Descendants of Hans Hildebrand Ziegenfuss. Marco Born

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Название Descendants of Hans Hildebrand Ziegenfuss
Автор произведения Marco Born
Жанр Сделай Сам
Издательство Сделай Сам
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783754932773

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      (parents: Georg Franciscus and Maria Catharina Emerentia Koehler)

      Franz and Anna had the following children:

      1945 F ii. Maria Elisabeth SCHNEIDER was born1453 on 02.03.1851 in Buettstedt. She was christened1454 on 03.03.1851 in Buettstedt. She died1455 on 14.05.1852 in Buettstedt. She was buried1456 on 16.05.1852 in Buettstedt.

      1946 F iii. Catharina SCHNEIDER was born1457 on 05.07.1853 in Buettstedt. She was christened1458 on 08.07.1853 in Buettstedt. She died1459 on 02.08.1853 in Buettstedt. She was buried1460 on 04.08.1853 in Buettstedt.

      + 1947 F iv. Maria Elisabeth SCHNEIDER was born on 13.05.1855. She died after 15.02.1889.

      1948 F v. SCHNEIDER was born1461 on 10.05.1857 in Buettstedt. She was christened1462 on 10.05.1857 in Buettstedt. She died1463 on 10.05.1857 in Buettstedt. The cause of death was Totgeburt (stillborn). She was buried1464 on 13.05.1857 in Buettstedt.

      + 1949 M vi. CARL Joseph SCHNEIDER was born on 19.09.1858. He died after 25.11.1904.

      + 1950 F vii. Christina SCHNEIDER was born on 09.05.1861. She died in 1941.

      1951 F viii. SCHNEIDER was born1465 on 24.04.1865 in Struth. She was christened1466 on 24.04.1865 in Struth. She died1467 on 24.04.1865 in Struth. The cause of death was nach der Nottaufe (after baptism in extremis). She was buried1468 on 26.04.1865 in Struth.

       614. Johannes VALENTIN KOETHE (Christian KOETHE, Maria CATHARINA ZIEGENFUSS, Philipp, Johannes, Johannes Valentin, Hans Hildebrand) was born1469 on 01.02.1819 in Struth. He was christened1470 on 02.02.1819 in Struth. He died1471 on 30.01.1893 in Struth. The cause of death was Leberleiden (liver illness). He was buried1472 on 02.02.1893 in Struth.

      Johannes married1473 Maria GERTRUD KIELER on 07.04.1845 in Struth. Maria was born1474 on 01.05.1809 in Struth. She was christened1475 on 01.05.1809 in Struth. She died1476 on 27.05.1877 in Struth. She was buried1477 on 30.05.1877 in Struth.

      Sie war Witwe, Eltern: Martin und Maria Dorothea Schmerbauch

      (She was a widow, parents: Martin and Maria Dorothea Schmerbauch)

      Johannes and Maria had the following children:

      + 1952 F i. Maria Anna KOETHE was born on 07.11.1845. She died on 24.05.1911.

       617. Heinrich KOETHE 1478 (Christian KOETHE, Maria CATHARINA ZIEGENFUSS, Philipp, Johannes, Johannes Valentin, Hans Hildebrand) was born1479 on 17.03.1834 in Effelder. He was christened1480 on 18.03.1834 in Effelder. He died1481 after 29.05.1874 in Struth?.

      Heinrich married1482 (1) Maria Louisa RUHLAND on 16.04.1860 in Struth. Maria was born1483 on 27.10.1830 in Struth. She was christened1484 on 28.10.1830 in Struth. She died1485 on 24.09.1866 in Schackenthal. She was buried1486 on 26.09.1866 in Schackenthal.

      Eltern: Jacob und Gertrud Hahn, "hinterl. Gatten u. 1 Kd"

      (parents: Jacob and Gertrud Hahn, left husband and 1 child)

      Heinrich and Maria had the following children:

      1953 F i. Anna Elisabeth KOETHE 1487 was born1488 on 19.12.1864 in Struth. She was christened1489 on 20.12.1864 in Struth. She died1490 after 24.09.1866.

