All sciences. №7, 2022. International Scientific Journal. Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

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Название All sciences. №7, 2022. International Scientific Journal
Автор произведения Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005932501

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ND is determined with high accuracy using a reflectometer.

      Many works are devoted to methods and means of information protection in the VOLS, including in [3] to protect information, the magnitude of the inhomogeneity of electromagnetic radiation propagation through a cable in the radio frequency range is controlled, which is introduced into a waveguide channel with a constant length of wave resistance, made in the form of an electrically conductive shell covering at least one electronic conductor, located along the fibers, and the presence of unauthorized access to the information transmitted through the fibers is judged by the change in the magnitude of the inhomogeneity of the propagation of electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency range. The protection system contains a combined cable and a lock for changing the parameters of the propagation of electromagnetic radiation of the radio frequency range connected to an electronic conductor.

      A method of protecting information from unauthorized access in fiber-optic communication lines is proposed and can be used in fiber-optic systems for transmitting confidential information.

      Figure 1 shows a block diagram of a device implementing the proposed method of protecting an information signal from unauthorized access in a fiber-optic communication line. A device implementing the proposed method of protecting an information signal from unauthorized access in a fiber-optic communication line contains: on the transmitting side 1, an information signal generator 2, a mixer 3, a source 4 of transmitted optical radiation, a noise signal photodetector 5, a directional coupler 6 with inputs 6—2 and output 6—1, a fiber-optic communication line 7, on the receiving 8 side there is a directional 9 coupler with inputs 9—1 and output 9—2, a total signal photodetector 10, a mixer 11, delay lines 12, an inverse noise signal shaper 13, source 14 of noise optical radiation and generator 15 of noise signal.

      When implementing the proposed method of protecting the information signal from unauthorized access in the fiber-optic communication line, the following operations are performed:

      – on the receiving side 8 of the fiber-optic communication line 7:

      1) generate a noise signal using the generator 15,

      2) an inverse noise signal is generated using the inverter 13,

      3) using the delay line 12, delays of the inverse noise signal are produced for a time,

      4) modulate the transmitted optical noise radiation in the optical radiation source 14 with a noise signal,

      5) the transmitted noise optical radiation is introduced through the input 9—1 of the directional coupler 9, into the fiber-optic communication line 7,

      – on the transmitting side 1 of the fiber-optic communication line 7:

      1) form the transmitted information signal using the shaper 2,

      2) output through the output 6—1 of the directional coupler 6, from the fiber-optic communication line

      7 of the received optical noise radiation,

      3) a noise signal is generated from the received optical noise radiation using a photodetector 5,

      4) form a total signal by mixing an information and noise signal using a mixer 3,

      5) modulate the transmitted optical radiation in the source 4 of the transmitted optical radiation with a total signal,

      6) the transmitted optical radiation is introduced through the input 6—2 of the directional coupler 6, into the fiber-optic communication line 7,

      – on the receiving side 8 of the fiber-optic communication line 7:

      1) the received optical radiation is output through the output 9—2 of the directional coupler 9 from the fiber-optic communication line 7,

      2) a total signal is generated from the received optical radiation using a photodetector 10,

      3) mixer 11 by shifting the delayed inverse noise signal to the total signal, an information signal is isolated

      When using the proposed method of protecting an information signal from unauthorized access in a fiber-optic communication line, in which a noise signal is generated on the receiving side before the total signal is formed, which is transmitted to the transmitting side of the fiber-optic communication line for mixing to the information signal.

      On the receiving side, in the process of shifting to the total signal, the delayed inverse noise signal occurs with a complete phase coincidence of the noise and its inverse signal. As a result, the noise signal is fully compensated, the information signal is allocated and the information in the fiber-optic communication line is protected from unauthorized access.

      Fig. 1. Block diagram of the device

      A method of protecting an information signal from unauthorized access in a fiber-optic communication line, consisting in the fact that an information signal is formed on the transmitting side of a fiber-optic communication line, a total signal is formed by mixing a noise and information signal, formed by modulating the total signal of the optical radiation to be transmitted and introduced into a fiber-optic communication line, and on the receiving side of the fiber-optic communication line, the received optical radiation is output from it, from the received optical radiation, a total signal is formed from which an information signal is isolated, characterized in that before the formation of the total signal, an initial and inverse noise signal is formed on the receiving side, modulated with the initial noise signal of optical radiation and injected into the fiber-optic communication line, and the received optical radiation is output from it on the transmitting side of the fiber-optic communication line, a noise signal is formed from the received optical radiation, which is subject to the displacement of the information signal, and the allocation of the information signal on the receiving side is made by mixing the delayed inverse noise signal to the total signal, and the delay time of the inverse noise signal is determined by the expression, where: L is the length of the optical fiber; v is the speed of optical radiation in the optical fiber.


      1. Korolkov, I. A. Kraschenko, V. G. Matyukhin, S. G. Sinev. Problems of protecting information transmitted over fiber-optic communication lines from unauthorized access/ Information Society, 1997, issue 1, pp. 74—77

      2. A. V. Boos, O. N. Shukhardin. Analysis of the problems of ensuring the security of information transmitted via optical communication channels and ways to solve them.//Informational counteraction to the threats of terrorism: scientific and practical. Journal. /FSUE STC, Moscow. 2005, No. 5. p. 172180.

      3. K.E.Rumyantsev, I.E. Khayrov. Protection of information transmitted via LED communication lines..//Information counteraction to terrorism threats: scientific and practical. Journal. /FSUE STC, Moscow. 2004, No. 2. pp. 27 – 32.


      UDC 004.94

      Kuldashov Obbozjon Xokimovich

      Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Scientific Research Institute “Physics of Semiconductors and Microelectronics” at the National University of Uzbekistan

      Dadazhonov Tulanboy

      Senior Lecturer of the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute

      Fergana Polytechnic Institute

      Annotation. A model of joint operation of a micro – hydroelectric power plant and a geothermal water facility has been developed, taking into account their main technical and technological characteristics in a wide range of operating conditions, including rotor rotation speeds, generator excitation voltage, generator phase currents and output voltages in general.
