Essentials of the California Verbal Learning Test. Thomas J. Farrer

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Название Essentials of the California Verbal Learning Test
Автор произведения Thomas J. Farrer
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119578451

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      Despite Ebbinghaus' experiments on the processes of learning and memory, the assessment of these concepts has historically focused on the amount of information an individual could encode, consolidate, and recall. Encoding is the process of taking external information and transforming it into mental representations or memories. Consolidation is the process through which information in immediate memory is moved into long-term memory, and retrieval is the process of recalling information from storage. Focus on the amount of recalled information allows a global picture of memory ability, including the determination of the presence of memory disorders.

      Processes of Memory

      Edith Kaplan and colleagues introduced the process approach to cognitive assessment (Kaplan, 1988; Libon, Swenson, Ashendorf, Bauer, & Bowers, 2013) through their work at the Boston Veterans Administration Medical Center. This approach places importance on assessing not just what an individual is able to do but also how they do it. The approach utilizes overall test scores to assess the severity of impairment but emphasizes the analysis of the process through which test scores are achieved and errors made. Similar overall test scores can be obtained through very different processes. The development of the CVLT applied this process approach to learning and memory. Through studies involving individuals with brain injuries or disorders, strengths and weaknesses of memory processes were identified that differed across and within clinical populations. The instrument was refined to capture these processes and allow further investigation. So, although importance is placed on the primary measures of recall accuracy; critical attention is also given to the processes underlying performance.

      Performance on memory specific measures is not only influenced by learning and memory processes but also by other cognitive functions. For example, attentional processes and learning strategies have an impact on the encoding and retrieval of verbal information. The interrelated nature of processes utilized across cognitive abilities requires that the assessment of memory include the assessment of these related processes. The CVLT versions measure the specific processes of learning and memory and processes related to the success and failure of encoding and retrieval of information. This allows examiners to examine differences in performance due to specific cognitive deficits. Figure 1.3 displays the processes measured directly within the CVLT editions.

      The ability to encode information is highly dependent upon the ability to perceive and attend to information. Auditory attention is a key precursor for adequate memory retention. Individuals who have difficulty focusing on information long enough to encode it will not be able to retain that information over time. The first trial of the CVLT provides information on auditory attention span. It correlates highly with other measures of attention and is impaired in clinical groups with known attentional deficits, such as those with anxiety or mood disorders. Most individuals improve in overall recall across the learning trials, so comparison of performance across trials can assist in teasing out the influence of attention on memory problems.

Illustration displaying the memory processes measured directly within the California Verbal Learning Test editions.

       Figure 1.3 Memory processes measured in the CVLT.

      In addition to evaluating learning strategies, data on the recall of words from different sections of the word list are provided. It is typical for individuals to recall more information from the beginning of a list (primacy effect) and from the end of a list (recency effect) than from the middle of a list. The primacy effect is generally attributed to greater rehearsal time for information whereas the recency effect is potentially related to the last words being held in recent or working memory. Examinees with encoding deficits often show higher recency effects than observed in the normative sample. Finally, consistency of recall provides information on the consistent application of recall strategies to retrieval of information. Individuals with executive functioning difficulties (e.g., poor planning, poor organization) often produce inconsistent profiles of responding. While this affects overall recall, executive functioning may be a key deficit in these cases.

      Whereas the level of recall on the immediate and delayed recall trials reflects overall retrieval, errors in recall provide insight into specific memory dysfunction and are invaluable in differential diagnoses. Repetitions or repeated responses are common in individuals with normal memory functioning when the repetition is used as self-cueing to promote further recall. However, repetitions can also be a sign of perseverative responding, the failure to inhibit previous responses, or poor self-monitoring. Intrusions, responses not from the current word list, are relatively uncommon in individuals without memory