A forward-thinking look at performance assessment in the 21st century Next Generation Assessment: Moving Beyond the Bubble Test to Support 21st Century Learning provides needed answers to the nation's growing concerns about educational testing in America. Drawing on research and the experiences of leading states and countries, this new book examines how performance assessments can offer a feasible alternative to current high stakes tests. As parents, educators, and policymakers have increasingly criticized the effects of the teaching to the test mandate from the No Child Left Behind Act, the need for this resource has never been more critical. This summary volume to Beyond the Bubble Test speaks to the nationwide unease about current tests' focus on low-level skills, like recalling and restating facts, rather than higher-order skills such as problem-solving, analyzing, and synthesizing information. It illustrates how schools can use authentic assessments to improve teaching and learning as they involve students in conducting research, designing investigations, developing products and solutions, using technology, and communicating their ideas in many forms. This important book: Serves as a must-have resource for those interested in the most current research about how to create valid and reliable performance assessments Explains how educators can improve practice by developing, using, and scoring performance assessments Helps policymakers and educators accurately assess the benefits and possibilities of adopting performance assessments nationally If you're an educator, researcher, graduate student, district administrator, or education policy specialist, Next Generation Assessment is an indispensable resource you'll turn to again and again.
“REIN MASTERFULLY CAPTURES WHERE [CONSUMERS] HAVE BEEN AND WHERE THEY DREAM OF GOING.” —FORTUNE PRAISE FOR THE END OF CHEAP CHINA “Brilliantly written.” —Financial Times “Rein combines elegant writing and methodical research. Years of working in China have given him access to important players. Incisive interviews with billionaires, business executives, government officials, and migrant workers guide the pulse of the narrative . . . essential reading.” —USA Today “Engaging. Full of vivid anecdotes from Chinese billionaires to senior party officials and even prostitutes. For any foreigners thinking about doing business in the Middle Kingdom, The End of Cheap China is a good place to start.” —Reuters “Must-read.” —Consulting Magazine “A lively read.” —Straits Times “An inside look.” —Industry Week “Compelling, engaging, informative.” —The Cayman Islands Journal “Lively, well-written book.” —South China Morning Post “Engaging, highly readable style with real-life examples from vast catalog of China research. For good measure, Rein wedded into China’s elite, marrying the granddaughter of 1980s Politburo chairman Marshal Ye Jianying” —Asia Times
China's changing course, and sustainable success requires a shift in strategy The End of Copycat China helps business executives and investors understand how China's economy is shifting from one based on heavy investment to one on services and consumption by providing insight that help shape effective strategy. Drawing from over 50,000 interviews with entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, private equity investors, private Chinese companies, and multinationals, this book describes how Chinese firms are increasingly focused on innovation rather than copying what worked in America and how consumers are evolving with their hopes, dreams and aspirations. China's growth model of the last three decades is becoming increasingly ineffective, as relying on heavy investment and exports is becoming less and less feasible. Fifty percent of China's growth in 2013 stemmed from consumption, the government is establishing a Free Trade zone in Shanghai and ending the dominance of state-owned enterprises. This book provides a roadmap for companies and investors looking to navigate these changes and capture emerging trends, with deep insight and practical guidance on what innovation looks like in the new China. Survey the development of innovation taking place in China's economy, from an insider's perspective Consider the changes that must take place to shore up the broken growth model Examine the consumer trends emerging in the midst of rapid market evolution Understand how China's rise will impact its neighbors like Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Cambodia China's dramatic shift toward consumption presents a tremendous opportunity for foreign business, but traditional tactics are outdated at best, financially fatal at worst, as local competitors focus on innovation and move up the value chain and as consumers look for new brands and categories to spend money on. New strategies are needed to keep pace with the changing regulatory and consumer environments, and «business as usual» won't get very far. The End of Copycat China is the business guide to this emerging market, with expert guidance from the inside.
