Encyclopedia of Renewable Energy. James G. Speight

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Название Encyclopedia of Renewable Energy
Автор произведения James G. Speight
Жанр Физика
Издательство Физика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119364092

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of water, particularly with reduction in temperature. Anhydrous ethanol, on the other hand, is completely miscible in all proportions with gasoline, although separation may be affected by water addition or by cooling. If water is already present, the water tolerance is higher for ethanol than for methanol, and can be improved by the addition of higher alcohols, such as butanol.

      The high heat of vaporization and constant boiling point make cold starting difficult with neat alcohols. The problem is not as severe as in case of alcohols blended with gasoline. Ethanol has a constant boiling point of 80°C (176°F). Gasoline which has a high vapor pressure (therefore highly volatile) can be used for cold start.

      See also: Alcohols, Butanol, Ethanol, Methanol, Propanol.

      Alcohols – Corrosivity

      Dry methanol is very corrosive to some aluminum alloys, but additional water at 1% almost completely inhibits corrosion. It must be noted that methanol with additional water at more than 2% becomes corrosive again. The same happens with less than 1% water. Nitride and neoprene rubbers, generally satisfactory as elastomers in contact with methanol and polyacetal plastics, are very resistant. Silicon rubber as well as vinyl can be used for gasket material. Ethanol always contains acetic acid and is particularly corrosive to aluminum alloys. Also, certain alloys containing lead are attacked with a general result of the lead being leached out, leaving a porous surface. The same phenomenon exists with alloys of zinc, such as ZAMAC (zinc plus aluminum), and the zinc is leached out as a white zinc oxide, which clogs the small orifices and jets.

      Carburetors are normally made of ZAMAC alloy. Experience has shown that if the carburetor is protected with a coat of nickel, the corrosion problem is overcome. The process recommended is electrolysis nickel plating. In this process, the carburetor parts are immersed in a bath of hot nickel, which, due to the low viscosity, covers evenly all the surfaces without clogging the orifices. The floats on the carburetor float-bowl are generally made of porous plastics which are attacked by the ethanol, and the end result is swelling and cracking. It is found that nylon floats arc more durable. A float can be made with thin sheet of brass (0.005 in) or 0.125 mm thickness, molded and welded with pure tin (Sn).

      Alloys of tin and lead (Sn+ Pb) shall be avoided as welding material. All bronze parts shall be brass or stainless steel. Steel fuel lines shall be replaced by nylon tube (Nylon 11). Fuel filters used for gasoline are not recommended for the many alcohols. The internal element collapses after the glue that bonds it together is softened by the alcohol. Special filters are necessary. Also, due to the higher flows, filters have to be bigger. The filter body must be made of nylon or Teflon.

      See also: Alcohols, Butanol, Ethanol, Methanol, Propanol.

      Alcohols can be made from organic materials by fermentation, and there is the potential for the production of alcohols from organic waste. Historically, the production of methanol, ethanol, and higher molecular alcohols from syngas has been known since the beginning of the 20th century. There are several processes that can be used to make mixed alcohols from synthesis gas including iso-synthesis, variants of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, oxo-synthesis involving the hydroformylation of olefins, and homologation of methanol and lower molecular weight alcohols to make higher alcohols. In the context of the Fischer-Tropsch process, depending on the process and its operating conditions, the most abundant products are usually methanol and carbon dioxide, but methanol can be recycled to produce higher molecular weight alcohols.

      With the development of various gas-to-liquid processes, it was recognized that higher alcohols were by-products of these processes when catalysts or conditions were not optimized. Modified Fischer-Tropsch (or methanol synthesis) catalysts can be promoted with alkali metals to shift the products toward higher alcohols. Synthesis of higher molecular weight alcohols is optimal at higher temperatures and lower space velocities compared to methanol synthesis and with a ration of hydrogen/carbon monoxide ratio of approximately 1 rather than 2 or greater.

      In the process, the feedstock enters the process and is converted to synthesis gas with the desired carbon monoxide/ hydrogen ratio, which is then reacted, in the presence of a catalyst, into methanol (CH3OH), ethanol (CH3CH2OH), and higher molecular weight alcohols.




      Stoichiometry suggests that the carbon monoxide/hydrogen ratio is optimum at 2, but the simultaneous presence of water-gas shift leads to an optimum ratio closer to 1.

      As in other synthesis gas conversion processes, the synthesis of higher molecular weight alcohols generates significant heat and an important aspect is choice of the proper reactor to maintain even temperature control which then maintains catalyst activity and selectivity. In fact, the synthesis of higher molecular weight alcohols is carried out in reactors similar to those used in methanol and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. These include shell and tube reactors with shell-side cooling, trickle-bed, and slurry bed reactors.

      Catalysts for the synthesis of higher molecular weight alcohols generally fall mainly into four groups: (1) modified high pressure methanol synthesis catalysts, such as alkali-doped ZnO/Cr2O3, (2) modified low pressure methanol catalysts, such as alkali-doped Cu/ZnO and Cu/ZnO/Al2O3, (3) modified Fischer-Tropsch catalysts, such as alkali-doped CuO/CoO/Al2O3, and (4) alkali-doped sulfides, such as mainly molybdenum sulfide (MoS2).

      The catalytic synthesis process makes several different alcohols depending, in part, on residence time in the reactor and the nature of the catalyst. The alcohols can be separated by distillation and dried to remove water.

      A further aspect of the waste-to-alcohols concept is the use of a plasma field (http://www.fuelfrontiers.com/technology.htm) in which temperatures are reputed (but not yet proved) to reach 30,000°C (54,000°F). The feedstock can be materials such as waste coal, used tires, wood wastes, raw sewage, municipal solid wastes, biomass, discarded roofing shingles, coal waste (culm), and discarded corn stalks. The plasma field breaks down the feedstock into their core elements in a clean and efficient manner.

      See also: Alcohols.

      Alcohols – Production

      Alcohols can be made directly from organic feedstocks (such as sugars and sugar derivatives) by fermentation or indirectly by the production of synthesis gas, and there is the potential for the production of alcohols from organic waste.


      Historically, the production of methanol, ethanol, and higher molecular alcohols from synthesis gas has been known since the beginning of the 20th century. There are several processes that can be used to make mixed alcohols from synthesis gas including iso-synthesis, variants of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, oxo-synthesis involving the hydroformylation of olefins, and homologation of methanol and lower molecular weight alcohols to make higher alcohols. In the context of the Fischer-Tropsch process, depending on the process and its operating conditions, the most abundant products are usually methanol and carbon dioxide, but methanol