – 7 [19] July 1855, Vologda) – Russian poet and prose writer.

      The mother of Konstantin Batyushkov, Alexandra Grigorievna (nee Berdyaeva), fell ill when her son was 6 years old; soon, in 1795, she died. It is generally accepted that her mental illness was inherited by Batyushkov and his older sister Alexandra.

      In 1808, the maternal inheritance already began to appear: his impressionability began to reach hallucinations of extraordinary brightness, in one of his letters to Gnedich he wrote: «if I live another ten years, then I’ll probably go crazy.»

      In 1822, the disease worsened; in the spring, Batyushkov appeared for a short time in St. Petersburg, then went to the Caucasus and the Crimea, where his madness manifested itself in the most tragic forms: in Simferopol, he repeatedly attempted suicide. In 1823, Batyushkov was brought to St. Petersburg, where E.F. Muravyova took him into her care, and in the next 1824, with funds granted by Emperor Alexander I, he was taken to the Sonnenstein private psychiatric institution in Saxony. There he spent four years, however, without any benefit to himself;