Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Physics, Instrumentation, and Radiation Biology. Rachel A. Powsner

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Название Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Physics, Instrumentation, and Radiation Biology
Автор произведения Rachel A. Powsner
Жанр Медицина
Издательство Медицина
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119621010

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the ratio of intensity at the point the beam exits the attenuator, Iout, to the intensity it had where it entered, Iin. Attenuation is an exponential function of the thickness, x, of the attenuator in centimeters. That the function is exponential can be understood to mean that if half of the beam is lost in traversing the first centimeter of material, half of the remainder will be lost traversing the next centimeter, and so on. This resembles the exponential manner in which radioactivity decays with time. Expressed symbolically,

upper I Subscript o u t Baseline slash upper I Subscript i n Baseline equals normal e Superscript minus mu x Schematic illustration of angle of photon scattering. Schematic illustration of photoelectric effect.

      A separate term, the mass attenuation coefficient (μ/ρ), is the linear attenuation coefficient divided by the density of the attenuator. When the density of a material is given in grams/cm3 the units of the mass attenuation coefficient are cm2/gram.

      Absorption of radiation describes another aspect of the process of attenuation. Attenuation describes the weakening of the beam as it passes through matter. Absorption describes the transfer of energy from the beam to the matter.

       Half‐value and tenth‐value layers

Material Atomic number (Z) Density (gm/cm3) Predominant interaction
H2O 7.4 1.0 Compton scatter
Soft tissue 7.5 1.0 Compton scatter
Glass (silicon) 14 2.6 Compton scatter
O2 (gas) 16 0.0014 Compton scatter
NaI (crystal) 32 3.7 Photoelectric effect
Lead 82 11.4 Photoelectric effect
Leaded glass 14, 82 4.8–6.2 Photoelectric effect

      For any attenuator the HVL can be determined experimentally using a photon source and a suitable detector. For calculations involving attenuation of high‐intensity radiation beams, an entirely similar concept, the tenth‐value layer (TVL), is useful. The TVL is the thickness of the attenuator that will transmit only one tenth of the photons in the beam. For a monoenergetic beam (containing photons of identical energies) directed at a material, two such thicknesses will transmit only one hundredth of the beam. If, however, the beam contains photons of different energies this rule is not applicable (see text box on beam hardening).

Schematic illustration of attenuation.

      For a monoenergetic beam of photons, the linear attenuation coefficient, μ, is related to the HVL as follows:

mu equals 0.693 slash upper H upper V upper L

      Beam hardening

      When a beam contains photons of different energies such as an X‐ray beam, it is termed polychromatic. As a polychromatic beam penetrates a material, lower energy photons are extinguished or scattered preferentially over higher energy photons and the result is that, while the overall intensity is diminished, the average energy of the transmitted fraction of the beam is increased. This phenomenon is known as beam hardening. A hardened beam is more penetrating and so a second HVL or TVL will be slightly thicker than the first.

Schematic illustration of the amount of attenuation of a photon beam is dependent on the photon energy and the thickness (and/or atomic number) of the attenuator.

Nuclide Gamma energy (keV) Half‐value layer (cm)