The definitive guide to demystifying the venture capital business The Business of Venture Capital, Second Edition covers the entire spectrum of this field, from raising funds and structuring investments to assessing exit pathways. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, the book provides the necessary breadth and depth, simplifies the jargon, and balances the analytical logic with experiential wisdom. Starting with a Foreword by Mark Heesen, President, National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), this important guide includes insights and perspectives from leading experts. Covers the process of raising the venture fund, including identifying and assessing the Limited Partner universe; fund due-diligence criteria; and fund investment terms in Part One Discusses the investment process, including sourcing investment opportunities; conducting due diligence and negotiating investment terms; adding value as a board member; and exploring exit pathways in Part Two Offers insights, anecdotes, and wisdom from the experiences of best-in-class practitioners Includes interviews conducted by Leading Limited Partners/Fund-of-Funds with Credit Suisse, Top Tier Capital Partners, Grove Street Advisors, Rho Capital, Pension Fund Managers, and Family Office Managers Features the insights of over twenty-five leading venture capital practitioners, frequently featured on Forbes' Midas List of top venture capitalists Those aspiring to raise a fund, pursue a career in venture capital, or simply understand the art of investing can benefit from The Business of Venture Capital, Second Edition. The companion website offers various tools such as GP Fund Due Diligence Checklist, Investment Due Diligence Checklist, and more, as well as external links to industry white papers and other industry guidelines.
Positively Smarter brings together seven principles for connecting the science of neuroplasticity to practical strategies for enhancing the synergy of happiness, achievement, and physical well-being. Moving beyond common myths, the text builds an evidence-based paradigm to empower readers to take practical steps to move forward. Brings together current research on cognitive psychology, education (learning), and implications of neuroscience to suggest powerful ways to enhance the kind of cognitive function and productivity that leads to happiness and success Applies implications of current research showing that happiness is a skill and that positive affect can lead to higher levels of creative problem solving, productivity, achievement, and well-being Shares research and strategies for supporting physical activity and nutrition that may enhance neuroplasticity, cognitive performance, and positive affect Puts learners first and then brings in the science, presenting creative or adaptive strategies that can be applied in the real world Includes action assessments to guide readers in taking concrete steps to achieve the goals they set for themselves Identifies deeply held assumptions that innate talent, genes, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity mean that a significant percentage of the population lacks the neurocognitive potential to achieve at higher levels Draws on the authors’ research from a broad range of fields in order to maximize the positive impact of a synergistic approach
Business Professionals, to be Truly Effective and Advance in their Careers, Must Master their People-Centric Skills. People-Centric Skills: Interpersonal and Communication Skills for Auditors and Business Professionals is a comprehensive guide to the «soft skills» that make technical professionals more effective. People-Centric Skills aim to improve all aspects of personal interactions, relationship development, and communication. These skills are as essential to success as are technical capabilities. This is the story of a leading internal audit department taking that next step to becoming a world-class audit organization in a fictional company. The foundation of that next step is developing their People-Centric Skills. The book demonstrates the impact that interpersonal and communication skills – whether good or bad – have on an auditor's effectiveness, job, and career. Readers will be able to empathize with the characters, and relate to the real-life situations in which they find themselves. Each chapter features a summary of key People-Centric points and guidelines that will help readers apply what they've learned to their own projects and departments. In a 2013 study sponsored by the Institute of Internal Auditors («IIA»), the seven key attribute areas identified to be a successful auditor include relationship building, partnering, communications, teamwork, diversity, continuous learning and integrity. Unfortunately, most professionals never obtain these skills as part of their college degrees, certifications and other ongoing training. They are left to their own devices when it comes to developing these talents. The book follows an easy-to-read fictional narrative to highlight areas for improvement, and uses common scenarios to illustrate how to apply the lessons. People-Centric Skills: Interpersonal and Communication Skills for Auditors and Business Professionals focuses on many of these critical attributes. Topics include: Conflict Management Coaching and Mentoring Building an Effective Team and Team Dynamics Team Leadership Partnering and Relationship Building Effective Meeting Practices Brainstorming and Multivoting Assessing Corporate Culture Active Listening Non-verbal Communications Consensus Building These skills apply not only to internal auditors but also transfer across a broad range of business professions and industries, and from professional to personal life. They open doors, establish effective relationships, improve effectiveness, and can turn a «no» into a «yes.» They are the true differentiator in advancing a career. For an auditor to be truly effective, great people skills are one of the most important tools in the box. People-Centric Skills: Interpersonal and Communication Skills for Auditors and Business Professionals is a straightforward guide to getting along, getting what you want in a constructive manner, and becoming a world-class professional.
