Life is most definitely not fair. Sometimes, we are dished more than we feel we deserve. This book is about how it took a toll on me and what I learned from it. My hurts, pains, joys, and accomplishments are the beginning and end of me. If I can survive them, so can you.
This powerful little book will inspire you and remind you that you are not out of reach of fulfilling and pursuing your life’s purpose. God has not forgotten about you. You have not run amok or gone astray. All it takes is a willingness and desire to have peace, joy, and love in your life.
Dr. Park, an American virologist, has disappeared while on a scientific expedition to study rare viruses in the permafrost of the Ural Mountains in Russia. Just before disappearing, he has found exactly what he was looking for. Weeks later, Dr. Park resurfaces in the captivity of North Korean affiliated agents. An elite US military special operations team is dispatched to recover him at all costs.
One member of the team, Chief Petty Officer Jeremy Baron, has a personal obsession with making a difference to the world and correcting the mistakes of his tragic past. Baron and his team are sent onward to what should have been a simple snatch-and-grab rescue mission. Get in, get out, come home. But the mission awry. Eventually, everything Baron and his team believed about the operation is called into question.
Who is the enemy? What is their plan? What are the consequences of failure? There is more at stake than anybody realized; and layers of lies, deceit, and complex geopolitics are obfuscating the goal.
Now it’s a race against the clock to stop what could be, not only a local tragedy but a global catastrophe.
The struggles of a dissatisfied accountant navigating several crises of the mind, only to find himself standing at the crossroads of his future. Take a right, and it’s lights-out. Move to the left, and amazing adventures await while he dictates words and sentences from the voices in his head. Eventually he creates literary magic that will transform himself into a successful writer. At the start of his transition from bean counter to an investment broker of words, our hero finds himself attending several book signing tours where a multitude of tragic beatings nearly cost him his life, after which he starts to develop unusual talents such as mastering any language, unlimited musical abilities, and a gift of seeing into the future. The list of talents grows as he navigates the rough waters of his ability to manipulate space and an ever-increasing problem of time slips, which eventually opens the door to telepathic insights. The journey sends him and his friends on strange and unusual adventures, eventually landing him between the known and the unknown realms of his mind.
Many children today think that superheroes are only in today’s comic books or movies. But I wonder if they know that back in ancient times, there were people who did miraculous things and were the old-time original superheroes? Have they ever heard of the man who survived being swallowed by a great big fish or the boy who defeated the giant soldier all by himself with a handful of stones? Then there was the man who ended up in a cave with hungry lions! What happened to him?
The greatest superhero of Bible times was the man who cured sick people just by speaking. The heroes in this book are part of a collection of stories based on the Bible and told in common easy-to-understand language, designed to be read as bedtime stories either by an adult or older child.
Each story teaches a lesson in an entertaining way with plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion. Additionally, modern ideas such as evolution, intelligent design, and the origins of the universe are shown to fit seamlessly into the Bible’s version of history. Not doctrine-based, this is a new way of looking at what might have happened all those many years ago with solid adherence to the timeless truths of the Bible itself.
What if?
With the government in complete control of the country and the constitution and bill of rights changed in favor of the government, the United States of America had become the most powerful socialist country in the world. The American people were brainwashed into believing they had to give up their rights to move forward and build a freer society. But then they found themselves in a politically driven and freedom-lost country, though the country still maintained a two-party system. But that was soon to change as the ruling party became more powerful.
The ruling party planned to take complete control and eliminate the opposing party and establish a one-party system, giving all people only one party to vote for, though they could still choose which candidate within the party they wanted, be it a mayor, governor, or president. No one could write a person in.
Complete control was paramount to show the world how to govern a one-party system. With allegiance to the European nations and the retaken of Britain by the European Union after BREXIT it was necessary to invite the world to see how efficient Europe had become in controlling a defeated nation without fighting a war by using the defeated nations politicians; like taking candy from a baby, a little crying then peace. The British were sold out by their own politicians.
They soon learned that freedom is earned and they could not take it for granted. Many citizens knew what had to be done, and secretly they agreed working to free the people and the nation from what had been taken away and to restore the constitution as it was originally written.
Tork and Cal stumble on the beginning of the fight for freedom, learning that all freedom is earned, and the price to win is indeed your right to survive and be free.
Bobbie Gene was a woman of wisdom, perseverance and “do as I say”. Despite growing up with very little, she instilled in her children that little is much. Through life she would remind us that, to get a little bit, there is usually much work required. The different stages of her life depict her strength to keep moving no matter what the outcome. To her, life with disappointments and misfortunes are just crooked paths we all must travel. The key is to hold your head up high and watch out for that next crook in the road ahead.
Exemplifying nonsensical but random quotes directly related as a result from my entire lifetime of
experiences in which I have been facing, is the entire essence of this book. I live and breathe just as others.
The following novel is a product of the factual accounts, as informed by the actual letters sent by and to soldiers across the world in battles during World War II, together with conjecture of probable occurrences; and summarized by the truthful outcomes of the most prominent lives involved.
No matter which side the soldiers fought for, their devotion and promise of love and family was the one constant theme enabling them to keep their heads held high amidst the bullets, the bombs, and the absolute insanity of warfare.
Their stories are both fascinating and quite troubling at the same time, and it is the author’s intention to give each one of their lives dignity and honor, but above all, to highlight the true consequences of a world which refuses to find peace and common ground. Some governments and regimes may endure, while others fall … but in either case, their citizens always pay the very steep, and sometimes ultimate, price for any conflicts which cannot be resolved without battle.
One Face in a Million is an entirely fictional story evolved over many years. I began thinking about writing a story after I visited southern Africa in 1967, where my wife had been born and raised and was often called Mu Shangaaniana when she was young.
I began to formulate a story about a young gal who had been raised on a mission station in Mozambique. She was anxious to leave Africa for America to have a more interesting life. A plot began in my mind, and I envisioned a striking gal to have a life that was quite amazing. She would travel and fall in love, meet notable people, and experience a lot of success. Would that prove to be satisfying? During the years that followed, I was privileged to travel to many places throughout the world, so my story evolved in a way that readers could share in some of my traveling experiences.
My protagonist had to decide what was really important in her life. Her story takes place across the span of a few decades; therefore, the story eventually developed into a series of five books which should be considered as one. Because the title is One Face in a Million, I knew her appearance would be of real interest. I looked at images of several notable actresses of the past, but the one that I preferred was of Merle Oberon. Perhaps it would be just as well for any reader to formulate your own ideas of what my characters would look like. Although this is a fictitious story, I hope that it entertains those who choose to read it.