Как нас обманывают органы чувств. Дональд Хоффман

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Название Как нас обманывают органы чувств
Автор произведения Дональд Хоффман
Жанр Биология
Серия Понятная медицина
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 2019
isbn 978-5-17-150161-7

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2003. “Mating mistakes,” in V. H. Resh and R. T. Carde, eds., Encyclopedia of Insects (San Diego: Academic Press). Около четверти всех животных видов на земле – жуки (Bouchard, P., ed. 2014. The Book of Beetles [Chicago: University of Chicago Press]).


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      Изображение Шарбат Гулы можно увидеть по ссылке https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File: Sharbat_Gula.jpg.


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      Sammaknejad, N. 2012. “Facial attractiveness: The role of iris size, pupil size, and scleral color,” PhD diss., University of California – Irvine.


      Впервые это было предложено в Trivers, R. L. 1972. “Parental investment and sexual selection,” in B. Campbell, ed. Sexual Selection and the Descent of Man: 1871–1971, 1st edition (Chicago: Aldine), 136–79. См. также Woodward, K., and Richards, M. H. 2005. “The parental investment model and minimum mate choice criteria in humans,” Behavioral Ecology 16(1): 57–61.


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      Buss, D. M. 1994. “The strategies of human mating,” American Scientist 82: 238–49; Gil-Burmann, C., Pelaez, F., and Sanchez, S. 2002. “Mate choice differences according to sex and age: An analysis of personal advertisements in Spanish newspapers,” Human Nature 13: 493–508; Khallad, Y. 2005. “Mate selection in Jordan: Effects of sex, socio-economic status, and culture,” Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 22: 155–68; Todosijevic, B., Ljubinkovic, S., and Arancic, A. 2003. “Mate selection criteria: A trait desirability assessment study of sex differences in Serbia,” Evolutionary Psychology 1: 116–26; Moore, F. R., Cassidy, C., Smith, M. J. L., and Perrett, D. I. 2006. “The effects of female control of resources on sex-differentiated mate preferences,” Evolution and Human Behavior 27: 193–205; Lippa, R. A. 2009. “Sex differences in sex drive, sociosexuality, and height across 53 nations: Testing evolutionary and social structural theories,” Archives of Sexual Behavior 38: 631–51; Schmitt, D. P. 2012. “When the difference is in the details: A critique of Zentner and Mtura Stepping out of the caveman’s shadow: Nations’ gender gap predicts degree of sex differentiation in mate preferences,” Evolutionary Psychology 10: 720–26; Schmitt, D. P., Youn, G., Bond, B., Brooks, S., Frye, H., Johnson, S., Klesman, J., Peplinski, C., Sampias, J., Sherrill, M., and Stoka, C. 2009. “When will I feel love? The effects of culture, personality, and gender on the psychological tendency to love,” Journal of Research in Personality 43: 830–46.


      Buss, D. M., and Schmitt, D. P. 1993. “Sexual strategies theory: An evolutionary perspective on human mating,” Psychological Review 100: 204–32; Brewer, G., and Riley, C. 2009. “Height, relationship satisfaction, jealousy, and mate retention,” Evolutionary Psychology 7: 477–89; Courtiol, A., Ramond, M., Godelle, B., and Ferdy, J. 2010. “Mate choice and human stature: Homogamy as a unified framework for understanding mate preferences,” Evolution 64(8): 2189–2203; Dunn, M. J., Brinton, S., and Clark, L. 2010. “Universal sex differences in online advertisers’ age preferences: Comparing data from 14 cultures and 2 religious groups,”