John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    macOS High Sierra For Dummies

    Bob LeVitus

    Work, play, connect, and share with the ultimate tour to macOS 'X' macOS 'X' For Dummies is the ultimate tour guide to the Mac operating system, written by Bob «Dr. Mac» LeVitus himself! Whether you're upgrading your trusty old MacBook or venturing into new territory for the very first time, this easy to use guide will get you up and running quickly. It's all here: navigation, preferences, file management, networking, music and movies, and so much more. From the absolute basics to advanced techniques, this book shows you everything you need to know to turn your Mac into an extension of your brain. Concerned about security? Need to troubleshoot an issue? Want to make your Mac perform even better? Let Dr. Mac walk you through it with clear explanations and a little bit of humor. Read this book beginning-to-end for a complete tutorial, or dip in and out as needed when things take an unexpected turn; if you have macOS questions, Dr. Mac has the answers you need. macOS has powered Macs since 2001. Each free annual update improves the system's functionality, and typically offers a few new tools and fixes old issues. If you need to learn your way around this year's update quickly, easily, and thoroughly, this book is for you. Get organized and find your way around the interface Customize your Mac's look, «feel,» and behavior Get connected, get online, and into the cloud Access your movies and music, back up your data, and more! Famous for its reliability and usability, macOS offers the sort of streamlined tools and operations you won't find anywhere else. macOS 'X' For Dummies helps you discover just how much your Mac can do for you.

    UnBranding. 100 Branding Lessons for the Age of Disruption

    Scott Stratten

    UnBranding breaks through the noise of disruption. We live in a transformative time. The digital age has given us unlimited access to information and affected all our traditional business relationships – from how we hire and manage, to how we communicate with our current and would-be customers. Innovation continues to create opportunities for emerging products and services we never thought possible. With all the excitement of our time, comes confusion and fear for many businesses. Change can be daunting, and never have we lived in a time where change came so quickly. This is the age of disruption – it's fast-paced, far-reaching and is forever changing how we operate, create, connect, and market. It's easy to see why brand heads are spinning. Businesses are suffering from 'the next big thing' and we're here to help you find the cure. UnBranding is about focus – it's about seeing that within these new strategies, technologies and frameworks fighting for our attention, lay the tried and true tenants of good business – because innovation is nothing but a bright and shiny new toy, unless it actually works. UnBranding is here to remind you that you can't fix rude staff, mediocre products and a poor brand reputation with a fancy new app. We are going to learn from 100 branding stories that will challenge your assumptions about business today and teach valuable, actionable lessons. It's not about going backwards, it's about moving forward with purpose, getting back to the core of good branding while continuing to innovate and improve without leaving your values behind. Some topics will include: Growing and maintaining your brand voice through the noise How to focus on the right tools for your business, for the right reasons Maintaining trust, consistency and connection through customer service and community The most important question to ask yourself before innovation The importance of personal branding in the digital age How to successful navigate feedback and reviews It's time for a reality check. It's time to solve problems, create connections, and provide value rather than rush strategy just to make headlines. UnBranding gives you the guidance you need to navigate the age of disruption and succeed in business today.

    Write Code Like a Pro. Create Working Applications


    CODERS ARE ROCK STARS Coders are the people who are building the future. You can stake your own claim on the future by learning pro coding techniques. Take a look inside to figure out how and why coders think a bit differently, the basics of building a working application with a professional coding language, and how to test your app to make sure it works. Get a jump on your future as a rock-star coder today! See the big picture – get a grip on how pro coders start and finish a project Know the code – get your hands on a pro coding language and put it to work Make things happen – create a working application you can share with friends

    Hacking the Hacker. Learn From the Experts Who Take Down Hackers

    Roger Grimes A.

