All sciences. №8, 2022. International Scientific Journal. Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

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Название All sciences. №8, 2022. International Scientific Journal
Автор произведения Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005944955

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into categories according to the absorption and release of energy during the passage of the energy itself, due to the difference in the masses of the initial and resulting particles. At the same time, if the energy characteristics of these reactions were preserved, then the situation related to the number of interacting particles along the specified reaction channel becomes a big question, because any other interaction can also take place, due to the probabilistic nature of the behavior of such processes.

      But as it turned out, the increase in the number of particles involved in the interaction increases when their energy approaches certain values – resonances, which are already more precisely defined today. But one aspect remained quite interesting and this is the question of the approximation of energy to a certain limit – the Coulomb barrier of the nucleus. Indeed, this barrier is not large in its dimensions, moreover, there is an additional energy spread due to ionization, which, fortunately, can already be calculated more accurately, for this reason, if we take into account all the ionization losses of the target substance, as well as the Coulomb barrier, as a result, the particle will have a sufficiently small nuclear gap energy. Here it is appropriate to recall the theory of dualism, according to which each particle is also a wave, and since the energy of the particle in the nucleus becomes minimal, its wavelength begins to grow, creating opportunities for interaction directly with the nucleus, excluding other probabilistic cases, which include the tunneling effect or scattering with elastic collision.

      It seemed that this was not an effective procedure, since initially it was necessary to at least get into the Coulomb barrier itself, but due to sufficient beam density, as well as the effect of a monochromotizer, a theoretical result was obtained that greatly increases the efficiency of the entire reaction. For comparison, with only a boron-proton reaction with the release of 3 alpha particles on a thin 13 micron target, the effective cross-section of the nuclear reaction increases sharply and 99.999972% of all particles interact even at low currents, for a beryllium-proton-lithium reaction with the same alpha particles, this indicator is almost 100%, with the necessary accuracy. But there are also reactions with low efficiency, for example, proton-lithium-6 reactions with two alpha particles has an efficiency of only 65.53%, but at the same time having a large energy output.

      The monochromotizer, which was mentioned earlier, is a device that separates a beam in a magnetic field by energy, after which a nano-structural substance – a carbon mesh – falls in its path, between the walls of the tubes of which there is a thin layer of a dielectric element or compound. At the same time, the induction vector of such an installation varies by a value of the order of 0.1 T and it can be noted that when the beam is deflected, a spectrum with a width of 0.327 mm is observed, while the wall thickness is measured in tens of nanometers, when the diameter of one inner tube is 0.572 microns, and the outer one is 0.636 microns. Losses at the same time exist and due to the "impact" on the walls of the tubes, up to 12.5% of the total number of charges is consumed.

      But the energy accuracy in this case increases, so if for the SOKOL-2 accelerator at energies of 2 MeV, the accuracy was 5 keV, and for modern accelerators, more often at an energy of 20 MeV, the accuracy was 1 keV, then for an accelerator with a monochromotizer at that energy of 20 MeV, an accuracy of up to 50 MeV can be achieved, which it can even be considered the top of the unattainable, but even in spite of this, as the works show, these are quite achievable values, but for experimental verification, cooperation has already been established on the part of the company-the author of this project, OOO "Electron Laboratory" and the Scientific School "Electron" with the "Research Institute of Electro-Physical Equipment" – "D. V.NIIEFA. Efremov", as well as with such organizations as the Scientific Research Institute "Physics of Semiconductors and Microelectronics" at the National University of Uzbekistan, Ferghana State University, Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, the State Unitary Enterprise "Yashil-Energia" at Ferghana State University, the Ferghana branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies and other organizations.

      In the future, when conducting a successful series of experiments, much attention will be paid to the analysis of energy characteristics and resonances on light, heavy and superheavy nuclei at the specially created Research Laboratory of Physics of Resonant Nuclear Reactions at OOO «Electron Laboratory», in which we wish them good luck on the way to improving knowledge about the microcosm and its wonders of modern human society.

      Used literature

      1. Rumi R. F. The use of new nanostructure methods allowing to increase the monochromaticity of the beam during acceleration. All sciences. – №7. Electron Scientific School, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – pp. 15-25.

      2. Aliyev I. H., Karimov B. H. Course of physics of charged particle accelerators. Study guide. – [B.M.]: Scientific school "Electron", Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – 203 p.

      3. Aliev I. H. New parameters for nuclear reactions to be carried out on an accelerator of charged particles of the LCC-EPD-300 type. The Electron project. Monograph. – [B.M.]: Scientific school "Electron", Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – 498 p

      . 4. Aliev I. H., Sharofutdinov F. M. The use of accelerators and phenomena of collisions of elementary particles with high-order energy for generating electrical energy. The Electron project. Monograph. – [B.M.]: Scientific school "Electron", Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2021. – 594 p.

      5. Aliyev I. H. On a heuristic idea about the emergence of a new energy technology for obtaining energy from resonant nuclear reactions. All sciences. – №1. Electron Scientific School, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – pp. 13-18.

      6. Karimov B. H. A general idea of the LCC-EPD-20 accelerator. All sciences. – №1. Electron Scientific School, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – pp. 18-23.

      7. Zhalolov B. R. Implementation and scientific publications on the Electron project. All sciences. – №1. Electron Scientific School, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – pp. 23—28.


      UDC 548

      Yusupova Dilfuza Aminovna

      Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Fergana State University

      Ferghana State University, Ferghana, Uzbekistan

      Аннотация: В работе приведены результаты исследования влияния лазерного излучения на кинетические характеристики поликристалли-ческих пленок узкозонных полупроводников халькогенидов свинца и висмута. Приведены результаты измерений проводимости, концентрации дырок и коэффициента термоЭДС в пленках под воздействием лазерных импульсов.

      Ключевые слова: поликристаллическая пленка, лазерное излучение, халькогениды свинца и висмута, проводимость, концентрация носителей, коэффициент термо-ЭДС.

      Abstract: The paper presents the results of a study of the effect of laser radiation on the kinetic characteristics of polycrystalline films of narrow-band semiconductors of lead and bismuth chalcogenides. The results of measurements of conductivity, hole concentration and thermal EMF coefficient in films under the influence of laser pulses are presented.

      Keywords: polycrystalline film, laser radiation, lead and bismuth chalcogenides, conductivity, carrier concentration, thermo-EMF coefficient.
