Die in dem Sammelband «Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises 1.4 Baugrunddynamik» der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V. (DGGT) zusammengefassten Empfehlungen haben das Ziel, das Vorgehen bei baugrunddynamischen Aufgaben zu vereinheitlichen. Ferner geben Sie Hinweise, wie durch angemessene baugrunddynamische Untersuchungen die Beeinträchtigung von Einrichtungen, Schäden an Bauwerken und Anlagen sowie störende Umwelteinwirkungen auf Menschen und Geräte vermieden werden können. Die vorliegenden Empfehlungen stellen den neuesten Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik auf dem Gebiet der Baugrunddynamik dar. Sie beruhen auf gesicherten Erkenntnissen, die einen empirischen Nachweis einschließen, d. h. es liegen für diese Empfehlungen auch praktische Erprobungen vor. Sie sind daher Bestandteil der ?allgemein anerkannten Regeln der Technik?. Für die vorliegende zweite Ausgabe wurden die Empfehlungen erneut umfangreich überarbeitet und um zwei Teile ergänzt.
Der Umgang mit vorhandener Bausubstanz gehört zu den täglichen Aufgaben für Bauingenieure und Architekten. Das vorliegende Buch vermittelt die notwendigen Kenntnisse der verschiedenen Methoden der Zustandserfassung und Bewertung von Bauteilen und Tragwerk sowie der Planung von Instandsetzungs- und Ertüchtigungsmaßnahmen. Ein Überblick über die Entwicklung der Bemessungsregeln und Materialkennwerte im Stahlbetonbau hilft bei der Auswertung von Bestandsunterlagen. Zahlreiche anschauliche Beispiele machen das Buch zu einem unverzichtbaren Leitfaden für die Planung und zu einem wertvollen Begleiter für das Studium. Für die zweite Auflage wurden die Inhalte mit Bezug zu den gültigen technischen Regelwerken vollständig aktualisiert. Darüber hinaus wurden einige Teile zum besseren Verständnis vollständig überarbeitet und neue Abschnitte aufgenommen.
Allegations of Russian conspiracies meddling in the affairs of Western countries have been a persistent feature of Western politics since the Cold War – allegations of Russian interference in the US presidential election are only the most recent in a long series of conspiracy allegations that mark the history of the twentieth century. But Russian politics is rife with conspiracies about the West too. Everything bad that happens in Russia is traced back by some to an anti-Russian plot that is hatched in the West. Even the collapse of the Soviet Union – this crucial turning point in world politics that left the USA as the only remaining superpower – was, according to some Russian conspiracy theorists, planned and executed by Russia’s enemies in the West. This book is the first-ever study of Russian conspiracy theories in the post-Soviet period. It examines why these conspiracy theories have emerged and gained currency in Russia and what role intellectuals have played in this process. The book shows how, in the new millennium, the image of the ‘dangerous, conspiring West’ provides national unity and has helped legitimize Russia’s rapid turn to authoritarianism under Vladimir Putin.
We think we know what healers do: they build on patients’ irrational beliefs and treat them in a ‘symbolic’ way. If they get results, it’s thanks to their capacity to listen, rather than any influence on a clinical level. At the same time, we also think we know what modern medicine is: a highly technical and rational process, but one that scarcely listens to patients at all. In this book, ethnopsychiatrist Tobie Nathan and philosopher Isabelle Stengers argue that this commonly posed opposition between traditional and modern medicine is misleading. They show instead that healers are interesting precisely because they don’t listen to patients, using techniques of ‘divination’ rather than ‘diagnosis’. Healers construct genuine therapeutic strategies by identifying the origins of symptoms in external forces, outside of the mind of the sufferer. Modern medicine, for its part, is characterized by empiricism rather than rationality. What appears to be the pursuit of rationality is ultimately only a means to dismiss and exclude other forms of treatment. Blurring the distinctions between traditional and modern practices and drawing on perspectives from across the globe, this ethnopsychiatric manifesto encourages us to think in radically new ways about illness, challenging accepted notions on the relationship between sufferer and symptom.
What does it mean for the people to actually rule? Formal democracy is an empty and cynical shell, while the nationalist Right claims to advance its anti-democratic project in the name of ‘the People’. How can the Left respond in a way that is true to both its radical egalitarianism and its desire to transform the real world? In this book, Gianpaolo Baiocchi argues that the only answer is a radical utopia of popular self-rule. This means that the ‘people’ who rule must be understood as a demos that is totally open, inclusive and egalitarian, constantly expanding its boundaries. But it also means that sovereignty must be absolute, possessing total power over all relevant decisions that impact the conditions of life. Only, he argues, by a process of explosive and creative tension between this radical view of the ‘we’ and an absolute idea of the ‘sovereign’ can we transform our approach to political parties and state institutions and make them instruments of total emancipation. Illustrated by the real-life experiences of movements throughout the world, from Latin America to Southern Europe, Baiocchi’s provocative vision will be essential reading for all activists who want to understand the true meaning of radical democracy in the 21st century.
The different forms of telepresence in education, in distance learning, in student support, in the use of learning environments or even at the heart of robot systems, are developed in universities and higher education facilities specializing in professional training. They constitute opportunities to reform arguments and give rise to important questions: how should we think about the hierarchy of presence and absence in these techniques in order to make possible “the presence of the absent”? What is the effect on mediation processes? On the perception of the body and on identity? How does it transform collaborative work? Telepresence in Training brings together research that attempts to answer these questions by using studies and practical supports from higher education, with regards to teacher training and telepresence robots in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Quebec.
First update in 4 years! As fluctuating oil prices, off-shore drilling, and other energy-related issues impact the way your clients conduct business, it i essential to have a keen understanding of the domestic and international topics and trends facing the oil and gas industry today. This 2018 edition includes over 200 pages of invaluable guidance to help accountants improve their industry knowledge, fine-tune their strategies, and provide high-quality services to their clients. This publication provides important technical guidance, summarizes new standards and practices, and delivers «how-to» advice for handling audit and accounting issues that will be critical to your success. Key Features of this title are: An updated illustrative representation letter that contains industry-specific representations. Discussion and interpretive guidance associated with FASB ASC 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers