Tektime S.r.l.s.

Все книги издательства Tektime S.r.l.s.

    The Albatros And The Pirates Of Galguduud

    Federico Supervielle

    Imagine if Western countries lost control of sea lines of communication. What would a businessman be willing to do to protect his interests? The pirate camps that pepper the coast of Somalia threaten to hijack any ship that comes near their waters and the developed countries don’t seem to be able to take a stand against the problem. The world’s energy industry is on the brink of collapse. Can a businessman battle with the pirates? Could the failed Somali State control its own coast? A young seaman from Cadiz running away from his own personal nightmares is chosen to do away with the magnate’s enemies, but he is not far enough away from his own past. As the events develop there is a much more complex plot behind the attacks. Without realizing it, Pablo finds himself being dragged into the midst of an international conspiracy in which he will have to rely solely on his crew and his ship, Albatros.

    The Last Christmas On Earth

    Andrea Lepri

    The Sun seems to have suddenly decreed that Life on Earth must end. A team of scientists tries to awaken the last survivor of the Rooswell's Ufo Crash, probably the only being that can help humanity to survive. An alien breed wants to take over the entire planet, a secret expedition into the Bermuda Triangle towards Atlantis is looking for the Key that opens the Celestial Tunnels. The son of Rockland's deputy, who is fond of Egyptology, disappears for thirty hours. When he returns home he remembers nothing, the race against time has begun. Humanity is in danger due to the increased activity of the Sun. Some scientists, flanked by Abel Parker, wake up the Gray, the last surviving alien who fell in Roswell. He is hibernated in a laboratory of Area 51, where Margareth Turner will ask him to help her decipher some disturbing mysteries. Harry, son of Deputy Sheriff James Robinson, disappears for thirty hours and when he returns home he remembers nothing. His bike shines with mysterious bluish dust, the same one that covers two corpses found the next morning in the same area. In the following days, other mysterious events occur, Harry acquires paranormal abilities, James believes that someone is watching them aiming to kidnap his son again, but he doesn't know that someone very close to him is plotting in the shadows. The corpses begin to mummify, but, before the Coroner can perform a second autopsy, the bodies disappear and with them every proof of their existence. When everything seems to be back to normal, the long-awaited Lobster’s Festival begins, but a powerful virus hits the county and the much sought-after answers come to the surface one by one. The Earth enters an apocalyptic phase, the first catastrophes send the entire Humanity into a panic. The Grey explains to Margareth that an alien race ”the Pleiadians” wants to take over the planet, while Abel Parker claims that the Grey wants to conquer the Earth. The President of the United States gives an ultimatum for the Grey to cooperate, he is the only one able to open the Heavenly Door and save everyone with the Vimanas, the ancient alien spaceships hidden in Tibet. A lightning storm sends the systems of Area 51 into a tailspin, Margareth and the Grey take advantage of it to escape and head to Egypt. A futuristic submarine descends into the Bermuda Triangle to reveal its mysteries. Neil Patterson, adventurer Bryan West, Aztec High Priest Pedro Ayala, and Cain Parker are part of the crew. The latter is in search of the Key that opens the Stargate, a heavenly portal that allows you to travel through time and space and that is hidden in El Giza. In the abysses, Atlantis is perfectly preserved, protected by a dome of energy. The calamities increase, some alien flying disks, allies of the Grey, try to save the people gathered in mass but are repulsed by the terrestrial air forces. Harry the child prodigy, the Grey and the Pleiadians are all in Egypt, fighting for the possession of the Stargate, while the planet and its inhabitants are dying. Who is gonna win? What's going to happen? What will be of humankind?

    Beyond The Silver Threads

    Lara Biyuts

    Set in St-Petersburg, Beyond the Silver Threads is a story of one student’s night adventures and subsequently his first time, both lip-smacking good and uncanny. Set in St-Petersburg, the city quite cosmopolitan, Beyond the Silver Threads is about one youth of the name of Vadim who gets his uncle’s apartment at his disposal for the time of the winter holidays. Languor of Youth urges him to go out, on the clear night. In the street, he meets his old friend, and later, on the night, he gets his first time. Time of the story is the same as the Regency in England. Historical romance. Soft erotic. Paranormal adventure. The fairy, winter nightlong tale has got some reviews. “Woven with the aid of the rich and enchanting combination of history and human emotions, this literary tapestry is the best history fiction and paranormal adventure ever.” (Vlad Anghel, goodreads.com)

    Schaduw Van De Dood (Door Bloed Gebonden Boek 8)

    Amy Blankenship

    In het hart van de demonenoorlog kan niets als vanzelfsprekend worden beschouwd, omdat het het lot van de betrokkenen naar een uiterst gevaarlijke en verleidelijke vorm van chaos leiden. Een man ontdekt dat vreemden in het donker kunnen botsen voor een moment van verblindende passie, alleen om te worden gescheiden door de koude hand van het lot zonder zelfs een naam om te helpen bij zijn jacht op haar. Een andere man zal merken dat wanneer de Schaduw des Dood een stalker wordt, de meest verleidelijke vijanden snel zijn sterkste bondgenoot kunnen worden … zelfs als het tegen zijn zin is. En kan het hart van één zielsverwant de twee mannen die van haar houden, ervan houden elkaar te vermoorden?

    De Verwoeste Stad

    Scott Kaelen

    Dramatische, personage-gedreven epische fantasie met een bespelen van horror en humor, voor volwassenen. De goden uitdagen is hun toorn uit te nodigen. Dus het is geschreven van Lachyla, de verwoeste stad, in de Codex van de Leeftijden. Maar wie leest codices? En wie gelooft de grote verhalen van de verhalenvertellers echt? Dagra doet het. Als het een verhaal over de goden is – zelfs een dode god – gelooft hij elk woord. Wanneer zijn vrijbuitersgilde een contract wordt aangeboden om de Dode landen over te steken en een begrafenisjuweel in de crypten van de Verwoeste Stad te vinden, wil Dagra er geen deel van uitmaken. Zijn metgezellen zijn niet ontmoedigd door de legende; voor hen is de onscherpe kloof tussen de levenden en de doden bijgelovige onzin. Het voltooien van het contract zou de foute reputatie van hun gilde een broodnodige boost geven en hen de premie van hun leven garanderen. Ze gaan, met of zonder hem. Verscheurd tussen de overtuigingen van zijn overtuigingen en het belang van zijn vriendschappen, reist Dagra met tegenzin in het goddeloze gebied op zoek naar de legendarische stad. Maar de Deadlands zijn slechts de eerste uitdaging. De vrijbuiters onthullen een eeuwenoud bedrog wanneer ze ontdekken dat Lachyla's gemene zaad veel donkerder is dan zijn legende, dat de waarheid voor altijd onverteld moet blijven of de mensheid dreigt te storten in een eeuwige nachtmerrie. Vastgebonden op de weerhaken van de ziekte, staat Dagra voor de moeilijkste keuze in zijn leven … en voor zijn dood.


    Juan Moisés De La Serna

    U životu se dešavaju različiti događaji, pozitivni i negativni, koji će utjecati na način razmišljanja i ponašanja, ali i na to kako se osjećamo. Tuga obično proizlazi iz gubitka ili događaja koji osjećamo negativno, ili jednostavno zato što naša očekivanja nisu ispunjena. Ova tuga može biti privremena, trajati satima, danima ili čak tjednima, ali kada se ta tuga produži s vremenom i promijeni način na koji se osjećamo, razmišljamo i djelujemo, možemo se suočiti s ozbiljnijim problemom, depresijom.

    反向语音 在 理论与实践中

    Джошуа Шмуде

    理论与实践中的逆向演讲》历时4年,详细介绍了人们如何利用其潜意识来预测赛马或他们想要的任何其他场所的结果。该书由戴维·约翰·奥茨(David John Oates)的学生,经认证的反向语音分析员约书亚·施穆德(Joshua Schmude)撰写,将读者带入了一项精神探索,发掘了自己灵魂内的潜能。 本书详细介绍了澳大利亚研究人员大卫·约翰·奥茨(David John Oates)的理论,他发现并发展了与反向演讲相关的基本理论,该书于1987年出版在他的第一本书《超越向后掩盖》中。由获得认证的逆向语音分析师Joshua Schmude撰写,它使读者深入自己的灵魂深处,并使用定性研究方法,教给任何人他们如何使用自己的语音逆向来预测未来相关事件的结果与赛马或他们希望的任何其他实际领域。这项工作中提出的假设肯定会改变任何以开放的心态阅读本书的人的生活。


