John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Leadership the Sven-Göran Eriksson Way. How to Turn Your Team Into Winners

    Julian Birkinshaw

    "Leadership the Sven-Göran Eriksson Way examines the leadership style of the Egnland football manager Sven-Göran Eriksson. Our argument is that Eriksson's aproach is important because it brilliantly exemplifies a new leaderhip which defies conventional and historical stereotypes of how leaders think and behave. Eriksson is not a tub-thumping bellower of orders. He is no dictator. Instead he is a modern leadership archetype, a leader we can all learn from." —From Leadership the Sven-Göran Eriksson Way «…offers a visible and successful example of this new model of leader …» —Media Week «…the authors examine the 'mature' form of leaderhip that Eriksson exemplifies: the level-headed long-termism that learns from failure, encourages responsibility and 'keeps it simple'…» —The Business «I very much enjoyed it and in particularly the way it gelled good business management principles with their application to football as illustrated by many of the …decisions taken by our national coach who…has brought confidence, assurance, team spirit and a more worldwide awareness to our England team, giving everybody optimism.» —Gordon Taylor, Chief Executive of the Professional Footballers Association

    IdeaWise. How to Transform Your Ideas into Tomorrow's Innovations

    Steve Rivkin

    An easy-to-understand and easy-to-implement method for creating new ideas and new products This book blows the lid off the so-called «idea gurus» by demystifying the creation of great new innovations. It offers readers a way to look at their company's existing products and services in order to transform them into new ideas. Well-known and respected authors Steve Rivkin and Fraser Seitel take readers into the Idea-Scape, a place where innovation is born from existing ideas transformed and manipulated in inventive ways to produce new products and business solutions. Examples of methods outlined include: What can you combine with an existing idea? What can you adapt? How can you put a product to other uses? What can you eliminate? . . . and much more.

    Your Financial Edge. How to Take the Curves in Shifting Financial Markets and Keep Your Portfolio on Track

    Paul McCulley

    Praise for Your Financial Edge «Paul McCulley is the man to heed. His knowledge of financial markets runs deep, and his experience has been the best. Beyond all his financial and economic wisdom, he is a human being with inborn instincts of kindness and thoughtfulness-attributes that bring to the reader something richer than just hard facts and sage advice. Jonathan Fuerbringer is the perfect partner for this project, a master of lucidity and a longtime observer of the best and the worst habits of investors.» -Peter Bernstein, bestselling author of Against the Gods «Paul McCulley's insightful observations on the economy and financial markets are key inputs to our investment thinking. This book provides analytical tools and actionable advice that can greatly improve your ability to navigate today's complex financial environment. Learn from a master (and maybe even future Federal Reserve Board member) and become a better investor.» -Bill Miller, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, Legg Mason Capital Management «Paul McCulley is just the man to bring 'that ole-time religion' of economics into the new age of investing and help the reader to make coherent sense of just what is going on here. I should know…I listen to his counsel every day here at PIMCO, and for anyone who lacks a key to our door, this is the next best thing! Profit by the prophet-and yes-enjoy.» -William H. Gross, Managing Director, PIMCO «In this highly readable book, McCulley and Fuerbringer provide valuable insights, including how the world of policy making impacts investment decisions. Their entertaining and thoughtful analysis is accompanied by a series of penetrating real-life examples that demonstrate the choices facing investors as they seek to maximize returns and minimize risk. With its wisdom and unique perspective, this book will be of interest to both institutional investors and policymakers.» -Dr. Mohamed A. El-Erian, President and CEO, Harvard Management Company, member of the faculty, Harvard Business School, and Deputy Treasurer, Harvard University «There's a reason Paul McCulley is a favorite among financial pros and journalists all over the world. He anticipates investment trends before they happen and helps both professional and amateur investors stay ahead of the curve. This is a must-read book for anyone who wants to build and protect their portfolio in the risky decades ahead.» -Consuelo Mack, Anchor and Managing Editor, Consuelo Mack WealthTrack

    The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management. How to Successfully Launch and Operate a Hedge Fund

    Daniel Strachman A.

    The tools and techniques needed to successfully launch and maintain a hedge fund In The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management, both budding and established hedge fund managers will learn the fundamentals of building and maintaining a successful hedge fund business. Strachman presents the facts in an accessible and easy-to-use format that will empower readers to create a lasting fund that provides significant income for years to come. The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management provides information on everything from picking a lawyer to creating a fund's documents to determining what markets attract investors. Readers will glean valuable information from real-life experiences (both negative and positive) that have shaped and continue to guide many of today's leading and most respected funds.

    Hedges on Hedge Funds. How to Successfully Analyze and Select an Investment

    James R. Hedges, IV

    A just-in-time guide to hedge fund investing Today, access to hedge funds is increasingly available to average investors through «funds of hedge funds» and other registered products. These vehicles allow investors to invest as little as $25,000 to start. Hedges on Hedge Funds provides an overview of hedge fund investing and delves into the key investment strategies employed by hedge fund managers. This comprehensive resource directs people to proper fund selection and allocation, but most importantly, it helps investors avoid the potential pitfalls associated with the industry by discussing transparency, size vs. performance, and other important issues associated with selecting and profiting with hedge funds. James R. Hedges, IV (Naples, FL), is recognized as a pioneer in the hedge fund industry for his efforts to monitor and review funds and fund managers for performance and transparency. He is the founder, President, and Chief Investment Officer of LJH Global Investments-an investment advisory firm that helps clients select and invest in hedge funds.

