
Все книги издательства Ingram


    Steve De La Mare

    ALI5 the Adventure Begins is an off-world Sci-fi adventure set 250 yrs in the future after colonising the stars from a polluted Earth. The story follows a young independent girl from a moon farming community who, searching for adventure, stows away on a cargo ship bound for a luxurious planet (or so she thinks). The ship instead heads towards a moon that has been designated a no-go zone and ALIS is shipwrecked there. ALI5 discovers the moon is ruled over by a despotic alien queen and meets various characters along the way: some trying to help and some trying to hunt her down. Here she has to survive and try to find her way home. Obstacles include bug-laden beaches, forest fires, gravity defying caves, hunters, dragons, aliens and a wealth of curious animals.

    Hollow Girl

    Luke Cooper

    Lowe is on the run. There’s someone on his tail, someone worse than the police – a slinky black silhouette with a ghoulish white face. But the Hollow Girl is a vigilante who preys on the worst of the worst, so if she’s after him then he has to have done something despicable to have earned her attention, right? See Hollow Girl through the eyes of one of her victims in Antagonist, a return to her dark roots.


    Mark Ellis

    Amidst the sacred Native lands in the Black Hills, a dark alliance rooted in in the dim past is engaged in the looting of legendary artifacts, threatening the return of a star-spawned evil. Jason Redquill and his team battle the eerie Owl Prophet and the deadly Catamount in a terrifying struggle of myth, deception and the quest for an unfathomable power! In this never-before published action epic, best-selling SF writer MARK ELLIS (OUTLANDERS, DEATH HAWK, DOC SAVAGE), comic art legend JIM MOONEY (SUPERGIRL, SPIDER-MAN, OMEGA THE UNKNOWN), artists CHRIS NYE and JASON KIMBLE create a wild saga of adventure, eldritch sorcery and the resurrection of ancient, blood-lusting monsters!

    Today the Tiger Smiled

    Randy Cruts

    Continually at odds, a battle-hardened military man and his draft-dodging son constantly clash over the Vietnam War until they both find themselves actually fighting in its war-torn jungles. Amidst the horrors, father and son manage to communicate through all the combat and meet, finally bridging the age-old generation gap. The War rages but both men must engage their own life or death situations in order to survive each individual’s tour of duty.


    Thomas J. Behe

    When a hacker shifts a social media apps' control to any creator of its top-ranked video, rampant violence and privacy invasion ensues – as people everywhere chase the money, fame and power of being number one. Contraband follows a self-styled citizen journalist forced to hunt down an activist sabotaging a ruthless entrepreneur’s dark web social media app. His search leads him into a voyeur underground where profit-hungry youths prowl city streets secretly inciting, staging and filming violent events to satisfy society’s demand for sensational content…

    The Whole Singing Ocean

    Jessica Moore

    The Whole Singing Ocean is a poetic narrative that circles around the central story of a boy and a whale, and the 2013 investigation into the École en bateau, a French countercultural “boat school,” or school at sea, which was based not only on the ideals of the sixties, but also on twisted ideas about child psychology, the theories of Foucault and an abolition of the separation between adults and children. The narrative begins with a boat builder and his encounter with a whale when he was a student of the École en bateau himself, and moves on to explore threads of philosophy, memory and various kinds of destruction, fragmentation and wholeness. The text weaves in several voices and threads of rapture and horror, as it explores adventure, childhood, abuse and environmental degradation. This work becomes a self-conscious documentation of the boat builder’s story as it unfolds, and as the narrator learns more of what happened and uncovers echoes from her own life and family history. Her discoveries cause the narrative to take some unexpected, and at times resisted, turns. Themes of memory and trauma, reliability and unreliability, binaries and magic, and the question of how to hold two very different things at once, are at the heart of this book.

    The Tomb Chapel of Menna (TT 69)