Featuring numerous updates and enhancements, Science Fiction and Philosophy, 2nd Edition, presents a collection of readings that utilize concepts developed from science fiction to explore a variety of classic and contemporary philosophical issues. Uses science fiction to address a series of classic and contemporary philosophical issues, including many raised by recent scientific developments Explores questions relating to transhumanism, brain enhancement, time travel, the nature of the self, and the ethics of artificial intelligence Features numerous updates to the popular and highly acclaimed first edition, including new chapters addressing the cutting-edge topic of the technological singularity Draws on a broad range of science fiction’s more familiar novels, films, and TV series, including I, Robot, The Hunger Games, The Matrix, Star Trek, Blade Runner, and Brave New World Provides a gateway into classic philosophical puzzles and topics informed by the latest technology
Balanced, practical risk management for post – financial crisis institutions Fundamentals of Risk Management fills a critical gap left by existing risk management texts. Instead of focusing only on quantitative risk analysis or only on institutional risk management, this book takes a comprehensive approach. The disasters of the recent financial crisis taught us that managing risk is both an art and a science, and it is critical for practitioners to understand how individual risks are integrated at the enterprise level. This book is the only resource of its kind to introduce all of the key risk management concepts in a cohesive case study spanning each chapter. A hypothetical bank drawn from elements of several real world institutions serves as a backdrop for topics from credit risk and operational risk to understanding big-picture risk exposure. You will be able to see exactly how each rigorous concept is applied in actual risk management contexts. Fundamentals of Risk Management includes: Supplemental Excel-based Visual Basic (VBA) modules, so you can interact directly with risk models Clear explanations of the importance of risk management in preventing financial disasters Real world examples and lessons learned from past crises Risk policies, infrastructure, and activities that balance limited quantitative models This book provides the element of hands-on application necessary to put enterprise risk management into effective practice. The very best risk managers rely on a balanced approach that leverages every aspect of financial operations for an integrative risk management strategy. With Fundamentals of Risk Management, you can identify and control risk at an expert level.
The most comprehensive coverage of search engine optimization In Search Engine Optimization All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition, Bruce Clay—whose search engine consultancy predates Google—shares everything you need to know about SEO. In minibooks that cover the entire topic, you'll discover how search engines work, how to apply effective keyword strategies, ways to use SEO to position yourself competitively, the latest on international SEO practices, and more. If SEO makes your head spin, this no-nonsense guide makes it easier. You'll get the lowdown on how to use search engine optimization to improve the quality and volume of traffic on your website via search engine results. Cutting through technical jargon, it gets you up to speed quickly on how to use SEO to get your website in the top of the rankings, target different kinds of searches, and win more industry-specific vertical search engine results! Includes new and updated material, featuring the latest on Bing!, Google instant search, image search, and much more Covers SEO and optimizing servers for SEO Provides important information on SEO web design Shows you how to use SEO to stay «above the fold» If you're a website owner, developer, marketer, or SEO consultant, Search Engine Optimization All-in-One For Dummies, Third Edition is the only resource you need to beat the competition.
Risk analysis has become critical to modern financial planning Financial Forecasting, Analysis and Modelling provides a complete framework of long-term financial forecasts in a practical and accessible way, helping finance professionals include uncertainty in their planning and budgeting process. With thorough coverage of financial statement simulation models and clear, concise implementation instruction, this book guides readers step-by-step through the entire projection plan development process. Readers learn the tools, techniques, and special considerations that increase accuracy and smooth the workflow, and develop a more robust analysis process that improves financial strategy. The companion website provides a complete operational model that can be customised to develop financial projections or a range of other key financial measures, giving readers an immediately-applicable tool to facilitate effective decision-making. In the aftermath of the recent financial crisis, the need for experienced financial modelling professionals has steadily increased as organisations rush to adjust to economic volatility and uncertainty. This book provides the deeper level of understanding needed to develop stronger financial planning, with techniques tailored to real-life situations. Develop long-term projection plans using Excel Use appropriate models to develop a more proactive strategy Apply risk and uncertainty projections more accurately Master the Excel Scenario Manager, Sensitivity Analysis, Monte Carlo Simulation, and more Risk plays a larger role in financial planning than ever before, and possible outcomes must be measured before decisions are made. Uncertainty has become a critical component in financial planning, and accuracy demands it be used appropriately. With special focus on uncertainty in modelling and planning, Financial Forecasting, Analysis and Modelling is a comprehensive guide to the mechanics of modern finance.