    Raise Your Game. How to succeed at work

    Peter Shaw J.A.

    The pressure's on… You've just won a big promotion and your new boss has high expectations. You have an important meeting and want to make a constructive impact. You're thinking of restructuring the team and need to show clear leadership. You know you're capable of so much more and need to grasp the opportunity. Meanwhile, you're drowning in a sea of unanswered email and voicemail… How can you raise your game and achieve your full potential? Peter Shaw, professional coach and author, shows how combining self-belief with practical action creates the basis for powerful change, helping you step up to the next level. Learn how to identify your strengths, take bold but calculated risks, build your network of supporters, convert your critics, live your values and find fulfilment and joy.

    Loving Him without Losing You. How to Stop Disappearing and Start Being Yourself

    Beverly Engel

    Are you a Disappearing Woman? «Beverly Engel has identified a widespread problem and provided women with wise guidelines for bursting through it. She writes with compassion and insight. If you think you are a Disappearing Woman, you will drink in this book as if it were a health-giving elixir. It is!»-Susan Page, author of How One of You Can Bring the Two of You Together and If I'm So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single? «This remarkably helpful book offers new insights into why so many women surrender their individuality in relationships. Don't wait until your hair is on fire to read it.»-Maxine Schnall, founder and Executive Director of Wives Self Help «A book of depth and power. I highly recommend it not only to women who lose themselves in their relationships with men but to the parents of adolescent girls who need to be taught how to view themselves as valuable beings separate from their relationships with men and boys.»-Michael Gurian, author of The Good Son and A Fine Young Man Do you frequently find yourself putting your lover's needs ahead of your own? Do you tend to lose yourself in your romantic relationships? Have you ever neglected your career, your friends, or even your health while in the midst of a love affair? Now, in this landmark book, Beverly Engel examines the intricate reasons why so many women submerge themselves in their relationships with men-and offers a straightforward, empowering program that you can use to free yourself from the powerful grip of this all-too-common problem and rediscover yourself as a Woman of Substance.

    The Emotionally Abusive Relationship. How to Stop Being Abused and How to Stop Abusing

    Beverly Engel

    "Engel doesn't just describe-she shows us the way out." -Susan Forward, author of Emotional Blackmail Praise for the emotionally abusive relationship «In this book, Beverly Engel clearly and with caring offers step-by-step strategies to stop emotional abuse. . . helping both victims and abusers to identify the patterns of this painful and traumatic type of abuse. This book is a guide both for individuals and for couples stuck in the tragic patterns of emotional abuse.» -Marti Loring, Ph.D., author of Emotional Abuse and coeditor of The Journal of Emotional Abuse «This groundbreaking book succeeds in helping people stop emotional abuse by focusing on both the abuser and the abused and showing each party what emotional abuse is, how it affects the relationship, and how to stop it. Its unique focus on the dynamic relationship makes it more likely that each person will grasp the tools for change and really use them.» -Randi Kreger, author of The Stop Walking on Eggshells Workbook and owner of The number of people who become involved with partners who abuse them emotionally and/or who are emotionally abusive themselves is phenomenal, and yet emotional abuse is the least understood form of abuse. In this breakthrough book, Beverly Engel, one of the world's leading experts on the subject, shows us what it is and what to do about it. Whether you suspect you are being emotionally abused, fear that you might be emotionally abusing your partner, or think that both you and your partner are emotionally abusing each other, this book is for you. The Emotionally Abusive Relationship will tell you how to identify emotional abuse and how to find the roots of your behavior. Combining dramatic personal stories with action steps to heal, Engel provides prescriptive strategies that will allow you and your partner to work together to stop bringing out the worst in each other and stop the abuse. By teaching those who are being emotionally abused how to help themselves and those who are being emotionally abusive how to stop abusing, The Emotionally Abusive Relationship offers the expert guidance and support you need.

    Simply Success. How to Start, Build and Grow a Multimillion Dollar Business the Old-Fashioned Way

    Jack Miller

    In Simply Success, the former chairman and founder of Quill Corporation presents key lessons of entrepreneurship, including how to get started, set a vision, finance the business, and build a successful corporate culture. Based on his own experience, Miller shares his most hard-earned lessons, so you can avoid learning the same lessons the painful way. For entrepreneurs young and old, or even if only dream of starting a business one day, this book is a guiding light to a successful enterprise.

    Freesourcing. How To Start a Business with No Money

    Jonathan Yates

    So you've got the drive to start a business. You might even have the Big Idea all mapped out. But then you realise that you've got no money to take it to the next stage. Back to the day job? No way. That's where Freesourcing comes in. Believe it or not, you don't need money to start a business. There's an entire industry out there waiting to help you take your idea and make it happen… for free. All you need to know is where to find the help and how to get your hands on it. Freesourcing is the definitive guide to free business start up resources, showing you exactly where to go and who to talk to when you're starting a business on a shoestring. Freesourcers don't just think outside the box – they find out where they can get the box for free too. You'll find information on free: Premises Money Computers Travel Online resources Stationery Advice and support Legal help Banking Networking opportunities Marketing and PR Stock No cash? No problem. So what are you waiting for?