Конец конкурентного преимущества. Рита Гюнтер Макграт

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Название Конец конкурентного преимущества
Автор произведения Рита Гюнтер Макграт
Жанр Управление, подбор персонала
Издательство Управление, подбор персонала
Год выпуска 2013
isbn 978-5-9963-2408-8

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Perspective No. 229, 1980; Porter M. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York: The Free Press, 1985.


      McGrath R. G., MacMillan I. C. The entrepreneurial mindset: strategies for continuously creating opportunity in an age of uncertainty. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 2000. xv, 380; McGrath R. G., MacMillan I. C. MarketBusters: 40 Strategic Moves that Drive Exceptional Business Growth. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 2005; McGrath R. G., MacMillan I. C. Discovery Driven Growth: A Breakthrough Process to Reduce Risk and Seize Opportunity. Boston: Harvard Business Publishing, 2009.


      Burgelman R. A. A process model of internal corporate venturing in the diversified major firm // Administrative Science Quarterly. 1983. 18. P. 223–244; Eisenhardt K., Tabrizi B. Accelerating adaptive processes: Product Innovation in the Global Computer Industry // Administrative Science Quarterly. 1995. 40. P. 84–110; Bloch Z., MacMillan I. C. Corporate venturing: creating new businesses within the firm. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 1993. x, 371.


      McGrath R. G., MacMillan I. C. Discovery Driven Planning // Harvard Business Review. 1995. 73(4). P. 44–54.


      Rigby D. Management Tools and Techniques: A Survey // California Management Reveiw. 2001. 43(2). P. 139–160.


      Humphrey A. SWOT Analysis for Management Consulting // SRI Alumni Newsletter, S. International, Editor. 2005.


      MacMillan I. C. Seizing Competitive Initiative // The Journal of Business Strategy. 1982. 2(4). P. 43–43.


      D’Aveni R. A., Gunther R. E. Hypercompetition: managing the dynamics of strategic maneuvering. New York, Toronto: The Free Press, 1994. xix, 421; MacMillan I. C. Controlling competitive dynamics by taking strategic initiative // Academy of Management Executive. 1988. 2(2). P. 111–118.


      Boisot M. Information Space: A framework for learning in organizations, institutions and culture. London; New York: Routledge, 1995.


      Christensen С. M. The innovator’s dilemma: When new technologies cause great firms to fail. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 1997. xxiv, 225.


      Anthony S. D. The Little Black Book of Innovation: How it Works, How to do it. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press, 2011.


      McGrath R. G. A real options logic for initiating technology positioning investments // Academy of Management Review. 1997. 22(4). P. 974–996.


      McGrath R. G. Falling forward: Real options reasoning and entrepreneurial failure // Academy of Management Review. 1999. 24(1). P. 13–30; McGrath R. G. Failing By Design // Harvard Business Review. 2011. 89(4). P. 76–83; McGrath R. G., Thomas K. The Value Captor’s Process: Getting the Most out of Your New Business Ventures // Harvard Business Review. 2007. 85(5). P. 128.


      MacMillan I. C., McGrath R. G. MarketBusters: 40 Strategic Moves That Drive Exceptional Business Growth. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2005.


      MacMillan I. C., McGrath R. G. Crafting R&D Project Portfolios. Research-Technology Management. 2002. 45(5). P. 48–59.


      Anthony S. D. The Little Black Book of Innovation: How it Works, How to do it. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press, 2011; Ulwick A. Do you really know what your customers are trying to get done? Strategy and Innovation, 2003; MacMillan I. C., McGrath R. G. Discovering new points of differentiation // Harvard Business Review. 1997. 75(4). P. 133–145.


      McGrath R. G. Finding Opportunities in Business Model Innovation // The European Financial Review. 2011 (June-July, 2011). P. 14–17; McGrath R. Business Models: A Discovery Driven Approach // Long Range Planning. 2010. 43(2/3). P. 247.


      McGrath R.G., MacMillan I. C.,TushmanM.L. The role of executive team actions in shaping dominant designs: Towards the strategic shaping of technological progress // Strategic Management Journal. 1992. 13. P. 137–161; MacMillan I. C., McGrath R.G. Nine new roles for technology managers // Research-Technology Management. 2004. 47(3). P. 16–26; McGrath R. G. The Misunderstood Role of the Middle Manager in Driving Successful Growth Programs // The Search for Organic Growth / Hess E. D., Kazanjian R. K., ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2006. P. 147–171; McGrath R. G. Early Warnings of a Pending Disruption in an Existing Business Model: A Leader’s Responsibility // The 2009 Pfeiffer Annual Leadership Development / Dotlich D. et al., ed. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, 2009. P. 264–276.


      Trumbore B. The Hunt Brothers and the Silver Bubble. 2012 [цит.; доступно по адресу: http://www.buyandhold.com/bh/en/education/history/2000/hunt_bros.html].


      McGee S. The Index’s dark days in 1980 // Wall Street Journal. 1996.


      Fuld L. M. The Secret Language of Competitive Intelligence: How to See Through and Stay Ahead of Business Disruptions, Distortions, Rumors, and Smoke Screens. Crown Business, 2006.


      Kunii I. M., Smith G., Gross N. FUJI: BEYOND FILM // BusinessWeek. 1999. P. 132–138.


      Fuld L. How to Anticipate Wrenching Change // Chief Executive. 2004.


      Hori S. Fixing Japan’s White Collar Economy: A Personal View // Harvard Business Review. 1993. 71(6). P. 157–172.


      Inagaka K., Osawa J. Fujifilm Thrived by Changing Focus // The Wall Street Journal. 2012.


      Hoover’s Inc. Fujifilm Holdings Full Report Company Profile, 2012.


      Dabrowski W. UPDATE 1-RIM co-CEO doesn’t see threat from Apple’s iPhone. New York: Reuters, 2007.


      Troianovski A. Cellphones are Eating the Family Budget // The Wall Street Journal. 2012.

