John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Linux Essentials

    Richard Blum

    Learn Linux, and take your career to the next level! Linux Essentials, 2nd Edition provides a solid foundation of knowledge for anyone considering a career in information technology, for anyone new to the Linux operating system, and for anyone who is preparing to sit for the Linux Essentials Exam. Through this engaging resource, you can access key information in a learning-by-doing style. Hands-on tutorials and end-of-chapter exercises and review questions lead you in both learning and applying new information—information that will help you achieve your goals! With the experience provided in this compelling reference, you can sit down for the Linux Essentials Exam with confidence. An open source operating system, Linux is a UNIX-based platform that is freely updated by developers. The nature of its development means that Linux is a low-cost and secure alternative to other operating systems, and is used in many different IT environments. Passing the Linux Essentials Exam prepares you to apply your knowledge regarding this operating system within the workforce. Access lessons that are organized by task, allowing you to quickly identify the topics you are looking for and navigate the comprehensive information presented by the book Discover the basics of the Linux operating system, including distributions, types of open source applications, freeware, licensing, operations, navigation, and more Explore command functions, including navigating the command line, turning commands into scripts, and more Identify and create user types, users, and groups Linux Essentials, 2nd Edition is a critical resource for anyone starting a career in IT or anyone new to the Linux operating system.

    Architectural Graphics

    Francis Ching D.K.

    The bestselling guide to architectural drawing, with new information, examples, and resources Architectural Graphics is the classic bestselling reference by one of the leading global authorities on architectural design drawing, Francis D.K. Ching. Now in its sixth edition, this essential guide offers a comprehensive introduction to using graphic tools and drafting conventions to translate architectural ideas into effective visual presentations, using hundreds of the author's distinctive drawings to illustrate the topic effectively. This updated edition includes new information on orthographic projection in relation to 3D models, and revised explanations of line weights, scale and dimensioning, and perspective drawing to clarify some of the most difficult concepts. New examples of modern furniture, APA facilities, and presentation layout provide more up-to-date visuals, and the Reference Center features all new animations, videos, and practice exercises. Architectural graphics are key tools for conveying design through representation on paper or on screen, and this book is the ultimate guide to mastering the skill, then applying your talent to create more effective design communication. Understand multiview, paraline, and perspective drawing Master interior sections using a variety of techniques Render tonal value, enhance depth, and convey illumination Develop professional-quality layouts for presentations Architectural graphics both inform the design process and serve as the means by which a design is interpreted and built. Complete mastery of the tools and conventions is essential to the successful outcome of any project, and mistakes can cause confusion, time delays, increased costs, and possible catastrophe. Architectural Graphics is the comprehensive guide to professional architectural drawing, with insight from a leading authority in the field.

    Professional Python

    Luke Sneeringer

    Master the secret tools every Python programmer needs to know Professional Python goes beyond the basics to teach beginner- and intermediate-level Python programmers the little-known tools and constructs that build concise, maintainable code. Design better architecture and write easy-to-understand code using highly adoptable techniques that result in more robust and efficient applications. Coverage includes Decorators, Context Managers, Magic Methods, Class Factories, Metaclasses, Regular Expressions, and more, including advanced methods for unit testing using asyncio and CLI tools. Each topic includes an explanation of the concept and a discussion on applications, followed by hands-on tutorials based on real-world scenarios. The «Python 3 first» approach covers multiple current versions, while ensuring long-term relevance. Python offers many tools and techniques for writing better code, but often confusing documentation leaves many programmers in the dark about how to use them. This book shines a light on these incredibly useful methods, giving you clear guidance toward building stronger applications. Learn advanced Python functions, classes, and libraries Utilize better development and testing tools Understand the «what,» «when,» «why,» and «how» More than just theory or a recipe-style walk-through, this guide helps you learn – and understand – these little-known tools and techniques. You'll streamline your workflow while improving the quality of your output, producing more robust applications with cleaner code and stronger architecture. If you're ready to take your Python skills to the next level, Professional Python is the invaluable guide that will get you there.

    Linux Bible

    Christopher Negus

    The industry favorite Linux guide, updated for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and the cloud Linux Bible, 9th Edition is the ultimate hands-on Linux user guide, whether you're a true beginner or a more advanced user navigating recent changes. This updated ninth edition covers the latest versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7), Fedora 21, and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, and includes new information on cloud computing and development with guidance on Openstack and Cloudforms. With a focus on RHEL 7, this practical guide gets you up to speed quickly on the new enhancements for enterprise-quality file systems, the new boot process and services management, firewalld, and the GNOME 3 desktop. Written by a Red Hat expert, this book provides the clear explanations and step-by-step instructions that demystify Linux and bring the new features seamlessly into your workflow. This useful guide assumes a base of little or no Linux knowledge, and takes you step by step through what you need to know to get the job done. Get Linux up and running quickly Master basic operations and tackle more advanced tasks Get up to date on the recent changes to Linux server system management Bring Linux to the cloud using Openstack and Cloudforms Linux Bible, 9th Edition is the one resource you need, and provides the hands-on training that gets you on track in a flash.

    Blockchain For Dummies

    Tiana Laurence

    Find out what Blockchain is, how it works, and what it can do for you Blockchain is the technology behind Bitcoin, the revolutionary 'virtual currency' that's changing the way people do business. While Bitcoin has enjoyed some well-deserved hype, Blockchain may be Bitcoin's most vital legacy. Blockchain For Dummies is the ideal starting place for business pros looking to gain a better understanding of what Blockchain is, how it can improve the integrity of their data, and how it can work to fundamentally change their business and enhance their data security. Blockchain For Dummies covers the essential things you need to know about this exciting technology's promise of revolutionizing financial transactions, data security, and information integrity. The book covers the technologies behind Blockchain, introduces a variety of existing Blockchain solutions, and even walks you through creating a small but working Blockchain-based application. Blockchain holds the promise to revolutionize a wide variety of businesses. Get in the know about Blockchain now with Blockchain For Dummies and be ready to make the changes to business that your colleagues and competitors will later wish they'd done. Discover ten ways Blockchain can change business Find out how to apply a Blockchain solution See how to make data more secure Learn how to work with vendors Filled with vital information and tips on how this paradigm-changing technology can transform your business for the better, this book will not only show you Blockchain's full potential, but your own as well!

