Michael pense parfois que le sang des puissants immortels ne devrait pas se mélanger, même pour deux âmes sœurs prises dans le feu de la passion. La marque d'accouplement est un symbole d'appartenance mais pour Michael, ce petit avant-goût sanglant va précipiter sa chute. Le sang du Déchu est trompeusement séduisant pour un Dieu Solaire et sa puissance déferlante qui envahit Michael le plonge dans une profonde addiction. Dans l'intention de protéger Aurora de lui-même, Michael se met à pourchasser les plus puissants démons de la ville afin de satisfaire son appétit ténébreux. Alors que le sang noir pulse dans ses veines, Michael se perd dans les méandres de cette soif et devient aussi dangereux que les démons qu'il pourchasse. Michael pense parfois que le sang des puissants immortels ne devrait pas se mélanger, même pour deux âmes sœurs prises dans le feu de la passion. La marque d'accouplement est un symbole d'appartenance mais pour Michael, ce petit avant-goût sanglant va précipiter sa chute. Le sang du Déchu est trompeusement séduisant pour un Dieu Solaire et sa puissance déferlante qui envahit Michael le plonge dans une profonde addiction. Dans l'intention de protéger Aurora de lui-même, Michael se met à pourchasser les plus puissants démons de la ville afin de satisfaire son appétit ténébreux. Alors que le sang noir pulse dans ses veines, ilse perd dans les méandres de cette soif et devient aussi dangereux que les démons qu'il pourchasse.
Happiness for some is a state, for others it is the way, but when love arrives, all pain is gone. An intimate novel about people unknown to each other, with mixed feelings that converge into a common point which is LOVE.
The sun had not even risen when I heard the alarm, half-asleep I stretched out my arm and with an accurate whack, I turned it off and the ringing stopped. I decided to go back to sleep after turning around in bed, remembering that we were on vacation. Why would the alarm have sounded? Surely it was a mistake. Wrapping myself up to the head, I let myself drift back into that blissful early morning doze.
Кибертормоза е модерна форма на тормоз, която може да засегне всеки, но става особено тревожна, когато засегнатите са малолетни. В този кратък наръчник ще намерите отговорите на най-важните въпроси относно тази тема, отговори, които всеки един родител на деца в ученическа възраст би трябвало да знае, като например: какво е Кибертормоз? Как се отразява на живота на жертвите? Възможно ли е да се предотврати Кибертормоза? И най-вече какво да направим, ако синът ни е жертва? Открийте всички ключови аспекти на Кибертормоза, благодарение и на резултатите от последните проучвания по темата в областта на психологията.
Tess et Jake sont face à un dilemme. Aara, leur fille adoptive Aara a reçu un héritage conséquent de l'ennemi juré de Tess, le défunt Amir Al-Saadi. Et cette fortune est sujette à une condition quelque peu troublante : Aara dispose d'un an pour se marier à un musulman. Est-ce acceptable ? C'est ce que Tess et Jake auront à déterminer. Tess et Jake sont face à un dilemme assez singulier. Aara, leur fille adoptive a reçu un héritage conséquent de l'ennemi juré de Tess, le défunt Amir Al-Saadi. Et cette fortune est sujette à une condition quelque peu troublante : Aara dispose d'un an pour se marier à un musulman. Tess et Jake se demandent si tout cela est bien acceptable. Ils font la connaissance deux familles musulmanes, puis se retrouvent à Istanbul ; Aara devra décider si elle veut se plier à cette condition contraignante de son héritage. Pour compliquer les choses, c'est la sœur d'Amir, Fadime, qui en est l'exécuteur, et Laurent Belcour, l'intrigant aux mœurs dissolues, est devenu son amant secret. Tous deux convoitent cette fortune et devisent un plan pour se l'approprier. Dans le même temps, Belcour cherche toujours à se venger de Tess et de son équipe pour avoir déjoué ses plans diaboliques dans le passé. Il se tourne vers le groupe extrémiste djihadiste de Daesh, engagé dans une lutte existentielle avec l'Irak et la Syrie. Voilà tout ce qui attend Tess et Jake…
There are various types of coma and the causes can be varied. Inducing a pharmacological coma in a patient serves to focus all of its vital energies on the part of the body that has to heal. That's what happens to Luigi Mazza when he is involved in a road accident on the Bologna ring road in one autumn day. From that moment on, many recurring images appear in his mind in oneiric and apparently incomprehensible form, but which will have a considerable weight in the future of the main character and of those around him. Doctors do a great job, Luigi Mazza wakes up from a coma and starts day after day to live his life, but his mind seems marked. Who is Luigi Mazza, but above all, who is guilty of that accident? Why does the man is in that physical and mental condition? There are various types of coma and the causes can be varied. Inducing a pharmacological coma in a patient serves to focus all of its vital energies on the part of the body that has to heal. That's what happens to Luigi Mazza when he is involved in a road accident on the Bologna ring road in one autumn day. From that moment on, many recurring images appear in his mind in oneiric and apparently incomprehensible form, but which will have a considerable weight in the future of the main character and of those around him. Doctors do a great job, Luigi Mazza wakes up from a coma and starts day after day to live his life, but his mind seems marked. Who is Luigi Mazza, but above all, who is guilty of that accident? Why does the man is in that physical and mental condition? His brother Mario, who is many years older, helps him: the two have always been incredibly close, but from that day on they seem to be much more. Even if Mario can not know what Luigi felt and what is feeling in the present. In the end detective Stefano Zamagni together with his men will have the task to shed light in this plot inside the plot with an unpredictable ending.
To talk about happiness means talking about an illusion, a goal in life, something very desirable but at the same time ephemeral. At least if we are referring to the idealized “happiness” sold through commercials, television or radio. But happiness is much more than achieving a desired goal in particular; it is a daily effort to maintain that state, otherwise, what would be the purpose of achieving happiness if we have to lose it afterwards? To talk about happiness means talking about an illusion, a goal in life, something very desirable but at the same time ephemeral. At least if we are referring to the idealized “happiness” sold through commercials, television or radio. But happiness is much more than achieving a desired goal in particular; it is a daily effort to maintain that state, otherwise, what would be the purpose of achieving happiness if we have to lose it afterwards? In this book you will find the latest investigations related to happiness and the answers to what it is and how to achieve it. You will also find what happens if you don’t achieve happiness and what happens when the inconveniences and barriers to achieving happiness appear. It will all be explained in a clear and simple way in order to offer you an enriching experience that will be able to help you in your personal search for achieving happiness; but a happiness that will be real, possible and attainable, and above all, lasting.
Cuidado com o que você quer. Para salvar todos, um desejo foi feito, somente atrasando a guerra em vez de termina-la. A batalha entre o bem e o mal tinha chegado ao fim… mas tinha mesmo? Mil anos separavam a jovem sacerdotisa de seus cinco guardiões, irmãos que tinham jurado protege-la. Apenas um deles tinha conservado a memória intata, esperando o momento em que Hyakuhei, o próprio coração do demônio, surgiria para tentar roubar a razão mesma de sua existência. A sacerdotisa repentinamente se viu no meio de uma guerra antiga, não só entre o bem e o mal, mas também entre os irmãos.