    Amanda Mariel

    克丽缇娜.肯德尔女士让亚当.布莱顿上她的床,仅仅是想让自己获得一种重生。 克丽缇娜.肯德尔女士让亚当.布莱顿上她的床,仅仅是想让自己获得一种重生。如今她已经有了女儿,就不再希望见到他了。直到丹比的公爵召亚当来约克郡共度圣诞季节假日,亚当才再次出现在她家门口。此刻,克丽缇娜必须在对亚当的思念及决心保护女儿不再遭受流氓的欺负之间进行选择,不然这些流氓还会不停的麻烦她。


    Federico Betti

    Existen varios tipos de coma y las causas pueden ser muy distintas. Inducir un coma farmacológico en un paciente sirve para concentrar todas sus energías vitales hacia la parte del cuerpo que se debe curar, y es esto lo que le sucedió a Luigi Mazza cuando, un día de otoño, se vio envuelto en un accidente de tráfico en la carretera de circunvalación de Bolonia. Desde ese momento, en su mente aparecen una sucesión de imágenes recurrentes que se presentan de forma onírica y aparentemente incomprensible, pero que tendrán un impacto importante en el futuro del protagonista y de quienes están a su alrededor. Los médicos hacen un trabajo espléndido, Luigi Mazza se despierta del coma y poco a poco, cada día, recomienza a vivir su vida, pero su mente parece estar marcada. ¿Quién es Luigi Mazza, pero sobre todo, quién es el culpable de aquel accidente? ¿Por qué el hombre se encuentra en aquella condición física y mental? Existen varios tipos de coma y las causas pueden ser muy distintas. Inducir un coma farmacológico en un paciente sirve para concentrar todas sus energías vitales hacia la parte del cuerpo que se debe curar, y es esto lo que le sucedió a Luigi Mazza cuando, un día de otoño, se vio envuelto en un accidente de tráfico en la carretera de circunvalación de Bolonia. Desde ese momento, en su mente aparecen una sucesión de imágenes recurrentes que se presentan de forma onírica y aparentemente incomprensible, pero que tendrán un impacto importante en el futuro del protagonista y de quienes están a su alrededor. Los médicos hacen un trabajo espléndido, Luigi Mazza se despierta del coma y poco a poco, cada día, recomienza a vivir su vida, pero su mente parece estar marcada. ¿Quién es Luigi Mazza, pero sobre todo, quién es el culpable de aquel accidente? ¿Por qué el hombre se encuentra en aquella condición física y mental? Para ayudarle está su hermano Mario, muchos años mayor que él: los dos han estado siempre muy unidos pero desde ese día lo parecen todavía más. Aunque Mario no puede saber qué es lo que ha sentido y qué siempre realmente Luigi. Finalmente será responsabilidad del agente Stefano Zamagni, junto con sus hombres, el que arrojará un poco de luz en esta historia dentro de la historia, con un final imprevisible.


    Manuele Migoni

    Sequel de LA ZONA GRIGIA. Quando giocare d’anticipo, quando non sapere, è la miglior fortuna che si possa ottenere. Costretto a riparare altrove, in fuga da scomode verità, a Riley Webb non bastò Miami, non bastò la CIA, non bastò Katrina Zarkoskaya, “Elene”. E per gli agenti FBI che lo scovarono, ci volle ben altro che un confine delittuoso e una rischiosa messinscena. Qualcosa era sfuggito, di qualcuno non avevano tenuto conto. Ma a certi livelli è difficile si prendano iniziative senza aspettarsi un riscontro, e soprattutto quando ci sono in ballo cifre, soldi pubblici, lo scommetterci non può limitarsi a una semplice ipotesi. Più che prove di fatto, dati oggettivi, fu come un’intuizione che qualcosa stesse arrivando. Forse quel qualcuno che, come un innocuo scherzo del destino, come un insolito giustiziere, chiuderà una partita giungendo alla verità?