Название | Serbian: Simple Sentences 2 |
Автор произведения | Snezana Stefanovic |
Жанр | Учебная литература |
Серия | |
Издательство | Учебная литература |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9783754916780 |
Snežana Stefanović
Simple Sentences 2
In Latin and Cyrillic script
with English translation
Level: A1
Text copyright © 2021 Snežana Stefanović
Cover design © 2021 Danilo Wimmer
All rights reserved.
The book, including its parts, is protected by copyright. Any exploitation is prohibited without the author's consent. This applies in particular to the electronic or other reproduction, translation, distribution and public access.
The book "Serbian: Simple Sentences 2" language level A1 offers ready-made sentences for learning the Serbian language. The sentences are designed for language level A1 common topics and grouped into common topics for everyday language use. All sentences are in the present, future or perfect tense and the texts are written in both Latin and Cyrillic script. For each sentence there is also a translation into English.
More information on the Internet at: http://www.serbian-reader.com
Simple sentences in Latin script
1. We are going to the concert – Idemo na koncert
2. We are going to the Zaovine Lake – Idemo na Zaovinsko jezero
3. Weather forecast – Vremenska prognoza
4. New Year – Nova Godina
5. Winter holidays – Zimski odmor
6. A lost property – Izgubljena stvar
7. Yesterday – Juče
8. My family – Moja porodica
9. My relatives – Moja rodbina
10. I am inviting you to my birthday – Pozivam na rođendan
11. Summer plans – Planovi za leto
12. In the exchange office – U menjačnici
13. At the post office – Na pošti
14. Lost documents – Izgubljeni dokumenti
Simple sentences in Cyrillic script
1. We are going to the concert – Идемо на концерт
2. We are going to the Zaovine Lake – Идемо на Заовинско језеро
3. Weather forecast – Временска прогноза
4. New Year – Нова Година
5. Winter holidays – Зимски одмор
6. A lost property – Изгубљена ствар
7. Yesterday – Јуче
8. My family – Моја породица
9. My relatives – Моја родбина
10. I am inviting you to my birthday – Позивам на рођендан
11. Summer plans – Планови за лето
12. In the exchange office – У мењачници
13. At the post office – На пошти
14. Lost documents – Изгубљени документи
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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