
Все книги издательства Ingram

    What's in Your CORE?

    Gary Goelz

    What’s In Your CORE will recenter and rejuvenate the reader by encouraging self-reflection and demanding action. This book is designed to help all educators get back to the CORE ( C alling O r R eason in E ducation) of what they love most about this wonderful profession. We created, and you'll be introduced to our ten “COREs,” which can be thought of as “educational personality types” or your default setting What’s In Your CORE then takes purpose to the next level by discussing the unifying power of perspective-taking in others. It helps the reader to better understand and appreciate the perspective of their colleagues in order to efficiently work together to achieve school goals. You’ll find it engaging, humorous, applicable and different from any professional book you’ve ever read. We promise! Whether you’re a teacher, an aide, a principal, a district office leader, or anyone in between, this book is for you.

    Mind Manipulation

    Dr. Haha Lung

    Modern methods of mind control&mdash;employed in propaganda, indoctrination, even advertising&mdash;can be traced back to Ninja strategies of psychological warfare developed and refined centuries ago in medieval Japan. The Ninja were accomplished in covert operations such as espionage, assassination, and sabotage, and were feared for their ability to break through an adversary&rsquo;s mental defenses to use his fears, insecurities, superstitions, and beliefs against him.<BR /> &#160;<BR /> Compiled by noted martial artist and scholar Dr. Haha Lung, MIND MANIPULATION is a clear, modern-day guide to devastatingly effective Ninja mental techniques, including:<BR /> &#160;<BR /> &middot;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; Revealing of an enemy&rsquo;s deepest secrets<BR /> &middot;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; The art of implanting false memories<BR /> &middot;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; How to detect when someone is lying<BR /> &middot;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; Visualizations to affect physical health<BR /> &#160;<BR /> You will also learn defenses against mind-manipulation techniques commonly used in media and politics. Psychological warfare is an unavoidable reality in today&rsquo;s world. The lessons in this book will prepare you to meet any challenge.<BR /><B>&#160;</B><BR /><B><I>For academic study only</I></B>

    Rancho de Amor

    Dan Harder

    The Joy of Geometry

    Alfred S. Posamentier

    A veteran math educator reveals the hidden fascinations of geometry and why this staple of math education is important.If you remember anything about high school geometry class, it's probably doing proofs. But geometry is more than axioms, postulates, theorems, and proofs. It's the science of beautiful and extraordinary geometric relationships–most of which is lost in high school classrooms where the focus is on the rigor of logically proving those relationships. This book will awaken readers to the appeal of geometry by placing the focus squarely on geometry's visually compelling features and intrinsic elegance. Who knew that straight lines, circles, and area could be so interesting? Not to mention optical illusions. So get out the rulers, compasses, or even a software program, and discover geometry for the first time.

    Queer Adolescence

    Charlie McNabb

    Find out what it&rsquo;s like to go through puberty as a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, or asexual teen. What do you do when Mom says, &ldquo;You&rsquo;re a woman now!&rdquo; but you know you&rsquo;re not a woman? Or when Dad keeps asking when you&rsquo;re going to bring a girlfriend home, but you&rsquo;re not interested in girls? Puberty is an awkward and confusing time for anybody, but for queer youth, feelings of social and physical discomfort can be heightened. Adolescence should be a time for making social connections and exploring new ideas, but many queer youth must also wrestle with complicated identity questions, familial and social bigotry, and difficult decisions about whether to be safe or authentic. In this accessible book, personal accounts mingle with factual information and sensitive analysis to provide a snapshot of the joys and concerns of American lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual adolescents. Whether you&rsquo;re a parent, a clinician, a teacher, or a queer person, this book will answer many questions and offer a way forward.Includes: Personal narratives and discussion about the unique challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ youth in adolescence Concrete action plan for parents, teachers, and clinicians to better support the queer youth in their lives Vital glossary of up-to-date LGBTQIA+ and puberty terms Highly recommended queer-inclusive sex education materials

    The Real World

    David Kramer