Солнечные бароны. Организованная преступность. Алена Витаскова

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Название Солнечные бароны. Организованная преступность
Автор произведения Алена Витаскова
Жанр Юмор: прочее
Издательство Юмор: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005602398

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deliberately mixed something into the "gluttony" – so they

      How the "solar barons" arose

      call the great food that this restaurant is made of-

      is known not only in the neighborhood, but all over the world. Gur-

      man will never miss this restaurant and is ready to leave

      follow the local outstanding delicacies on

      the edge of the world. I'm exaggerating, of course, but a lot of people are exaggerating.

      come here on vacation, including for the sake of

      visit the glorious restaurant and enjoy its cuisine.

      The company is clearly not one of them, probably they

      went there just because it was expensive and they

      could boast of how much they paid there for lunch

      or dinner.

      They were trying to remember the name of the cook who was there.

      cooks food. Fick said he saw his name at the door,

      that he's been brewing there for ten years. "Oh yeah, it's a ka-

      some Michelin," Mila recalled. All amicably up-

      said that they would knock out the cook's teeth as soon as

      will return from the hospital. Even Blue-Eyed didn't know that

      it's not about the name of the chef, it's about the titles that

      the restaurant has been receiving for several years. A what

      thanks to this, the restaurant is included in the list of places obliged to

      to be visited by those who collect gastronome-

      Mystical impressions. There are people who go to Ta-

      just to taste the dishes

      glorious local cuisine.

      It didn't even occur to them that Michelin was anything.

      not a cook that he doesn't actually work there. Simply

      the guys do not know why the diarrhea began. Me it's

      not surprising at all, because i saw how they behaved on



      They were clutching some cards in their hands – not playing cards.

      who take with them to pass the time. They have

      Sunny Barons

      there were plastic cards for different discounts, it is possible-

      but, and insurance. Mostly sweaty

      palms peeked out multi-colored maps of various

      VIP clubs, including some from Prague, maps on

      discounts in the perfume network FAnn parfumerie, simple

      everything that was collected somewhere.

      I don't even try to explain to them that their fears-

      it doesn't work here. As, however, they will not receive

      there is no discount here. Their asses are compressed, they even

      are afraid to get up while the hospital staff explains to them,

      that here they pay with money, and not with some promises-

      mi god knows which insurance company. And that discount

      here they do not give any examination and no one. They're with

      they look at each other in horror, sweat dripping down their foreheads,

      and they're still afraid to get up. I already feel "ducatique"

      now not only Ed, but everyone, they just screwed up.

      "Yes, I would have seen you in Prague," I thought of

      these human ruins, but at the time i didn't know yet.

      it's actually the dregs of society.

      The doctor came out to pick me up and called me to his office.

      We've been friends for a few years now, and when he saw me,

      then his eyes rounded, he tapped himself on the forehead,

      twisted his head, rolled his eyes and began to process

      sunburned skin. He assured me that I was in vain.

      i panic and that in a couple of weeks there will be no excess left-

      there is no trace if i stick to it.

      жений и методики лечения. Я немного успокоилась, но

      зона декольте изрядно болела. Это также означает, что

      на протяжении какого-то времени мне нельзя будет на-

      ходиться на солнце.

      Мне было немного жаль, что я уже не смогу насла-

      ждаться тем кабаре, которое устраивала компашка. На

      выходе из ординации я уже не встретила «засранцев»,

      Как возникли «солнечные бароны»

      но вот холл так быстро проветрить не удалось, после

      них осталась вонища. Гораздо позже для меня объеди-

      нились два элемента – вонь и сожжённая земля – это то,

      что оставалось после них дома через много лет.


      По пути из клиники я остановилась в местном мага-

      зинчике, где можно купить прекрасные зрелые плоды

      манго, домашний хлеб, фантастический сыр, а также

      кусок ветчины и свежие яйца. Я люблю просыпаться

      утром из-за запаха свежего кофе, который всегда пью

      после завтрака. Я не представляю себе завтрак без све-

      жих яиц, ветчины, хорошего чая. Мой супруг Игорь

      умеет готовить в совершенстве и немного меня этим

      балует, конечно, когда он дома и в настроении. Если ко-

      ротко, то дома он бывает мало, да и настроение у него

      бывает разное. С гораздо большим удовольствием он

      балует нашего