Reception of Mesopotamia on Film. Maria de Fatima Rosa

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Название Reception of Mesopotamia on Film
Автор произведения Maria de Fatima Rosa
Жанр История
Издательство История
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119778653

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      This book was carried out during 2020 and took shape while developing my postdoctoral project on Reception of Mesopotamian Antiquity at CHAM – Centre for the Humanities of NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities where I was awarded a grant (FCSH/CHAM/HIS/04666/1 BPD) through the strategic project sponsored by FCT (UID/HIS/04666/2013 and UID/HIS/04666/2019).

      I am grateful for the support I received from colleagues who contributed with helpful ideas, providing advice, and above all by reviewing drafts of paragraphs or entire chapters. In particular, my gratitude goes to Isabel Gomes de Almeida for reading and commenting on the manuscript and to Carla Alferes Pinto for reviewing parts of the book. My thanks also go to Wiley’s editors Todd Green for the enthusiasm with which he welcomed the idea and Andrew Milton for his help and patience in answering all my questions. I would also like to thank Inês Pinto Coelho, Cristina Brito, Professors João Paulo Oliveira e Costa, Helena Trindade Lopes and specially Professor Francisco Caramelo, who encouraged the writing of this book from the start and conveyed me the fascination for ancient Mesopotamia.

      For all the information and the stills provided, thanks are also due to several institutions: Cinemateca Portuguesa – Museu do Cinema, Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für Film und Fernsehen, Gaumont-Pathé Archives, The Museum of Modern Art,