    Meet the world's top ethical hackers and explore the tools of the trade Hacking the Hacker takes you inside the world of cybersecurity to show you what goes on behind the scenes, and introduces you to the men and women on the front lines of this technological arms race. Twenty-six of the world's top white hat hackers, security researchers, writers, and leaders, describe what they do and why, with each profile preceded by a no-experience-necessary explanation of the relevant technology. Dorothy Denning discusses advanced persistent threats, Martin Hellman describes how he helped invent public key encryption, Bill Cheswick talks about firewalls, Dr. Charlie Miller talks about hacking cars, and other cybersecurity experts from around the world detail the threats, their defenses, and the tools and techniques they use to thwart the most advanced criminals history has ever seen. Light on jargon and heavy on intrigue, this book is designed to be an introduction to the field; final chapters include a guide for parents of young hackers, as well as the Code of Ethical Hacking to help you start your own journey to the top. Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly critical at all levels, from retail businesses all the way up to national security. This book drives to the heart of the field, introducing the people and practices that help keep our world secure. Go deep into the world of white hat hacking to grasp just how critical cybersecurity is Read the stories of some of the world's most renowned computer security experts Learn how hackers do what they do—no technical expertise necessary Delve into social engineering, cryptography, penetration testing, network attacks, and more As a field, cybersecurity is large and multi-faceted—yet not historically diverse. With a massive demand for qualified professional that is only going to grow, opportunities are endless. Hacking the Hacker shows you why you should give the field a closer look.

    Capacity. Create Laser Focus, Boundless Energy, and an Unstoppable Drive In Any Organization

    Chris Johnson

    Optimize your talent by removing the obstacles in their path Capacity is a proven system for bringing the best out of your team-and yourself. Matt and Chris Johnson set the mark on how to succeed in the future with their energizing message, humorous stories and their generational differences. As the world speeds-up faster and faster, organizations and their people try to keep up. This pressure to do more with less has reached epidemic levels of concern and organizations are panicking on how to recruit, retain and attract the best talent for the future. Burnout, low engagement, and overwhelming stress are jeopardizing organizations’ ability to scale and win. As outdated performance models of the past crumble under pressure, Matt and Chris show you how to build and protect your most valuable asset—YOUR PEOPLE. What if you could beat the clock and expand your capacity by 6 hours per week? Or 11? Think about the organizational impact if your workforce were given fresh capacity to perform, lead, and grow. This book offers a clear, workable solution for organizations functioning in the real world: by paring it down to three performance pillars they must have to succeed—focus, energy, and drive. Ever organization sets initiatives, but many remain unfinished because their capacity to do so fails before it starts. This framework is different: these changes bring the type of benefits that cause transformation. Giving your people what they need makes buy-in irrelevant, and allows them to perform at their highest potential. Not only can it work, but it is the only thing that will work over the long term. By making your organization a great place to work, you retain your best talent and attract more like it. With dedicated resources, focus, sustainable effort, and comprehensive strategy, your top performers will be equipped to drive your organization to the top. Among Capacity’s Key Points: Learn what top performers need to produce their very best work Discover the biggest factor influencing your team’s FOCUS, ENERGY and DRIVE Prevent burnout and stimulate innovation by allowing your people to have a bigger container Adopt a strategy of expanding capacity to exceed your high-performance goals Deeply personal, but organizational focused. Capacity is an engaging and even life changing book Capacity is the next big paradigm shift for the future of training and development—as we shift to the world of the knowledge worker, it is not information or talent that wins, it’s is whoever has the largest capacity that will win. Capacity is your secret weapon to winning the performance war.

