The ideal on-the-job reference guide for SQL Server 2008 database administrators If you manage and administer SQL Server 2008 in the real world, you need this detailed guide at your desk. From planning to disaster recovery, this practical book explores tasks and scenarios that a working SQL Server DBA faces regularly and shows you step by step how to handle them. Topics include installation and configuration, creating databases and tables, optimizing the database server, planning for high availability, and more. And, if you're preparing for MCTS or MCITP certification in SQL Server 2008 administration, this book is the perfect supplement to your preparation, featuring a CD with practice exams, flashcards, and video walkthroughs of the more difficult administrative tasks Delves into Microsoft's SQL Server 2008, a rich set of enterprise-level database services for business-critical applications Explores the skills you'll need on the job as a SQL Server 2008 administrator Shows you how to implement, maintain, and repair the SQL Server database, including bonus videos on the CD where the authors walks you through the more difficult tasks Covers database design, installation and configuration, creating databases and tables, security, backup and high availability, and more Supplements your preparation for MCTS and MCITP SQL Server 2008 certification with in-depth coverage of the skill sets required for certification, as defined by Microsoft Uses hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios to keep what you're learning grounded in the reality of the workplace Make sure you're not only prepared for certification, but also for your job as a SQL Server 2008 administrator, with this practical reference! Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Crowdsource funding is the new way to finance start-ups in a networked world Entrepreneurs, small business owners, investors, artisans, or those who merely have a good idea for a business venture have a new and attainable means of securing capital to grow their dreams. Gone are the days when the only options to raise funds for a new business were venture capitalists, angel investors, or Wall Street. Web-based crowdfunding services are now plentiful and offer a variety of options for the aspiring entrepreneur. However, these services are not typically as well-understood as the more traditional means of raising capital. In The Crowdsource Funding Services Handbook, author Jason R. Rich offers a step-by-step overview of the various crowdsource funding services available on the Web, as well as the necessary documentation required to launch a successful crowdfunding campaign. Contains details on how to evaluate and select the best online platform for crowdfunding efforts Provides details on creating a business plan to the specifications require to raise capital via crowdfunding Provides an overview of the financial projections that will be required for a crowdfunding initiative Proposes a specific approach to creating a «pitch video» to succeed with a crowdsource funding campaign The Crowdsource Funding Services Handbook is a thorough, well-developed resource for those seeking to raise capital to start a business or fund the development of an innovative idea. Author and crowdfunding expert Jason R. Rich provides this definitive, hands-on guide to raising capital in the new economy.
For years, traders and investors have been using unproven assumptions about popular patterns such as breakouts, momentum, new highs, new lows, market breadth, put/call ratios and more without knowing if there is a statistical edge. Common wisdom holds that the stock markets are ever changing. But, as it turns out, common wisdom can be wrong. Offering a comprehensive look back at the way the markets have acted over the last two decades, How Markets Really Work: A Quantitative Guide to Stock Market Behavior, Second Edition shows that nothing has changed, that the markets behave the same way today as they have in years past, and that understanding this puts you in a prime position to profit. Written by two top financial experts and filled with charts and graphs that illustrate the market concepts they develop, the book takes a sometimes contrarian view of everything from market edges to historical volatility, and from volume to put/call ratio, giving you all that you need to truly understand how the markets function. Fully revised and updated, How Markets Really Work, Second Edition takes a level-headed, data-driven look at the markets to show how they function and how you can apply that information intelligently when making investment decisions.
Create amazing mobile augmented reality apps with junaio, Layar, and Wikitude! Professional Augmented Reality Browsers for Smartphones guides you through creating your own augmented reality apps for the iPhone, Android, Symbian, and bada platforms, featuring fully workable and downloadable source code. You will learn important techniques through hands-on applications, and you will build on those skills as the book progresses. Professional Augmented Reality Browsers for Smartphones: Describes how to use the latitude/longitude coordinate system to build location-aware solutions and tells where to get POIs for your own augmented reality applications Details the leading augmented reality platforms and highlights the best applications Covers development for the leading augmented reality browser platforms: Wikitude, Layar, and junaio Shows how to build cross-platform location-aware content (Android, iPhone, Symbian, and bada) to display POIs directly in camera view Includes tutorials for building 2D and 3D content, storing content in databases, and triggering actions when users reach specific locations Programmer Forums Join our Programmer to Programmer forums to ask and answer programming questions about this book, join discussions on the hottest topics in the industry, and connect with fellow programmers from around the world. Code Downloads Take advantage of free code samples from this book, as well as code samples from hundreds of other books, all ready to use. Read More Find articles, ebooks, sample chapters, and tables of contents for hundreds of books, and more reference resources on programming topics that matter to you. Wrox Professional guides are planned and written by working programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they address the issues technology professionals face every day. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job.
The proven business principles of Warren Buffett Warren Buffett is one of the most admired and prolific investors and managers in corporate America. Warren Buffett on Business is a timeless guide to strategies that can help you run a successful business. This book is a one-of-a-kind collection of Buffett's letters to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway written over the past few decades, and in a clear, simple style distills the basic principles of sound business practices. Through Buffett's own remarkable words, this practical management handbook shares valuable insights on communicating with, and treating employees and shareholders fairly; responsible corporate governance; ethical behavior; patience and perseverance; admitting mistakes; and having a passion for work. Contains priceless pearls of business and management wisdom, woven into a delightful narrative Designed in an accessible manner and organized by business and management topics with strong lessons from Buffett Provides direct, hands-on information on major topics concerning managers, entrepreneurs, business students, and anyone interested in business Informative and inspiring, this unique book puts Warren Buffett's business beliefs in perspective.