    Investing For Dummies

    Eric Tyson

    The easy way to invest in your financial future In the world of investing, slow and steady wins the race. With this mantra in mind, trusted author and finance guru Eric Tyson is back with the latest edition of the #1 bestselling book, Investing For Dummies, to help you achieve your investment goals. Inside, he offers time-tested advice on how to develop a winning investment strategy that matches your abilities with your expectations – all the while ensuring you're slowly and steadily growing your portfolio. No matter where you are in your investment planning, the recommendations and strategies in this popular and easy-to-follow reference offer everything you need to ramp up your portfolio. From the tax laws that affect investing decisions to the impact of the current political environment, this foolproof guide covers it all and gives you the confidence to invest like the pros. Develop and manage your portfolio in any market Choose investments that match your goals Navigate the world of online investing and robo advisors Whether you're a millennial securing your first job, an employee rolling over a 401(k), a baby boomer looking to shore up your nest egg prior to retirement – or anywhere in between – all the sound investment advice you need is at your fingertips!

    Beekeeping For Dummies

    Howland Blackiston

    Everything you need to 'bee' a successful backyard beekeeper If you've ever thought about becoming a backyard beekeeper—or have already tried a hand at it and want to be better one—then this is the book for you! In Beekeeping for Dummies, 4th Edition you'll find everything you need to know in order to start your own colony, including how to assemble and maintain beehives, handle every phase of honey production, purchase and use all the latest tools, and what to do beyond your first season. This hands-on guide provides all the tools, tips, tricks, and techniques needed to become a real backyard beekeeper. You'll learn to identify the queen from her workers and drones, properly open and close the hive, distinguish one type of honey from another, and preserve your colony if disaster should strike. Keep bees on a small urban rooftop or in a large country yard Assemble your own hive and sustain it for years to come Safely inspect and manage your colony Harvest and sell your own honey Becoming a backyard beekeeper isn't as hard as people think—and with this hands-on guide, you'll be able to create one honey of a colony that will have the neighbors buzzing.

    Catholicism For Dummies

    John Trigilio

    A comprehensive and definitive guide to the Catholic faith Whether you're a member of the faith or just interested in it, Catholicism For Dummies, 3rd Edition offers a casual, straightforward introduction to the ins and outs of the contemporary church. It explores the moral foundations of Catholicism and explains such sacraments as weddings, Baptisms, funerals, Confirmations, and First Communions. It also covers the basics of Catholic belief, including the story of creation, the origin of sin, and even the end of the world. New to this edition, the book covers the succession of Pope Francis, the «People's Pope,» whose message of reconciliation among religions and focus on social issues like poverty and inequality have made him immensely popular, even among non-Catholics. Explains where the church and the Pope stand on important moral and social issues Covers modern questions of moral importance to Catholics, like gay marriage, abortion, and the death penalty Reveals what modern life is like in the priesthood Written by the co-hosts of the popular weekly television program «Crash Course of Catholicism» In this accessible guide, you'll take a full and rich look at this diverse and vibrant religion and understand what it is to be a Catholic today.

    iPad For Dummies

    Bob LeVitus

    Set up and use your iPad like a boss! When your coworkers or friends attempt to explain the latest functions and features of the iPad, do you feel as if they're speaking a foreign language? We've all been there. And seriously, you spent a lot of money on your new device, so why not get the plain-English guidance you need to maximize its performance and capabilities? In iPad For Dummies, you'll find easy-to-follow instructions on everything you need to operate your tablet with the skills of an iPad guru. In this updated edition, you'll find out how to operate your iPad with ease, including setting up your new iPad, using the multi-touch interface, synching your data, using iCloud, setting up your iTunes account, surfing the web, accessing your email account, and navigating iOS 10. The latest iPad is loaded with features and functions you'll be eager to explore, and this full-color guide makes it a breeze! Set up your iPad preferences Connect with family and friends with iMessage and FaceTime Capture and create memories with photos and videos Keep your day on track with the calendar, reminders, and more Whether you've just purchased your first iPad or have been an avid supporter since the product's launch, iPad For Dummies keeps you up to date on the features and functions of the latest model.

    iPhone For Dummies

    Bob LeVitus

    Set your iPhone to stun! Apple keeps packing more punch into the iPhone, and iPhone For Dummies has been the go-to guide for aficionados from the start! Just like those that came before it, this new edition leaves no stone unturned, giving you thorough and easy-to-follow guidance on everything you need to unlock all your iPhone has to offer. From using FaceTime to connect with friends to setting up your iPhone to stay organized and on time, this is the essential iPhone companion guide no user should be without. Think about the iPhone. It's a device capable of communicating with anyone across the globe, connecting to the world's knowledge, fetching music and video, and assisting with day-to-day chores. In short, it's science fiction come to life. iPhone For Dummies provides the insight and know-how you need to squeeze all these wonders out of your iPhone—while having a whole lot of fun in the process. Get to know the latest iPhone models, including the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus Grasp the newest features of iOS 10 Stock your iPhone with apps for watching video, reading books, and more Shoot photos and instantly share them Don't waste a minute! Swipe, tap, and type your way to all the fun and functionality your iPhone has to offer!