All sciences. №7, 2022. International Scientific Journal. Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

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Название All sciences. №7, 2022. International Scientific Journal
Автор произведения Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005932501

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of Ferghana State University, Member of the Physics and Technology Department of the Electron Scientific School Dilshod Quldoshaliyevich Yuldoshaliyev

      Editor, Candidate in Physical and Technical Sciences of the Department of "Technological Education" of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Ferghana State University, Member of the Physics and Technology Department of the Electron Scientific School Sherzod Boxodirovich Karimov

      Editor, Candidate in the field of medical sciences, Member of the Medical, Biological and Philosophical Department of the Electron Scientific School Ra'noxon Mukaramovna Aliyeva

      Editor, Lecturer in Mathematical and Information Sciences of the Department of "Mathematics" of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Fergana State University, Member of the Mathematical Department of the Electron Scientific School Sayyora Saidakbarovna Kukiyeva

      Editor, Lecturer in Physical and Technical Sciences of the Department of "Physics" of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Fergana State University, Member of the Physics and Technology Department of the Electron Scientific School Axlidiin Mirzoxidovich Qo'chqorov

      Moderator, member of the Philosophical Department of the Electron Scientific School, Candidate in the field of philosophical sciences Xolidaxon Tulkinovna Aliyeva

      Moderator, member of the Philological Department of the Electron Scientific School, Candidate in the field of philological sciences Gulnoza Masxariddinovna Umarova

      Editor, Candidate in the field of philological sciences, Member of the Philological Department of the Electron Scientific School Oqiljon Axmedovich G'ofurov

      Illustrator Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

      Illustrator Boxodir Xoshimovich Karimov

      Illustrator Sultonali Mukaramovich Abdraxmonov

      Illustrator Shukurullo Yulbarsovich Usmonov

      Cover design Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

      Cover design Boxodir Xoshimovich Karimov

      Cover design Xolidaxon Tulkinovna Aliyeva

      Cover design ra'noxon Mukaramovna Aliyeva

      Proofreader Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

      Proofreader Boxodir Xoshimovich Karimov

      Proofreader Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Vavilova

      Proofreader Botirali Rustamovich Jalolov

      Proofreader Gulnoza Masxariddinovna Umarova

      © Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev, 2023

      © Nilufar Tadjibayevna Mirzamaxmudova, 2023

      © Boxodir Xoshimovich Karimov, 2023

      © Rinad Fuadovich Rumi, 2023

      © Islom Nematov, 2023

      © Obbozjon Xokimovich Qo'ldoshev, 2023

      © Abdullajon Odiljon o'g'li, 2023

      © To'lanboy Dadajonov, 2023

      © Shavkatjon Urinov, 2023

      © Robiya Nematova, 2023

      © Dilshod Qo'ldoshaliyevich Yuldoshaliyev, 2023

      © Yakub Usmonovich Usmonov, 2023

      © Zulfiya Abdumalikova, 2023

      © Azizaxon Xasanjon qizi, 2023

      © E'zozaxon Musajonovna Ismoilova, 2023

      © Muqaddas Vorisovna Maraimova, 2023

      © Mirjalol G'ulomjon o'g'li, 2023

      © Farruh Po'latjon o'g'li, 2023

      © Isroiljon Maxammatismoilovich Boltaboyev, 2023

      © Xojiakbar Sultanovich Daliyev, 2023

      © G'olibjon Obbozjonovich Qo'ldoshev, 2023

      © Shodiyaxon Solijonovna Solikova, 2023

      © Mirzakarim Mirzaxalilovich Yunusov, 2023

      © Mushtariy Temur qizi, 2023

      © Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Vavilova, 2023

      © Oybek Muxammadovich Erkaboyev, 2023

      © Baxromjon Nomonjonov, 2023

      © Zuxro Akmaljonovna Akbarova, 2023

      © Saodatxon Abdulla qizi, 2023

      © Gulnozaxon Masxariddinovna Umarova, 2023

      © Oqiljon Axmedovich G'ofurov, 2023

      ISBN 978-5-0059-3250-1 (т. 7)

      ISBN 978-5-0059-1753-9

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      UDC 930.85

      Mirzamakhmudov Tojiboy Mirzamakhmudovich (1941—2009)

      Mirzamakhmudov Tozhiboy Mirzamakhmudovich was born on February 22, 1941 in the village of Nursukh of the Uzbek district of the Fergana region in a working family of collective farmers. From school, the future outstanding scientist actively studied science, conducted a variety of experiments already at that time, showing a tremendous interest in creation and study. And after a while, he was awarded admission to the Fergana Pedagogical Institute Faculty of Physics back in 1957, where he actively continued his activities while still a student. Even then, many scientists-professors and associate professors predicted a great future for him in the field of science. After graduating with honors from the Fergana Pedagogical Institute in 1962, he began his academic career by being hired as a junior researcher at the Fergana State Pedagogical Institute.

      In 1964, he entered postgraduate studies at the Physics and Technology Institute of the Academy of Sciences. While studying in graduate school, he continued to work intensively, more and more forming his own scientific ideology, but time inexorably continued to go on, thereby forming a young graduate student, a future scientist. After graduating from graduate school, he began working as a leading engineer at the Physics and Technology Institute of the Academy of Sciences. In graduate school, under the guidance of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Adirovich Emanuel Ilyich, who was known for his strictness and exactingness both to himself and to his students, of whom there were not a few, but also Mirzamakhmudovich, as follows from the above, was honored to be named a student of Adirovich, after which he published more than 10 scientific papers.

      During the next 6 years, he actively worked on the creation of his first great scientific work on his own idea – a real PhD thesis in the field of studying abnormally high voltages. So in 1970, Tozhiboy Mirzamakhmudovich defended his PhD thesis on the occurrence of abnormally high photo-voltage on cadmium telluride semiconductor films. So in the same year he was hired as a senior lecturer at the Fergana State Pedagogical Institute until 1976. Even then, he actively began training students – future outstanding scientists, among whom were B. H. Karimov, M.A. Karimov, M. M. Ayubzhonov, M.A. Aliyev and others. And in 1976, the Higher Attestation Commission, taking into account his scientific and pedagogical work, awarded him the academic title of associate professor.

      According to the memoirs of the students, it can be noted that he was quite demanding of his students, however, like his mentor, but more often expressed kindness and provided mutual assistance. Even then, he sent his students to develop their scientific careers in leading scientific centers, a vivid example of this is Bokhodir Karimov, with whom he personally left for Moscow to the Institute of Crystallography of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, where he personally introduced Professor Vladimir Mikhailovich Fridkin. And less than 4 years have passed since his student became a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, like