Elevating the Human Experience. Amelia Dunlop

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Название Elevating the Human Experience
Автор произведения Amelia Dunlop
Жанр Экономика
Издательство Экономика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119791355

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      “Elevating the Human Experience offers a roadmap for bringing our whole selves through the door at work to forge richer relationships and to create more affirming work environments.”

      —Enshalla Anderson, Global Head of Brand Strategy, Google Cloud

      “This is an outrageously intelligent and heartfelt book. Women will identify with Amelia, and men will learn important secrets from her.”

      —Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul and Soul Therapy

      “Brilliant and brave. Brilliant because of the stories, models, and applications that compose Elevating the Human Experience. Brave because it is a rarely discussed truth that love is the unseen guiding force in all great work. Amelia Dunlop bridges the most human of all emotions with the desire for worth and purpose in a new and profound way. One of the most original books of its kind in years.”

      —David Baum, PhD, DMin, author of Lightning in a Bottle, Proven Lessons for Leading Change, and The Randori Principles

      “By organizing this incisively original, deeply personal meditation around the vital concepts of love and worth, Amelia Dunlop takes her place among the truly distinctive thinkers to have addressed this most important of questions: enhancing lived human experience.”

      —Rogan Kersh, Provost and Professor, Wake Forest University

      —Aaron M. G. Zimmerman, Episcopal priest; host of Same Old Song podcast

      “Elevating the Human Experience: Love and Worth at Work is personal; it’s insightful; and it's exactly what is needed right now as many of us reckon with how to reconcile our humanity and our careers.”

      —Dane Jensen, CEO, Third Factor; author of The Power of Pressure

      “This book represents a heartfelt and deep paradigm shift. While most business leaders walk on eggshells trying to describe the humanity and emotional well-being of their workforce, Amelia Dunlop, simply and satisfyingly, asks us to love.”

      —Renato Mazziero, Vice President, Experience and Innovation, Thrivent

      “The prospect of a workplace that incorporates love as a means of unlocking, even transforming the humans who comprise it, is a bold stroke. Connecting investment in the human experience at work with individual and organizational performance, Elevating the Human Experience is a refreshing and inspiring work.”

      —Tim NeCastro, president and CEO, Erie Insurance Group

       Three Paths to Love and Worth at Work


       Amelia Dunlop

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

      Published simultaneously in Canada.

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