    Partir Du Bon Pied

    Jennifer Blake

    Édition revue et mise à jour de LA ressource canadienne pour vivre une grossesse heureuse et en santé Partir du bon pied est votre guide pratique qui explique étape par étape ce à quoi vous devrez vous attendre dans la planification, la conception, le travail et dans tout ce qui touche la grossesse. Créée par la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada (SOGC), cette ressource essentielle, qui en est à sa cinquième édition, contient les renseignements les plus récents pour vous aider à vivre une grossesse en santé. Dans ce guide écrit par les sommités canadiennes en matière de santé des mères et des nouveau-nés, les experts de la SOGC répondent à vos questions sur votre corps, votre bébé et votre vie durant la grossesse. La cinquième édition de cet incontournable regorge des renseignements les plus récents pour vous aider à démêler les faits des croyances. Pour que vous ayez une grossesse en santé, ce guide adopte une stratégie axée en grande partie sur la réduction des risques et met l'accent sur la période avant la conception du bébé et sur le début de la grossesse (les trois premiers mois après la conception). Grâce au guide Partir du bon pied, vous serez en mesure de faire les bons choix pour vous et votre bébé. Comme ce guide a été conçu dans un but pratique, vous pourrez l'utiliser comme cahier de note où inscrire tous les détails de votre grossesse, de vos suivis prénataux et de votre expérience d'accouchement. Le guide compte aussi un grand nombre de pages où vous pourrez écrire les informations importantes dont vous aurez besoin pendant la grossesse. Utilisez les espaces à la fin de chaque chapitre pour noter les questions à poser lors de votre prochain rendez-vous. Quand bébé sera sur le point de naître, vous pourrez consulter ce que nos experts ont à vous expliquer sur chacun des quatre stades de l'accouchement en plus de lire leurs conseils pour vous aider à vivre une expérience d'accouchement comme vous le souhaitez et à profiter des premiers moments avec votre nouveau-né. Une fois que vous serez mère, vous trouverez dans Partir du bon pied les conseils dont vous aurez besoin pour prendre soin de bébé et des renseignements entre autres sur les soins post-partum et l'allaitement.

    UnMarketing. Everything Has Changed and Nothing is Different

    Scott Stratten

    UnMarket to build trust and make lifelong customers! In 2009, Scott Stratten and Alison Stratten wrote the bestselling UnMarketing: Stop Marketing, Start Engaging and began a journey that would take them around the world sharing their message of engagement with corporations, entrepreneurs, and students.They are now back with this second edition, because Everything has Changed and Nothing is Different, with all the brilliance of the first edition, plus new content and commentary to reflect the rapidly changing landscape we all live, buy, and work in today. For generations, marketing has been hypocritical. We've been taught to market to others in ways we hate being marketed to (cold-calling, flyers, ads, etc.). So why do we still keep trying the same stale marketing moves? UnMarketing shows you how to unlearn the old ways and consistently attract and engage the right customers. You'll stop just pushing out your message and praying that it sticks somewhere. Potential and current customers want to be listened to, validated, and have a platform to be heard-especially online. With UnMarketing, you'll create a relationship with your customers, and make yourself the logical choice for their needs. We know you've been told to act like other people, talk like other people, and market like all the people, but it is time for you to unlearn everything and start to UnMarket yourself. UnMarketing includes the latest information on: Idea Creation, Viral Marketing and Video, Marketing to Millennials, Authenticity, Transparency and Immediacy, Ethics and Affiliates, Social Media Platforming, UnPodcasting, Word of Mouth, Customer Service, Consumer Advocacy and Leadership. With examples of what to do, and what not to do, from small business right up to worldwide corporations in areas such as real estate, travel, service, retail, and B2B.

    M&A Disputes. A Professional Guide to Accounting Arbitrations

    Gerald Hansen M.

