Sipas Organizatës Botërore të Shëndetit “Këshillimi është një proces që përmes dialogut dhe ndërveprimit, i ndihmon personat për të zgjidhur e menaxhuar problemet dhe pët të marrë vendime.
Zenith è la storia di un ragazzo che attraversa la morte ed è costretto a salvare nove anime per poter tornare alla vita. Lo sfondo dark in cui si delinea Zenith è quello della notte della morte del protagonista Sico. Di ritorno a casa con la sua moto, si muove sull'asfalto bagnato dalla pioggia che ha investito Colleterno con il collo incassato tra le spalle per il freddo e per la strana sensazione che qualcosa di orrendo lo stia inseguendo in attesa di poterlo sopraffare. Il vecchio cimitero sulla collina incombe con le sue luci spettrali, la presenza della morte si fa sempre più densa. Sico perde il controllo della moto e finisce giù da una scarpata. La sua morte segna l'inizio delle nove ore della notte. Ogni ora un'anima appena morta raggiungerà Sico. Lui dovrà tornare indietro a prima della morte di ogni anima per poterla salvare, per poterne salvare più di quante ne possa perdere. Soltanto in questo modo potrà tornare alla vita con le nove anime.
Philliphe is a victorious man in every aspect of life. Nothing else can wish to be happy until something terrible happens. The new situation provokes a great revolt in your world. Lost, just stumbled onto at the thought of an innocent young man. His words are so comforting and optimistic that opens a new perspective amid so much pain. Is launched then the following challenge:Be able understand the God's will and as a consequence decipher your code?
“The dark night of soul” is the continuation of “The seer”. The main character returned to a mountain in search of answers for a troubled period of its life, moments who forgot of God, of its principles, losing itself in sins. In the mountain, “The seer” had contact with two “great beings”, who guided him to knowledge. This book is a passage full of dangers, pirates, a great adventure in the sea, bringing us reflections and questionings, for which we wonder: Would be possible that a criminal recovers, and, really would find the peace for its crimes? He would find forgiveness in itself? He would find the happiness? Or would be only an illusion?
The encounter of two lonely souls in the fascinating context of an imaginary Scottish village is the starting point for a great love story where nothing is like it seems. The main character – Melisande Bruno – is the girl who can’t see rainbows, for she is able to see only in black and white. And her opponent, as well as great love, is Sebastian McLaine, a writer relegated to a wheelchair. Melisande Bruno flees from her past and refuses to accept her diversity: she was born with a particular and rare sight impairment that prevents her from distinguishing colours and her greatest dream would be to see a rainbow. Her new employer is Sebastian McLaine, a famous writer of horror novels, relegated to a wheelchair due to a mysterious car accident. A figure lies in the shadows, ready to feed on other people’s desires… Two solitudes that intertwine; two destinies united by their darkest dreams in which nothing is as it seems. A Gothic novel waiting only to be read…