The adventures of little Zaryanichka!. Ванда Михайловна Петрова

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Название The adventures of little Zaryanichka!
Автор произведения Ванда Михайловна Петрова
Жанр Книги для детей: прочее
Издательство Книги для детей: прочее
Год выпуска 2021

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chapter, readers will learn about the further adventures of the little daughter of the Morning Dawn.

      Who will come to her aid and what will happen next with Zaryanichka is read in the narration of this third chapter.

      Beginning of the third chapter.

      So, playing, Zaryanichka farther and farther away from her mother, laughing and frolic on the edge of her mother’s spacious clothes.

      Heaven listened to amazing singing, admired the morning dawn, which raised its red hands – wings, a red flame spread across the blue and did not notice how little Zaryanichka reached for the last tiny to spark flying by. Mom's clothes slipped out from under Zaryanichka, and she flew flew to the ground like a tiny scarlet sparkstar …

      Morning Dawn, Sings the Song of Life throughout the Universe, does not look back and does not see what is being done there.

      The Moon is already in its palace, and it is no longer visible what is happening in the sky, where the Morning Dawn sings the Song of Life. And the Moon does not see how Zarynichka falls …

      Sun behind a high mountain, fascinated by the singing of the Morning Dawn, does not dare to step on the mountain so as not to dampen the light of the Morning Dawn with bright rays. And the Sun also does not see that the little daughter of the Morning Dawn, Zaryanichka, is falling …

      And no one sees that Zaryanichka is falling and there is no one to save her …

      And Zaryanichka is already flying over the earth, where at this time of the year there are frosts and snow whirlwinds, where the evil Black Purga is raging!

      But there were also the snow whirlwinds, they loved to climb high – high.

      The snow whirlwinds, fluffy from snowflakes and hoarfrost, with mischief and curiosity peered into the snowy shroud with large (blue, gray, green …) eyes, rising above the clouds, calling to the frost and snowflakes, creating their own melody of winter …

      Snow whirlwinds song

      Fiu … Fiu … Fiu …

      We are snow whirls!

      Fiu … Fiu … Fiu …

      Everywhere we go,

      Fiu … Fiu … Fiu …

      We all meet,

      Fiu … Fiu … Fiu …

      Fiu … Fiu … Fiu …

      Fiu …

      Fiu …

      Fiu … Fiu … Fiu …

      We roam the world,

      Fiu … Fiu … Fiu …

      We all know the planet

      Fiu … Fiu … Fiu …

      And where that grows,

      Fiu … Fiu … Fiu …

      And where does anyone live,

      Fiu … Fiu … Fiu …

      Fiu …

      Fiu …

      Pesnya snezhnykh vikhrey

      F'yu … F'yu … F'yu …

      My – snezhnyye vikhri!

      F'yu … F'yu … F'yu …

      Vezde my byvayem,

      F'yu … F'yu … F'yu …

      Vsekh my vstrechayem,

      F'yu … F'yu … F'yu …

      Vso zametayem.

      F'yu … F'yu … F'yu …

      F'yu …

      F'yu …

      F'yu … F'yu … F'yu …

      My brodim po svetu,

      F'yu … F'yu … F'yu …

      Vsyu znayem planetu,

      F'yu … F'yu … F'yu …

      I gde chto rastot,

      F'yu … F'yu … F'yu …

      I gde kto zhivot.

      F'yu … F'yu … F'yu …

      F'yu …

      F'yu …

      Fluffy snowflakes sang along with snowy whirlwinds in gentle voices …

      Song of snowflakes

      Ohu o … o u o … o u o …

      We are snowflakes for whirlwinds,

      Ohu o … o u o … o u o …

      Snowy down

      Ohu o … o u o … o u o …

      From the clouds come,

      Ohu o … o u o … o u o …

      We are white carpet


      Ohu o … o u o … o u o …

      Pesnya snezhinok

      O-u-u-o … O-u-u-o … O-u-u-o …

      My vikhrey snezhinki,

      O-u-u-o … O-u-u-o … O-u-u-o …

      Snega pushinki,

      O-u-u-o … O-u-u-o … O-u-u-o …

      Iz tuch priletayem,

      O-u-u-o … O-u-u-o … O-u-u-o …

      Vso ukryvayem

      Belym kovrom

      O-u-u-o … O-u-u-o …

      O-o-o …, u-u-u …, o-o-o …

      Together with snowflakes and snow whirls and frost also sang his song …

      Song of frost

      M … m … m …

      M … m … m …

      M … m … m …

      I simply, frost,

      M … m … m …

      But still, please hide your nose,

      M … m … m …

      In a hurry, I can pinch you by the nose,

      M … m … m …

      I am busy very, very always,

      Just horror!

      M … m … m …

      M … m … m …

      M … m … m …

      M … m … m …

      I am a whirlwind companion,

      M … m … m …

      So that the snow was flowing,

      M … m … m …

      Snowflakes were fluffy,

      M … m … m …

      Near the roads,

      On the mound,

      M … m … m …

      M … m … m …

      M … m … m …

      I simply, frost,

      M … m … m …

      But still, please hide your nose,

      M … m … m …

      In a hurry, I can pinch you by the nose,

      M … m … m …

      I am busy very, very always,

      Just horror!

      M … m … m …

      M … m …