    Navigate M&A accounting arbitrations with insider perspective M&A Disputes takes you inside the dispute resolution process to help you put together the many «moving parts» necessary to obtain a successful outcome. With deep insight from experts in the field—including valuable advice from the arbitrator's perspective—this book guides you through the entire process to explore the variables at work. The high volume of M&A transactions makes post-closing price adjustment provisions and accounting arbitrations a critical part of doing business. Yet, the field is opaque to non-practitioners and important issues can be easily misunderstood without specific knowledge and experience. A resulting award can make or break a transaction; an intimate understanding of the process's inner working can help you plan your position to the greatest advantage. This book explores the many factors that that contribute to a successful resolution across the entire transaction life cycle from contract negotiation through the dispute phase including due diligence, determination of the target net working capital, conception and closing of the purchase agreement, post-closing negotiation and dispute resolution, the impact of accounting practices, guidance, and documentation as well as relevant auditing concepts, and various facts and circumstances surrounding the target business and the transaction that need to be considered. M&A volume remains high and continues to result in large numbers of current and future post-closing M&A disputes. Clients rely on their attorneys and advisers to guide them through the process and counsel them toward a positive outcome. Those professionals will find that M&A accounting arbitrations carry a range of distinctions that require a specialized knowledge base to navigate correctly. This book provides real-world guidance from experts in the field, with invaluable insight for every stage of the process. Walk through the entire dispute resolution process from arbitrator selection through final award Understand how M&A agreement provisions impact the awarded amount as well as the options available to limit the scope of potential disputes and the «gaming» of the post-closing process by the counterparty Understand the nature of accounting estimates and guidance, their interaction with accounting arbitrations, and how to synthesize facts, circumstances, and GAAP into a persuasive argument to present to the accounting arbitrator Get situation-specific advice for different types of transactions Learn practitioner «dos» and «don'ts» from the arbitrator's perspective M&A Disputes provides transaction parties and their representatives an inside view at the transaction and commonly disputed items through the eyes of the arbitrator to provide them with uniquely valuable insight. In addition to being an invaluable tool for practitioners appearing before an accounting arbitrator, M&A Disputes also provides advice to would-be and experienced arbitrators alike to successfully resolve disputes that can be significant and complex.

    Getting Started with Electronics. Build Electronic Circuits!

    Cathleen Shamieh

    Fun and engaging electronics projects just for kids! Do you have a cunning kid who's curious about what goes on inside computers, phones, TVs, and other electronic devices? You may just have a budding Edison on your hands—and what better way to encourage their fascination with electronics than a book filled with projects they can complete on their own? In Getting Started with Electronics, your child will follow simple steps to safely create cool electronics projects using basic materials that can easily be found at online retailers or hobby shops. Just imagine your child's delight as they use clips, switches, resistors, capacitors, and more to create circuits that control light and sound! From building a nifty LED flashlight to tuning in to a local radio station using a homemade tuner—and more—your little electronic wiz's world is about to get a whole lot brighter! Features vivid designs and a short page count Focuses on your child experiencing a sense of accomplishment Projects introduce core concepts while keeping tasks simple Teaches electronics in a safe environment Built for the youngest of learners from the makers of the trusted For Dummies brand, you can feel good about giving your child a book that will spark their creativity.

    CCNA ICND2 Study Guide. Exam 200-105

    Todd Lammle

    Real-world expert preparation for the ICND2, with hands-on labs The CCNA ICND2 Study Guide, 3rd Edition covers 100 percent of all exam 200-105 objectives. Leading networking authority Todd Lammle provides detailed explanations and clear instruction on IP data networks, switching and routing technologies, IPv4 and IPV6 addressing, troubleshooting, security, and more. Dozens of hands-on labs help you gain experience with important tasks, and expert examples and insights drawn from thirty years of networking bring real-world perspective to essential CCNA skills. The Sybex interactive online learning environment provides hundreds of sample questions, a glossary of key terms, and over 100 electronic flashcards to streamline your study time and expand your resources; the pre-assessment test shows you where to focus your efforts, and the practice exam allows you test your level of understanding while there's still time to improve. Need more study tools? Exclusive to this edition, you will receive 30 days of free online video training with almost 20 hours of Routing and Switching from the experts at ITPro TV. The ICND2 is the final exam for the CCNA certification. With 80 percent of the Internet's routers being Cisco technology, this exam is critical for a career in networking. This guide explains everything you need to be confident on exam day. Study 100% of the exam objectives Get essential hands-on experience Access sample questions and flashcards Test your knowledge with a bonus practice exam Be fully prepared for the CCNA ICND2 with the Sybex advantage.