45 Putting Games. Wolfgang Scheuer

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Название 45 Putting Games
Автор произведения Wolfgang Scheuer
Жанр Сделай Сам
Издательство Сделай Сам
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783844287578

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      Wolfgang Scheuer

      Putting Games

      try 45 and get better

      published by: epubli GmbH , Berlin

      registered by www. www.Notatus.de

      No. # 1857-130301-53937119 in 2013

      ©All rights reserved for applications (“Apps”) in electronic devices


      Putting Games

      Wolfgang Scheuer

      Copyright © 2014 Wolfgang Scheuer

      published by: epubli GmbH , Berlin

      www epubli.de

      ISBN 978-3-8442-8757-8

      Some thoughts

      Why should I care about putting games?

      Well ,W. T. Gallwey has done it in his book Inner Game Golf , which can be very much recommended to get a feeling for your Game of Golf , specially your putting.

      You were taught to read and to write, why not start to think about putting.

      The Inner Game of Golf, or the fight within myself

      Do you know your twin brother?

      Both of them are keen golfers. Who of the two is the Stableford fan,

      and who says “that’s not my game of golf”?

      Just think of yourself as a twin.

      One is a rather tough guy, the other a nice and a more quiet type.

      Those two fight a constant battle right up in your mind to control your actions.

      The tough guy seems to be winning as you will more or less listen to his constant technical advice, or his objections on the putt you are going to play.

      He will utter doubts, nourish your fears on mishap and you are the one to pay for it.

      You will never improve your score.

      On the other side of you there is this nice and gentle fellow inside you , your second Ego.

      It´s hard for him to get through, but give him a chance.

      He will not give technical advice, but tries to focus your mind on feeling. He will draw your attention to your mental strength, cares about your sight of things, will tell you to be confident. He helps you to concentrate on this putt, guiding your observant eyes to the right line. Listen to him!

      So put your ball just like you would like to put all the time.

      The bad guy ist constantly misleading you, one could say he is constantly breaching the holy rules of golf etiquette, but nobody but you knows this.

      So Gallwey calls to listen to your second Ego.

      Putting is most difficult, but the only way to become a better golfer

      So engage yourself in practicing these helpful putting games,

      and enjoy your golfing.

      Try these putting games for a change in golfing.

      Try to get a feeling for distance, impact and precision.

      Do not worry about mishaps.

      Try to focus on your feeling being satisfied.

      Feel your mental stability in different situations.

      Train to concentrate on your strength in competitions,

      Get a feeling how be relaxed.

      Get a feeling for staying cool.

      But remember, it is nothing but a game

      Personality, that´s the all important thing

      Putting on the puttinggreen , or putting in a tight match is different.

      Every putt is different, so every time the golfer has to challenge himself as a personality.

      The idea of golf is, as every one knows, to put out in as few putts as possible.

      So on the green one has to make up his mind to put decisively, push or pull the putter hard or softly , even just touching the ball, make it run in the “wrong “ direction, but turn to the cup at the very last moment.

      All those actions want unmolested concentration on difficult decisions.

      In every putt one will detect a certain authority of this person.

      One shows ones personality.

      T.W. Gallwey calls it “to put with indifferent carefulness”

      So try to show your personality in a sucessful putt.

      Theory on challenge and abilities to cope with.

      Note the green lines when challenge and ability are in an optimum of fitting each other.

      Whenn the challenge seems to high to cope with, one will react frustratedly from the start.

      # 1 Triangular ball

      On the putting green we drop three balls, one of them a coloured one.

      They will form a triangular system, the balls marking posts of a gate. So try to put through the next gate to get nearer to a chosen hole.

      Count the passes until you reach a position of a sure putt out to save the number of passes. Do not miss the putt out as your partner will try to outnumber you.

      Carefully using your gates and the runs will get you good results.

      Trust you second Ego.

      # 2 It is not easy, let me help you

      On the green we remove the pin,

      Let´s choose a certain distance to put out safely .

      When there is no good result, try this device.

      Place this specially marked CD disk on the lawn,

      aim along the putting line and play the ball.

      Mind sucesses.

      Try to see the reflection of your eyes in the mirrorlike CD.

      It should show the right position above the ball.

      Can you concentrate yourself on the swing of your putter?

      # 3 A quarter for a gentle put

      Place a quarter coin in the groove of your putter.

      Move it gently to and fro.

      Try to put a ball for a certain distance

      without losing the coin.

      Feel the difference of impact when losing the coin,

      try to swing constantly for a better put.

      # 4 Allez hopp
