Tektime S.r.l.s.

Все книги издательства Tektime S.r.l.s.

    Nessuna Croce, Nessuna Corona

    Gabriel Agbo

    *** NUOVA EDIZIONE*** Tradotto da Monja Areniello Questo piccolo ma potente libro è stato scritto per incoraggiare e responsabilizzare i Cristiani che stanno vivendo momenti difficili. Devono sapere che queste situazioni spiacevoli servono a Dio come strumenti per condurli alla svolta nella loro vita. Qui, vedremo che il nostro atteggiamento può determinare la nostra altitudine nel nostro cammino con Dio. E inoltre, che c'è sempre un guadagno in ogni avversità.

    150 Citata O Uspjehu I Životu

    Wael El-Manzalawy

    ”Neuspjeh vas može uništiti ako ste slabi, ali ako ste snažni, možete uništiti neuspjeh.” – Wael El-Manzalawy Jedan citat može sažeti ideju cijelog poglavlja. Ova knjiga sadrži oko 150 citata mnogih međunarodnih mislilaca. ”Neuspjeh vas može uništiti ako ste slabi, ali ako ste snažni, možete uništiti neuspjeh.” -Wael El-Manzalawy Jedan citat može sažeti ideju cijelog poglavlja. Ova knjiga sadrži oko 150 citata mnogih međunarodnih mislilaca.

    İlham Verici Ve Motivasyonel 70 Alinti

    Wael El-Manzalawy

    ”Başarısızlık bir deneyimdir. Deneyimden yararlanan kazançlı çıkandır.”-Wael El-Manalawy Bir alıntı hayatını değiştirebilir, Hayatın durgun değildir. Hayatını değiştirebilirsin. Bu elektronik kitap uluslararası yazarlara ait, yetmiş adet ilham verici ve motivasyonel alıntılar içermektedir.


    Gabriel Agbo

    这本名为《午夜祈祷的力量》的书是肯定会是关于最全面和最强大的精神战争书之一。书名的选择来自于丰富的经验,令人不寒而栗的见证和忏悔,以及对上帝之道的仔细研究。这确实是一部内容丰富、研究充分的著作。它被描述为一本不可思议的书。 在这里,你将了解到在晚上十一点到凌晨三点之间所做的祈祷中所蕴含的巨大,却尚未被充分发掘的精神力量。你对于赞美、祈祷和禁食的爆发性力量知之甚少吗?你知道神的使者,神的灵和神的火在我们对抗黑暗王国战争中扮演着什么角色吗? 在这本书中,你将直接从以前伟大的神秘大师那里听到耶稣的名字和他的血对撒旦王国造成的巨大破坏性影响。当撒旦和他的恶魔直接接触到宇宙中这两种最强大的元素时会发生什么呢?为什么撒旦在一次会议中因为提到耶稣的名字而从椅子上摔下来呢? 你知道敌人对教会,基督徒和牧师的战争策略吗?他是如何打倒,甚至是杀死福音的牧师的?谁是教会中黑暗王国的代理人?祈祷勇士应该扮演什么角色? 撒但王国为何对人类的血肉之躯感兴趣呢?为什么人类要在神秘的世界里献祭?阅读来自撒旦的前代理人,甚至媒体关于牺牲人类和其他令人不寒而栗,不可印刷的行为的各种报道。为什么一个女人会摘下一个尚在爬行的婴儿眼睛,并用她所有的哭喊声和呻吟来屠杀她,然后把她的肉捣烂吃掉呢?神秘与性别有什么关联?邪恶的灵魂,契约和诅咒能通过性别传播吗?为什么一个男人会和一个小男孩睡觉,并把蛇放在他的肚子里,而只是为了获得权力,财富和地位? 你还会发现其他爆炸性的话题,如与上帝摔跤,捆绑和放松,砸门,打开门,上帝的整个盔甲,天堂之门和地狱之门。这本书的二十一充满力量章节,肯定会让你为上帝而着火。我敢打赌你以前从来没有读过这类的书籍。 愿上帝保佑你!


    Robert A. Webster

    This thrilling, unpredictable, yet sometimes hilarious quest, takes you from the fashionable London restaurant scene to the wild untamed jungles of the Cardamom Mountains, where an English baker and a Cambodian refugee search for a missing family and try to find a mythical plant, source of an incredible and unique spice. Ben Bakewell is the Master Pâtissier at one of London’s most prestigious restaurants. Better known as Cake, he befriends Ravuth, a refugee from the killing fields of Cambodia who fled to England in the 1970’s as the Khmer Rouge ravished his country. As a youngster, Ravuth stumbled across an unknown plant, the source of an incredible and unique spice. Separated from his family by the Khmer Rouge, and having spent the majority of his life trying to trace them, Ravuth returns to Cambodia with Cake to seek the rare plant and find his missing loved ones. Arriving in Cambodia, they team up with a disgraced ex-DEA agent bent on revenge and needs to find the plant for purposes that are far more sinister. They furrow into the deepest parts of the untamed, unforgiving, Cardamom jungle where they barely come out alive. Will they find Ravuth’s family and the amazing Spice


