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cowardly mercenaries.»

      «Why should I believe in your honesty?» Vincent considered a tempting offer.

      «Take it easy!» I touched his shoulder, but Vincent suddenly cried. My touch burned him. I didn’t want to hurt him at all, especially when we barely entered into an alliance.

      «So I knew that you were lying me,» Vincent almost shouted. He instantly found himself at the far wall and now he was looking in a hurry for a secret lever that opened the hidden door. «Remember, Edwin, destroy such an opponent, as I, you will not succeed. Sooner or later, but I recognize what is the mystery of your power and even exceed you.»

      He slammed down the secret door, and I finally could breathe easier. Due to the appearance of Vincent, I was deprived of those few hours of rest, which I was going to spend in the crypt, away from vigilant observation and persecution of my so-called «patron». After listening to the tantrum of Vincent and numerous undeserved reproaches, no one would have been able to calmly fall asleep. He stirred unpleasant memories, made me think over my problems again. What power can we talk about if I have to hide from the prince as a runaway prisoner. After all, I would have remained a prisoner if I did not have time to leave enough away from the strength that was trying to subjugate me.

      I remembered the night by baron Raul. An incredible guess came to my mind. After all, the old baron knew about the strength of his treasure. Standing, next to the sealed door, I heard mounted voices. They said they waited for me for a very long time and finally waited.

      The baron was a smart person, he did not only read books, but also collected his own library. He wanted to give his treasure to a stranger, whom he saw for the first time in his life. Of course, this stranger killed the wild boar and earned the award, but did not deserve such a heavy cargo, as inhabiting in the depths of earth an ancient and powerful evil. Did Raul guess that the shy hero, who was afraid to admit his lack of education, sooner or later will be the one who became a prisoner of evil fate and a sorcerer.

      I would never have thought that the century later I would return to the very place where the terrible treasure was hidden, but I will not be afraid of supernatural creatures, because I became one of them. Probably, scientists and astrologers have understood from the very beginning my destination. It should have felt that the black wings of an invisible demonic satellite will be rustling behind the back of a dismissed prince. Now, even when I made my original appearance, the shadow of the dragon often flashed in my eyes and could easily expose me.

      It was necessary to pick up my inheritance covered by ash, until some clever friend or follower of Vincent got into his own hands such a formidable weapon, because sooner or later it is possible to find the key to any lock. In addition, it was impossible to neglect the tips of the spirits, which were not once mentioned about where treasures were hidden for the next ruler. In the fact that I will succeed in getting all this treasures from under the ground, I did not doubt, but it was nowhere to hide my inheritance, with the exception of this crypt. The cold room was located much lower than the level of the ground, no one would have dare to enter here. Vincent went, slamming the door, and it is unlikely that he will have a desire to return, but just in case it was necessary to follow safety.

      There was neither pen, nor ink with me, but next to the lamp was lying a piece of chalk. I took the chalk and drew the long formula of the witchcraft signs over the secret door, then I drew some similar signs next to the threshold. Now the door was closed for Vincent.

      But this seemed to me not enough. The future treasury should be hidden from human eyes. e.

      I went out. Chains and locks with a quiet ringing closed after me. It was necessary to call the fog so that he would shut up the crypt with a dense ring and did not allow anyone to even look into this direction. In the fog, no one can find the way to my shelter. I read a spell.

      Already at the first words of the spell the dense fog thickened around. It will hang here and at noon, and in the evening, and at night. White rings will melt over drying ground and gradually the townspeople will even forget about what was in this place. They will find their explanations for the fact that a small block of land near the city center in any weather is located in the fogs.

      It took quite a bit time to get out of the neighborhood of the city to the spacious sea coast, over which the first evening stars were lit. It was necessary to wait for the night, but every minute of waiting was difficult. The instructions of the spirits were not a lie. I saw how far from the shore over a separate section of water was a weak radiance, as from an open treasure chest. The hidden treasure was visible only to one-sole observer.

      In the evening fishermen and sailors could be met in the taverns. There were two taverns located near the coast. For a short time, choosing between two institutions, which used in the district the same bad reputation, I headed for a crowded «Knight of hearts», but it was worth only to cross the threshold, as two burglars, standing at the entrance, immediately rushed to the side. Nothing remained from their militant appearance, one even pressed against the wall, ready to retreat. Looking at them, I recognized two smugglers, whom the Percy and I have easily survived from the cave. They were far from being happy to see me. I stopped in front of them, crossed my hands on my chest and looked at them. The guy noticed the golden dragon embroidered on the camisole and respectfully removed the hat.

      To read the thoughts of these two did not make difficulty. Retribution for their atrocities from the heavenly strength they feared much more than the whole royal guard. The scene in the cave they considered as the sign from the heaven. They quickly managed to swim through the canal and hide their boats in the reeds of another coast. Their hasty and fear of unknown came just at the right moment.

      «In the near future, I will not cause an evil to you,» the smooth voice, which sounded as if from the bottom of the grave, not only did bring them out of the stupor, but drove in even more superstitious fear. Of course, such visitors, as I and Percy cost fear, but before I assumed that the robbers are less cowardly. Perhaps it was so in those times when Florian was preparing to inherit a flourishing country, but now the villains have become more mean and less brave. It was interesting to observe how these two tremble for their skin.

      «I need a boat with a durable bottom and one rower,» I demanded. The elder comrade pushed the younger one. The boy with an unpleasant appearance and still uncovered head stood in front of me and did not dare to put on his shabby cap on his head.

      «Let’s go,» I ordered strictly. «If you will exactly execute all my commands, it may even be possible to get a reward.

      He went down after me, while his comrade, reluctantly brought the boat. Fear was a reliable guarantor for the fact that they would not try to swindle.

      Soon the boat with a carved nose cut the water’s surface. Two oars with a splash loose on salty seaside water. The rower barely coped with them, so the boat all the time looped, instead of heading straight to the right place. Of course, I could send the boat so that it smoothly rolled forward, but it was better to get strength to the point when I have to get the luggage from the seabed. The boy was trembling all the time or from the cold, or from fear of unwanted neighborhood. One thing to stand in a cozy tavern and with curiosity to look at the dangerous nobleman and quite another thing to stay with him alone in a swinging boat when there are only ripples on the water, and under the boat is the bottom of incredible depth.

      When the boat finally got to the right place, I gave another order:

      «Stay here. Soon I will come back, wait for me and do not try to run away!»

      I jumped down. The frightened smuggler, watched me with the opened mouth. After all, he did not understand that I had plunged into the water already completely in a different guise. The skin of the golden snake was not a luxurious clothing.

      In the thickets of corals, it was not possible to immediately notice the chests with gold. The ship, transporting gold, sank too far from this place, but the spirits managed to drag all