A bear with big feet ignores teasing to become a hero to all the other animals in the forest.
Nobody's hungry. They will be eating almost anything as long as it's alphabetized. This is the second journal about their journey through the alphabet. Read along as they eat their way through the ABC's. This book is nutty and nutritional. Read it, but please don't eat it.
Born on the Fourth of July 1999, while waiting for the main fireworks display in Prescott, Arizona to begin, zany and lovable Buzz and Zipp, well, sort of popped up, started flying around in my mind, then stopped and looked right at me. It was if they were saying, «Hi there! Well, what are you gonna do with us now.» So as they started buzzing around in my conscious mind and vision, I was thinking about them and all that would follow. I think I laughed a few times about their curious and funny personalities. What a deal! A dad and a son. Mentor and protégé. A buddy and sidekick. For these two, it had just started. The first episode is an introduction to these two learning and well-meaning East Coast house flies. They move to sort of escape the cold winters but still consider themselves East Coasters. But foremost, they are patriots. They love God, family, each other, and their great country. They also enjoy others from various places and seek to travel to new areas that they have maybe only read or heard about. The second book, The Pilot, is coming afterward, with new adventures to follow in the future. There are so many things to check out, from the atom to the universe and everything in between. Don't forget history and the happenings back when all the while going to the library to read some stories. Go back in time by way of the theater of the mind! With a little entertainment and education and bits of knowledge all the way through, these two are on track and are going places together! They are always glad to have their new human friends come along for the ride. Time flies and you're havin' fun.
I Believe in Butterflies is a story of a family's coming together after suffering an unimaginable loss and their way of keeping their child's memory and spirit alive by sharing stories of her transformation into a butterfly and her travels around the world. A story of love, loss, and healing.
Deep within the forest lives a colony of tiny elves whose sole purpose in life is to polish the rainbows to keep them fresh and bright. One sad little elf named Charlie lives alone and has no one to teach him what he needs to know. Faced with the uncertainty of what to do or from whom to ask for guidance, Charlie wanders through the forest in search of answers. If only his life were as easy as his friends’ lives seemed to be! They all have people in their lives to help them, and Charlie has no one, or so he thought. Unbeknownst to him, a tiny fairy named Tina watches over Charlie and follows him everywhere he goes. Just when Charlie feels there is no hope for him, Tina secretly urges him not to give up, to keep on trying. Even though his parents are gone, they are forever in his heart. His mother’s love crosses boundaries and whispers to his heart. Will Charlie listen to his heart and find the help he needs? He’ll never know how far he’ll go until he takes that first step.
Sadie is the story of a rescue shelter dog's journey from an abandoned van to an animal shelter and her final adoption to her forever home and family.
Yaya is back with a new story for all to enjoy! This time, Yaya tells a story of conflict and compromise where two worlds meet and strong personalities abound. Follow Yaya's characters through the woods and around the ranch in The Adventures of Round Mountain.
To the blessing of each child born and the miracle of our triplets. Three little angels sent from above, granted to a princess for all to love.
No Head Fred says to stay safe. See if you can choose the correct decision in each situation. No Head Fred is an interactive book that parents and teachers can read with children and students. It enables children to choose the correct action to take with helpful illustrations. It teaches important life lessons that every child should know!
Migräne und Kopfschmerzen betreffen uns alle: direkt oder indirekt, medizinisch, aber auch volkswirtschaftlich. Dieses Buch gibt Aufschluss über die verschiedenen Arten von Kopfschmerzen und deren Behandlung. Es bietet ein breites Spektrum an Themen – von der Diagnose und der Behandlung bis zur philosophischen Beleuchtung und geschichtlichen Aufarbeitung der Kopfschmerzen – sowie Spezialthemen wie Frau und Migräne und Kopfschmerzen bei Kindern. Zudem führt es durch das breit gefächerte, multimodale Therapiespektrum der Schul- und Komplementärmedizin und bietet Hilfe in Notfallsituationen. Ebenso dient es als Orientierungs- und Interpretationshilfe im Informationsdschungel des Internets sowie der Wissensvertiefung. Behilflich dabei sind Abbildungen und wissenschaftliche Zeichnungen, die entwickelt wurden, um die komplexen Zusammenhänge besser verstehen zu können. Migräne & Kopfschmerzen ist ein, im deutschsprachigen Raum, einmaliges Nachschlagewerk, welches umfassend, kompetent und leicht verständlich durch die Thematik führt und mit detailreichen Illustrationen besticht.