    Roberta Mezzabarba

    "Vínculos, cuerdas hechas de gritos (Apollinaire). Al filo del nuevo milenio una nueva amenaza llega desde las tinieblas. Un niño ha sido salvado pero ahora un muchacho está en peligro. Tres mujeres luchan. Nadie está a salvo. El milenio ya no es milenio. Dos mil y Muerte. Una novela fascinante e intensa que mezcla thriller, suspense y esoterismo. Una Novela sobre la fuerza de los vínculos del pasado y del presente. San Silvestre, 1999. Guglielmo y su vida aparentemente serena, sin sombras. Gemma, su novia, la única por lo que ha sentido algo que ha ido más allá del placer físico. Angelica, una madre afectuosa y presente. Filiberto, padre frío y desapegado. Y, finalmente, Luana y Lucio, los antagonistas de la historia, los que intentarán destruir la vida de Guglielmo, de arrebatarlo a sus seres queridos para llevar a cabo un proyecto diabólico y descabellado de una mente enferma y demoníaca. Pero la vida también está hecha de elecciones. ¿Sabrá Guglielmo desasirse de los nudos que lo asfixian y volver a ser el dueño de su vida? Una novela con una trama compleja, tonos sombríos y dramáticos, una historia que atrapa y se deja leer de un tirón, porque está llena de suspense y de momentos de tensión que apasionan y mantienen la atención. Haz clic aquí y mira el BOOKTRAILER https://youtu.be/NtFL3BPhOC0 La novela LEGÀMI ha recibido los siguientes reconocimientos en diversos concursos nacionales e internacionales en Italia 1) Premio a la excelencia en el Premio Internacional Città di Cattolica “Pegasus Litterary Awards XI Edición” 2) Mención Especial con Diploma de Excelencia en el Premio Literario Alda Merini 2019 3) Mención de Honor en el Concurso Literario Argentario 2019 IV edición. 4) Finalista en el Concurso Literario Internacional “L’ebbrezza della vita” en Gravina di Catania (CT) 5) Finalista en el Premio Literario Giovane Holden XIII° edición en Viareggio (LU) 6) Premio especial femenino reservado a las autoras que han producido obras de admirable profundidad en el Premio Literario Internacional Montefiore IX Edición 2019 en Montefiore Conca (RN) 7) 1° clasificado absoluto Narrativa Edita Premio Literario Nacional “Ti meriti un amore 2° Edición” en Massa Lombarda (RA) 8) Finalista en el Concurso Literario “La quercia di MYR 3° edición” en San Giacomo in Roburent (CN) 9) 3° clasificado en el Concurso Literario Città di Terni “Il Logo D’Oro – IXX Edizione) en Terni (TR) 10) Mención de honor en el Concurso Nacional e Internacional de Poesía y Narrativa “Club della Poesia” en Cosenza 11) 3° clasificado en el Concurso Literario Nacional Amarganta 5° Edición en Rieti 12) Premio de la Crítica en el Concurso Literario 2019 “I poeti sono maestrali” en Trani (BT) 13) Mención de Honor en el Premio Bienal Internacional de Poesía y Narrativa “Percorsi Letterari … dal Golfo dei Poeti Shelley e Byron, alla Val di Vara” en Riccò del Golfo della Spezia (SP) 14) Mención de Honor premio literario Golden Holmes Awards 2020 en Napoli 15) Premio Especial de los Lectores en el Premio Literario Nacional ”Un Libro Amico Per L'inverno” 2019/2020 – IX Edición en Rende (CS) "


    Diego Maenza

    Over the course of a year, I undertook the task of working with twenty cartoons that stimulated my imagination. I pretended to reverse the traditional process of illustrating texts. I ”texted” the illustrations daily. The initial objective was to take the characters in a comical way, but they had a lot to tell me. It was the characters who whispered the words to me. They always had a life of their own and I couldn't dominate them anymore. All the poems, stories and monologues, in a way concatenated, retain a global vision although at first glance they appear as disconnected flashes in an exhibition of fireworks. This book aims to be a celebration of humor and irony, but at the same time it aspires to become a rare invitation to reflection and strangeness. Over the course of a year, I undertook the task of working with twenty cartoons that stimulated my imagination. I pretended to reverse the traditional process of illustrating texts. I ”texted” the illustrations daily. Like ”action painting”, I could have called it ”literature in action”, but it would have been to distort the nature of the project, which was a work in progress, a dynamic entity, an evolving process, a writing on the go, a progressive writing. I never had a predetermined plan and the categorization was later, but the invocations of the four classic elements influenced underground in the structure of the work.The initial objective was to take the characters in a comical way, but they had a lot to tell me. It was the characters who whispered the words to me. They always had a life of their own and I couldn't dominate them anymore. All the poems, stories and monologues, in a way concatenated, retain a global vision although at first glance they appear as disconnected flashes in an exhibition of fireworks. This book aims to be a celebration of humor and irony, but at the same time it aspires to become a rare invitation to reflection and strangeness.