    Группа авторов

    The most detailed set of studies ever on all aspects of one of the most beautifully decorated Egyptian non-royal tombs, new in paperback This lavishly illustrated book is the culmination of a project to document and conserve the tomb of Menna, one of the most beautiful and complex painted tombs of the ancient Egyptian necropolis at Luxor. Through conservation, the tomb, which previously lay open to environmental influence, was brought back to its former glory. Aided by non-invasive methods of scientific analysis, the historical and cultural importance of Menna’s paintings can now be viewed and studied and enjoyed by a worldwide audience. High-definition photography and drawings complement specialist essays by scholars, scientists, and technicians, who discuss the artistic and cultural significance of the paintings, their architectural context, and scientific importance. Directed by Dr. Hartwig and administered by the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) as part of its Egyptian Antiquities Conservation Project, the project was funded by a grant from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), sponsored by Georgia State University, and carried out in collaboration with Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities. Contributors: Cristina Beretta is based in Edinburgh, Scotland Pieter Collet lives in the Netherlands Katy Doyle lives in Boston, Massachusetts (USA) Elsa van Elslande, Laboratoire d’Archéologie Moléculaire et Structurale (LAMS), CNRS is based in Paris, France Renata García Moreno, University of Liège, Belgium Melinda Hartwig, Georgia State University, Atlanta (USA) François-Philippe Hocquet, University of Liège, Belgium Gregory Howarth is based in London, England Alexandra Kosinova is based in London, England Kerstin Leterme, University of Liège, Belgium Bianca Madden is based in Oxford, England François Mathis, University of Liège, Belgium Mark Perry is co-director of the Perry Lithgow Partnership Ltd., Chipping Norton, England David Strivay, University of Liège, Belgium Douglas Thorp is based in London, England Peter Vandenabeele, Ghent University, Belgium

    Missions Impossible

    John Waterbury

    Addresses a gap in higher education scholarship. While there is a growing number of books that look at the financial/economic aspects of higher education, there is very little on the political context of policymaking and on the Arab region as a whole. Author is a world-renowned political economist and president emeritus of the American University of Beirut Waterbury is co-author of the classic textbook, A Political Economy of the Middle East .

    Urantia Raamat

    Urantia Foundation

    Urantia Sihtasutuse poolt 1955 esmakordselt avaldatud Urantia raamatu on autorite sõnul kirjutanud taevased olendid ilmutusena meie planeedile Urantiale.Urantia raamatu tekstid tutvustavad meile inimkonna päritolu, ajalugu ja saatust ning annavad juhiseid suheteks Jumal-Isaga. Need esitavad ainulaadse ja muljetavaldava pildi Jeesuse elust ja õpetustest. Need avavad inimesele uusi vaateid ajast ja igavikust ning pakuvad uusi üksikasju meie tõusujoones kulgevast avastusretkest sõbralikus ja hoolikalt juhitud universumis.Urantia raamat ühendab teaduse, filosoofia ja religiooni kergestimõistetavaks ja sisutihedaks tervikuks. Selle raamatu lugejad ja uurijad usuvad, et Urantia raamat suudab märkimisväärselt toetada inimeste religioosset ja filosoofilist mõtlemist kogu maailmas.Urantia raamat ei ole religioon per se. See tugineb mineviku ja tänapäeva religioossele pärandile, julgustades isiklikku elavat religioosset usku.Lugejad kogu maailmast on meile rääkinud, et Urantia raamatu lugemine on neid sügavalt mõjutanud ja sageli ka nende elu muutnud. See on innustanud neid jõudma uuele vaimse arengu tasemele ja aidanud paremini mõista inimelu väärtust.Me innustame ka sind seda lugema ja avastama enda jaoks selle ülendavat sõnumit.

    Urantijos Knyga

    Urantia Foundation

    Urantijos knyga , pirmą kartą Urantijos fondo išleista 1955, teigia, jog buvo dangiškų būtybių pateikta kaip apreiškimas mūsų planetai – Urantijai. Raštai Urantijos knygoje mus informuoja apie žmonijos genezę, istoriją ir likimą, taipogi apie mūsų santykius su Dievu Tėvu. Jie pateikia unikalų ir intriguojantį Jėzaus gyvenimo ir mokymų pasakojimą. Jie atskleidžia naujas laiko ir amžinybės properšas žmogiškajai dvasiai bei pateikia naujų detalių apie mūsų beprasidedantį nuotykį draugiškoje ir atidžiai prižiūrimoje visatoje. Urantijos knyga pateikia aiškią ir apibrėžtą mokslo, filosofijos ir religijos integraciją. Tie, kas ją skaito ir studijuoja, tiki, kad Urantijos knyga gali suteikti itin reikšmingą paskatą religiniams ir filosofiniams viso pasaulio žmonių apmąstymams. Urantijos knyga nėra “religija”. Ji plėtoja religinį praeities ir dabarties palikimą, skatindama asmeninį, gyvą religinį įtikėjimą. Skaitytojai iš viso pasaulio yra mums sakę, jog Urantijos knyga juos giliai paveikė ir dažnai pakeitė jų gyvenimus. Ji įkvėpė juos pasiekti naujus dvasinio augimo lygmenis ir praturtino jų žmogiškojo gyvenimo vertės supratimą. Tikimės, kad ir Jūs perskaitysite ją bei pats sau atrasite jos kilnią prasmę.