Transform the way your business works. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques can be applied to all business challenges. As a leader or manager in either the public or private sectors, whatever your industry or size of organisation, you can use NLP to improve your business by changing the mindsets of everyone you work with. When tailored for practical business application, NLP can help you to identify and deliver efficiencies, hold onto clients in the midst of increasing competition, improve morale and increase organisational performance and results. Change Your Business With NLP is the first genuinely practical guide for managers, showing how to use NLP techniques to overcome specific business problems. You will learn how to: Improve your results as a leader Build an exceptional team Manage change more effectively Change your organisation’s culture Create more effective client and customer relationships Transform your presentation skills Increase the overall performance of your business Bestselling author Lindsey Agness, an international change management consultant and certified trainer of NLP, uses step-by-step techniques and a broad range of case studies to show you that NLP can deliver measurable results in business.
Stop making a living and start making a life with The New Retirementality When Mitch Anthony first presented the concept of a new way of thinking about retirement in 2000, it was novel and many critics didn't buy into it. Originally written to get the attention of baby boomers who were approaching 55, Mitch started a revolution by showing people why they needed to have a new attitude about retirement–a «new retirementality.» More than a decade later, most of us are facing a very different retirement reality than previous generations–failing pensions, an endangered social security system, and inadequate savings. We have been forced to face the reality of a retirement that may never happen, or one that will take place much later in life than ever expected. Circumstances are redefining what it means to retire, and The New Retirementality, Fourth Edition is your roadmap. While most books focus on a «number,» this reliable resource shows you that attitude is also an essential part of the equation–if you want to succeed you need both means and meaning. Includes new research and studies on the latest retirement realities, as well as introduce readers to Mitch's newest concept, investing toward a greater Return on Life™ Discusses what it means to retire on purpose, the expanding role of work in retirement, and how to self-direct your future by becoming your own benefits director Written by top financial planner Mitch Anthony Filled with engaging anecdotes and inspirational suggestions, this book will motivate you to rethink the meaning of retirement and put you in a better position to enjoy the new retirementality you deserve.
AARP Digital Editions offer you practical tips, proven solutions, and expert guidance. With this latest edition of The New Retirementality, readers will quickly discover how to achieve the freedom to pursue their retirement goals–at their own pace, on their own terms–regardless of their age. Most people won't experience the same retirement that their parents did, nor do they necessarily want to. Page by page, top financial planner Mitch Anthony reveals how new opportunities will enable individuals to create tailor-made retirements. He includes new research and studies to back his insights and introduces readers to important concepts such as «wealthcare» and «return on life.» Filled with engaging anecdotes and inspirational suggestions, this book will motivate readers to rethink the way they retire.
One hundred ways to motivate your sales teams to outsell each other and grow your profits In most retail stores, salespeople arrive at work with little enthusiasm to sell. The truth is that retail selling can be a little boring. It's up to owners and managers to provide the spark and motivation that inspires people to excel, even when store traffic is slow. One of the best ways to accomplish that is with selling games and contests. The Retailer's Complete Book of Selling Games & Contests contains more than one hundred selling games and contests that any retailer can use to motivate their staff, improve their sales skills, and generate extra sales during slow traffic periods. Geared toward retailers of all industries and all sizes, from single stores to mega chains, this book will appeal to those with a vested interest in improving the performance of their salespeople and driving sales higher. Details how to use games to sell specific merchandise, increase add-on sales, and sell higher priced merchandise and groups of merchandise Outlines how to structure games and contests, when to run them, and for how long Helps managers build their sales staffs' confidence and abilities through fostering a competitive spirit and rewarding high sellers Harry J. Friedman is an international retail authority, consultant, and the most heavily attended speaker on retail selling and operational management in the world today When you inspire your sales team to improve their skills and outsell each other, you'll boost your profits and outdo your competition
A provocative critique of the Obama administration's economic policies and an examination of America's difficult economic future During the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama promised «a net spending cut» to make government smaller in order to reduce the deficit. But this huge increase in government spending and debt, and the resulting prospect of higher taxes, will make America a poorer country. Are Americans happier because the government has determined where this money should be spent? According to John Lott and Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist, the answer is no, and in Debacle: Obama's War on Jobs and Growth and What We Can Do Now to Regain Our Future they explain why. Obama's economic policies have raised unemployment, slowed economic growth, dramatically raised the national debt, squandered taxpayer money through poor investments, and damaged the housing market. The book explains why Obama's policies on spending, taxes, and regulation have all worked to harm the recovery, increase unemployment, and depress housing prices. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the deficits that President Obama proposes for the years from 2011 through 2020 come to a staggering $126,000 per family of four, and John Lott and Grover Norquist make clear why the costs outweigh the benefits Explains why Keynesian economics is more a way of transferring wealth to political constituencies than a legitimate economic theory for understanding how the economy operates Posits that Obama's economic policies were more an opportunity «to do big things» than to solve the country's economic problems Arguing that the policies of the Obama administration have created widespread economic chaos, Debacle is a bleak look at American finance from Grover Norquist.