    A. J. Mitar

    It is 2023 a.D. and we’re in one of the tranquil municipalities of the Po Valley. Two families make dinner plans, as they have done so many times before. However, a twist of fate will provide two long-time friends, Alex Brugellis and Angelica Benassi, with a close encounter of the first kind with a UFO. They’ll be taken away from their respective families and transported to a surreal place, catapulted into an adventure that goes beyond their wildest imagination. It is 2023 a.D. and we’re in one of the tranquil municipalities of the Po Valley. Two families make dinner plans, as they have done so many times before. However, a twist of fate will provide two long-time friends, Alex Brugellis and Angelica Benassi, with a close encounter of the first kind with a UFO. They’ll be taken away from their respective families and transported to a surreal place, catapulted into an adventure that goes beyond their wildest imagination. They find themselves in an artificial habitat that was tailored to human beings. In this mysterious habitat, they will be forced to lived together, subject to the disturbing manipulations of an equally-mysterious device. However, the event was a blessing in disguise: they grow to love each another and give in to the red-hot passion that ignites them. Alex and Angelica understand that they were meant for each other. Amid a conspiracy of interstellar proportions and complex plot twists, they’ll spend the rest of their lives trying to be happy. And they are not alone, because thousands of other alien species have had the same fate and now live in hexagonal biospheres inside a structure similar to a beehive. This ebullient community made up by different species will join these two humans and try to address several unanswered questions and concerns. In their relentless quest for the truth, amid thousands of questions and conjectures, they find out that reality is much harder to understand: Those responsible for their abduction—which they refer to as “Casch-Mesis”—are unbelievable multidimensional aliens. Alex and Angelica will learn that they’re part of an elite of individuals who have affinity and were transported to a place far away from their respective worlds, to a planet they call “Reservythia” because of its peculiar characteristics. After spending years in Reservythia, life will take its course and their human family will grow exponentially, thanks to the never-ending genetic changes made by the “Casch-Mesis.” However, when they seemed to have grown used to their routine, other changes will come


    Amy Blankenship

    Damon foi viver com os irmãos por uma razão… a rapariga que o tinha esfaqueado e deixado a morrer estava lá a viver sob a proteção dos vampiros. Quando acabam por salvar a vida da Alicia mais vezes do que ele poderia imaginar, Damon decide que alguém precisa de a controlar antes que a gatinha finalmente encontre uma maneira de lhe escapar, matando-se. O ciúme torna-se um jogo perigoso quando ela entra no cio e começa a atrair muito mais do que monstros. Alicia Wilder está farta de ser protegida do mundo pelos seus irmãos protetores. Ao tentar provar que é capaz de lidar com a guerra dos vampiros, acaba por ser maltratada, mordida, beijada, alvejada, e como se isso não bastasse, a viver com três vampiros muito sensuais, tendo sido um deles quem começou a guerra dos vampiros. Quando se vê a entrar na mudança do cio, Alicia percebe que a sua rede de segurança pode ser a sua ruína. Damon foi viver com os irmãos por uma razão… a rapariga que o tinha esfaqueado e deixado a morrer estava lá a viver sob a proteção dos vampiros. Quando acabam por salvar a vida da Alicia mais vezes do que ele poderia imaginar, Damon decide que alguém precisa de a controlar antes que a gatinha finalmente encontre uma maneira de lhe escapar, matando-se. O ciúme torna-se um jogo perigoso quando ela entra no cio e começa a atrair muito mais do que monstros.


    Virginie T.

    un romanzo paranormale tra un mutante e una fateliana (popolo avente poteri soprannaturali) sul fondo di una lotta di potere All’ origine, il mondo era un popolo di umani, di mutanti e di fateliani. All’apparenza, la pace regnava tra i popoli. Ma se avessimo grattato la superficie, avremmo scoperto che la realtà era completamente diversa.Con metodo e pazienza, i branchi animorfi hanno sterminato a uno a uno tutti i fatali. Li hanno fatti sparire dalla faccia della Terra. In fondo, è quello che tutti hanno pensato durante gli scorsi venticique anni… mi chiamo Connor e sono il capo del branco degli Angeli Guardiani, incaricato di proteggere i testimoni di eccessi dei branchi ribelli. Nonostante ciò, non mi aspetto di scoprire che la persona da soccorrere non è altro che la mia anima gemella tanto sperata e l' ultima della sua specie. Sono pronto a tutto per portarla al sicuro sul mio territorio e la rivendicherò mia.