Dragon’s Empire – 1. Curse of the younger Prince. Natalie Yacobson

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Название Dragon’s Empire – 1. Curse of the younger Prince
Автор произведения Natalie Yacobson
Жанр Приключения: прочее
Издательство Приключения: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005540492

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to start my story. The magic clock count the time allotted to me until dawn. And in the morning I will have to be present at the coronation and no longer be able to work at night, bending over the book of spells. Now I’m just a newly magician who wants to write down the history of his life on the pure pages of the witchcraft’s folio. Maybe some novice of the magic school will visit the corner tower and will find my memoirs. I want that at least someone will recognize my secret, and read about who I was before becoming a warlock. To do this, I have to forget about the elves waiting for me at the entrance of the fortress, and look far back into the past.

      Eternity to that year ago

      I stood before the arched window and looked at the city spread down at the bottom. Is there a richest and prosperous land in the world than the kingdom of my father? I could not know this, because no of the princes was allowed to travel beyond the country. I had no right to go on a journey even under someone else’s name, such a law was established by the Royal Council.

      At the bottom, the lights of the sleeping city were sparkled, the motley flags were flushed on the fair tents, pigeons nests were nesting at lower roofs. Houses of the capital even at night did not plunge into darkness. On the streets lit the lanterns, as if their light could protect the peaceful citizens from attacking robbers or evil spirits. What a majestic look opened to me from the windows of the tower, the whole city was lying, as on the palm. There was a blue cold sea to the left from city’s gate. Brightly burned the light on the lighthouse. In the royal port flies off shopping ships from around the world. Many of them stood in a quiet harbor. From the foreign merchants I listened many stories about distant countries and exotic islands, but I didn’t long keep the hope of going to the maritime journey. How much I did not ask about it my father, the answer was always alone and the constant warning that outside the native country a danger is waiting for me.

      Although why suddenly such concern about the younger son. After all, I could not inherit the throne and was not educated enough to give any advice in state affairs. But every day, from dawn to sunset, I spent on the school stadium or archers’ contest. Even old, experienced knights recognized me with one of the best, and the native brothers looked at me as if I could not withstand even the first test of fate. I used to hide from the inhabitants of the castle that at night, when nobody could notice me, I went out in the city to fight with my sword the first robber I met. But today I was in no hurry to descend down the fortress wall. I, as enchanted, looked at the starry sky, spread over the castle towers and on a bright flag attached to a high spire.

      I wanted to move away from the window, but suddenly some strange sounds came to me.. Who can demand to open the castle’s gate in such a late hour? To my surprise, the guards immediately hurried to the winch, plundered chains and squeezed lattices. The lifting bridge was immediately lowered, and a black carriage came into the courtyard of the castle. The coachman opened the carriage door. It seemed to me that the whole eternity was held before from the crew’s darkness came out a high, state-owned gentleman in the long, dark clothes decorated with sables. In his right hand sparkled the gilded staff. His uncovered proud headt seemed to be intended to wear a crown. The appearance and manners of the stranger made an indelible impression on me. He moved with an extraordinary, predatory grace and led himself with such dignity, as if he was headed above all the terrestrial rules.

      My older brother Florian ran into the courtyard of the castle. Despite the late hour, he was dressed in his festive camisole, briefly marked hair in the light of torches were cast gold. He ran up to a stranger and respectfully bowed to him. Who is this gentleman? What did he deserve the bow of the heir to the throne? After all, everyone knows that the heir to the throne is not putting anyone except the king.

      I disassembled curiosity. I had to find out what a night guest in our area needs. Probably he came from afar, from some country that I never heard. After all, I was able to paint the world map only by stories of seamen. Now I was interested in questioning a stranger about his lands. His clothes, although it was rich, but did not correspond to the last fashion installed in our country. But apparently, this guest was waiting for.

      I left the tower, descended down the screw staircase and stopped in front of the front halls. This usually brought all visitors, but this time it was deserted around. No magnificent reception. Only guard stood before the closed doors.

      I turned into a dark gallery. It was quiet and deserted here, only knightly armoires stood in the walls of niches and the mirrors flicker coldly. Steps heard ahead. I hastily slipped behind the tapestry and from my shelter could observe how the king was accompanied by an alien. Slightly behind them, sadly lowering the blond heads, my brothers Florian and Claude walked. Since childhood, these two all the time kept together. It seems that they were not embarrassed at all that the crown would get only to the eldest son, and the average will be able to take only second place in the country.

      Carefully choosing from my shelter, I followed the strange procession. The king, a mysterious stranger and both of my brothers entered the throne hall. The key turned in the castle, and all the subsided. I went to the closed doors and listened.

      «Believe me, if I want, he rushes at my call and even the whole army will not be able to keep him», someone’s domineering, triumphant voice came to me. From these sounds in the head clouded. In front of the eyes there was darkness, and one single word was in my head. It seems that it was someone’s name «Rothbert». Strange, I have never heard this name before, why did it come to my mind, as if one of those magical words, with which you can get open any locks.

      The door of the throne’s room suddenly swung open. Someone grabbed me by the shoulders and dragged to the side.

      «Edwin, what happened to you?» The concerned voice of Claude brought me out of stupor. «Previously, you did not have any habits to sleep on the go. Maybe you are unhealthy?»

      «No, everything is fine with me,» I lied and leaned back to the wall so as not to fall. «Tell me, what is the name of that gentleman, who just arrived in the castle?»

      In just a moment on the face of my brother, the gamma of feelings from the complete despair to the cold indifference was replaced.

      «You were mistaken,» Claude finally squeezed out. «Today in the castle they did not allow any messengers or guests. Such is the royal decree.»

      «But I saw a black carriage in the courtyard of the castle.»

      «It seemed to you,» Claude said with a impermeable expression. «Go back to your chambers. Tomorrow I will send to you a doctor.»

      Claude himself took me to the door of the bedroom.

      «Close the door and do not come out of your chambers before dawn,» he advised. It is necessary to say that his advice seemed to me strange. I have never been afraid to look in the face of danger, on the contrary, wandered on the dark banks of the capital, looking for opportunities to expose the sword. So what do I fear in the walls, where I was born and grew up. Is only the fact that the court doctor poison me with one of his potions.

      Why would you suddenly begin to deny the existence of a night visitor? For the first time in life, I felt offended of my father for the fact that he did not devote me to state’s secrets.

      At the bottom I was heard the crash of the wheels of the departing crew. I threw the first raincoat on my shoulders, grabbed the sword and rushed down to the stables. Claude’s warning did not have values for me. If something is hidden from me, then it is no reason. Well, I have enough courage to learn everything myself.

      I quickly saddled the horse and slipped along the lowered bridge. Thin grooves from wheels and traces of horse hoofs were noticeable on a wet dirt road. The chain of traces rushed to the forest. Who would have been this strange traveler, but he chose an unsuccessful route. The dark forest road led to the ruins of the old city. People were afraid to walk there even during the day. It is unlikely that there would be a brave one in the entire capital, which at night