The Colors Of A Optimistic World. Logan J. Davisson

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Название The Colors Of A Optimistic World
Автор произведения Logan J. Davisson
Жанр Сделай Сам
Издательство Сделай Сам
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783748513315

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Step to boost your mindset for success: Understanding criticism as an opportunity

      If you are criticized constructively, you should take a closer look at this criticism. In order to be able to constantly grow and optimise oneself, it is important to take the external mirror seriously, in the form of criticism, and to reconsider it. Maybe there really is something you can improve. Use criticism profitably and accept it as a valuable hint and opportunity for optimization. Try not to take criticism personally and to refer to yourself as a whole, rather concentrate on the facts contained and look at them in a sober and value-free manner. Listen to criticism calmly and let the critic speak out, so show that you are open to constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement. In the event that you are criticized inappropriately or the criticism is not factual, you can simply state that you see things differently, but you do not have to face a criticism that is not one. Only really objective and constructive criticism is helpful for you and worth a closer look and listen. We can grow from constructive and honest criticism and see where we stand and where we can still improve. However, if a criticism triggers you to feel hurt and offended, it could be that there is some truth in the criticism and you are criticised for something that you do not like deeply in yourself. Then you can take a closer look and work on your self-esteem and self-love. If you are really sure about what you are doing and can stand behind your actions with complete conviction, a criticism will not really upset you or affect you in any way. They will be grateful for suggestions for improvement and honest criticism, but also self-confident enough not to get involved in fake and unobjective criticism and to move forward with cheerful courage.

      On the way to your goal you have to expect that there will be days when you have a lot of stress and are under great pressure. In such times it is not always easy to stay motivated and efficient. Especially under great stress, many people's performance decreases and it is difficult for you to concentrate. It is particularly helpful to be aware of what realistic expectations are placed on us and the subjectively perceived stress and performance pressure we put on ourselves. This depends crucially on what subjective expectations we have of ourselves, because often our subjective expectations do not meet the realistic expectations that our boss, our teachers, or a customer have of us. If we want to make everything 1000 % and super perfect, it will be difficult to meet our own expectations and we have to ask ourselves whether 100 % is not enough and we perhaps set our expectations of ourselves too high. Nevertheless, we have high expectations of ourselves, and the demand to give our best is certainly appropriate if we have set ourselves a goal, but here we have to find out the fine balance between demand and excessive demands on ourselves and adjust our goals and expectations accordingly, again and again. As always, when we are under stress, there is in reality a fear behind it, such as the fear of not being able to live up to the expectations of others. If you are also one of those people who suffer from fear of failure and can actually always do everything until it matters, then there is a sensible way to prepare mentally for such situations. One useful tool to be aware of your fears and to develop solution strategies is to imagine a worst-case scenario. Imagine the worst that can happen, what you are most afraid of, and play through this situation in detail. What could you do if that's what you're most afraid of happens? If we allow ourselves to face this situation imaginarily, we realize that our fear is not necessary at all, and recognize new solutions for how we can deal with our fears in such situations. Thus the great fear becomes smaller and smaller and possibly disappears completely. Once you have formulated and focused your actual goal, set yourself behavioral goals of how you want to act in order to achieve your goal. This method is often used in professional and competitive sports because it reduces the pressure by allowing the athlete to concentrate on the defined goals in action. This means, for example, that the actual goal, the victory of a competition, is focused by intermediate goals that relate solely and exclusively to the active action of the athlete. This approach reduces the fear of failure and allows motivation and conviction to achieve the real goal.

      Your goal will only be attainable if you are already working overtime and a lot of work and have a persistent high level of commitment. For example, if you want to set up your own business with a new project, you have to put a lot of effort and invest a lot of time. You will only be able to do this if you want to make your dream come true at all costs. Therefore, only set yourself goals that you really want to achieve and for which you are absolutely prepared! An equally important aspect is the ability to be patient. Promote the realization of your goals, but also practice patience where necessary. This preserves your nerves and helps you to stay calm, even if not everything works immediately. The decisive factor here is your frustration tolerance, which means the ability to deal with frustration and defeat. This ability is not equally well developed in all people, but can be trained as well as the ability to be patient. People with a high tolerance for frustration can deal with setbacks and frustrations much better and usually also have much more patience, but also a fighting spirit and determination not to give up, but to try again and finally succeed. In order to increase your frustration tolerance and thus your endurance, you should always face situations that are rather unpleasant for you in order to carefully perceive the feeling of frustration and to endure it for a while. If you feel that you are losing patience, count on 10, breathe in and out consciously and deeply, and hold out until you reach 10 before you act. If you keep practicing this consciously, you will notice how you can be more and more patient and how your frustration tolerance is visibly increasing. With a high tolerance for frustration and the ability to be patient, you will be able to overcome obstacles and resistance with ease and get closer and closer to your goal step by step.

      On the route to your goal, it is always necessary to adapt and optimize your own objectives to changes. Not everything always runs smoothly and exactly as we imagine it. External conditions or hurdles often require a rethinking, which requires a high degree of flexibility and a talent for improvisation. Stay flexible and adaptable. However, you should not lose sight of the actual goal. Understand changes as improvements and use the necessary changes to optimize your plan to achieve your goals. Those who see change as a threat will find it difficult to react flexibly and show with their fear that there is still room for development in terms of self-confidence. The ability to react flexibly and adaptably to new situations or changes is something we already learn in childhood, and since these experiences are not always positive, some people conclude that changes are a danger. However, changes as well as continuous development processes are an incontrovertible natural fact, from which these people or even animals and plants benefit, which are able to adapt adequately to the new or changed conditions and to outgrow themselves. Face your resistances and fears and get free. Adaptability and flexibility as well as other skills can be trained. Be aware of how many changes in your life, you in retrospect, have led to an improvement and trust that changes will always occur in your life in the future when you are about to optimize your life. Take advantage of the opportunities your life offers you and remain flexible by relying on yourself and your abilities. Strengthen your self-confidence by recalling how you have managed to master changes many times and let them become an improvement for you. Welcome change and stay open and curious about what's new in your life!

      In order to be successful in the long run, you should remain true to yourself. Only if you are authentic will you be perceived and appreciated as the person you really are! Do not bend to meet the needs and expectations of others. Masks fall short or long and make you unbelievable. Being authentic simply means being oneself and requires a clear picture of oneself, including our weaknesses and strengths, to which we can fully subscribe. Especially in today's world, which is full of perfection, show and facades, people are increasingly looking for the real and the original. But being authentic is not only about dressing and presenting yourself in your own style, it is also about your own