      Heinrich married1491 (2) Gertrud SCHMERBAUCH daughter of Jacob SCHMERBAUCH and Anna Catharina RICHARDT on 27.05.1867 in Struth. Gertrud was born1492 on 27.08.1830 in Struth. She was christened1493 on 28.08.1830 in Struth. She died1494 after 05.10.1871 in Struth?. She was buried1495 in Struth.

      They had the following children:

      1954 F ii. Martha Elisabeth KOETHE was born1496 on 13.03.1868 in Struth. She was christened1497 on 14.03.1868 in Struth. She died1498 on 31.08.1868 in Struth. The cause of death was Geschwuere (tumors). She was buried1499 on 03.09.1868 in Struth.

      1955 M iii. KOETHE was born1500 on 25.10.1869 in Struth. He was christened1501 on 25.10.1869 in Struth. He died1502 on 25.10.1869 in Struth. The cause of death was Totgeburt (stillborn). He was buried1503 on 28.10.1869 in Struth.

      1956 M iv. Lorenz KOETHE was born1504 on 05.10.1871 in Struth. He was christened1505 on 08.10.1871 in Struth. He died1506 on 29.05.1874 in Struth. The cause of death was Brustfieber (chest fever). He was buried1507 on 31.05.1874 in Struth.

       620. Johannes KOETHE (Johannes GEORG KOETHE, Maria CATHARINA ZIEGENFUSS, Philipp, Johannes, Johannes Valentin, Hans Hildebrand) was born1508 on 19.03.1820 in Struth. He was christened1509 on 20.03.1820 in Struth. He died1510 on 07.07.1855 in Halle (Saale). He was buried1511 on 09.07.1855 in Struth.

      "hinterl. Gattin u. 2 minor. Kd"

      (left wife and 2 minor children)

      Johannes married1512 Maria Anna RICHART on 23.02.1846 in Struth. Maria was born1513 on 02.07.1824 in Struth. She was christened1514 on 03.07.1824 in Struth. She died1515,1516 on 28.08.1876 in Eigenrieden. She was buried1517 on 31.08.1876 in Struth.

      Eltern: Georg und Margaretha Degenhart

      (parents: Georg and Margaretha Degenhart)

      Johannes and Maria had the following children:

      + 1957 F i. Dorothea KOETHE was born on 10.12.1846. She died on 24.09.1916.

      + 1958 F ii. Maria Magdalena KOETHE was born on 02.12.1848. She died after 22.08.1877.

       621. Maria Johanna KOETHE (Johannes GEORG KOETHE, Maria CATHARINA ZIEGENFUSS, Philipp, Johannes, Johannes Valentin, Hans Hildebrand) was born1518 on 17.03.1822 in Struth. She was christened1519 on 18.03.1822 in Struth. She died1520 on 07.10.1887 in Struth?.

      Maria married1521 LORENZ Johannes RICHARDT on 25.05.1847 in Struth. LORENZ was born1522 on 10.04.1821 in Struth. He was christened1523 on 11.04.1821 in Struth. He died1524 on 19.04.1896 in Struth. He was buried1525 in 05.1896 in Struth.

      Eltern: Johann Georg und Anna Maria Hirschfeld

      (parents: Johann Georg and Anna Maria Hirschfeld)

      LORENZ and Maria had the following children:

      + 1959 F i. Maria Anna RICHARDT was born on 16.05.1849. She died after 07.09.1875.

      1960 M ii. Jacob RICHARDT was born1526 on 27.05.1851 in Struth. He was christened1527 on 29.05.1851 in Struth. He died1528 on 08.11.1854 in Struth. The cause of death was Roetheln/Masern (measles). He was buried1529 on 11.11.1854 in Struth.

      1961 F iii. Maria Elisabeth RICHARDT was born1530 on 22.09.1853 in Struth. She was christened1531 on 25.09.1853 in Struth. She died1532 on 24.05.1856 in Struth. The cause of death was Masern (measles). She was buried1533 on 26.05.1856 in Struth.

      1962 M iv. Johann Michael RICHARDT was born1534