Das Basis-Know-how fur richtige ICP-OES-Analytik! Erstmalig ist eine deutschsprachige, leicht verstandliche und anwenderorientierte Einfuhrung in die ICP-Emissionspektrometrie verfugbar. Sie umfa?t die praxisrelevanten Grundlagen, geratetechnische Informationen, eine Anleitung zur Methodenentwicklung und viele praktische Anwendungsbeispiele. Das Buch ist kompakt und sehr ubersichtlich gestaltet, mit Infoboxen zu typischen Fragen und Problemen, Checklisten und detaillierten Hinweisen zur Handhabung. Es ist nicht nur ein Begleiter fur die eigenstandige Aus- und Weiterbildung, sondern ebenso ein verlasslicher Leitfaden fur die praktische Laborarbeit, denn auch die Aspekte Pflege und Wartung sowie Trouble-Shooting kommen nicht zu kurz. Alle Anwender der ICP-OES konnen vom bewahrten Erfahrungsschatz des Autors profitieren, den er in zwei Jahrzehnten bei der Ausbildung und Beratung von Anwendern sowie bei der Gerateentwicklung gesammelt hat. Er war Mitarbeiter eines fuhrenden Gerateherstellers und ist jetzt freiberuflicher Berater.
Klimawandel, Finanzkrise oder mogliche Nebenwirkungen von Medikamenten – es scheint in unserer modernen Zeit immer schwieriger zu werden, den Durchblick zu behalten, Zusammenhange zu verstehen oder Risiken einschatzen zu konnen. Wilfried H. Lindenzweig macht uns Mut: Vieles ist nicht so kompliziert, wie von uns befurchtet – schon gar nicht, wenn es uns jemand wie Lindenzweig erklart. Lesen und dann mitreden konnen, hei?t also die Devise. Ein Buch fur alle, die ihre Neugier bewahrt haben und bereit sind, alles zu hinterfragen Hervorzuheben sind Lindenzweigs spannende Exkurse zur Entwicklung der Wissenschaften durch die Jahrhunderte. Von Albert Einstein stammt diese Erkenntnis: >Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise losen, durch die sie entstanden sind<. Wer also Gewalt mit Gewalt oder Schulden mit weiteren Schulden zu bezwingen versucht, ist demnach auf dem Holzweg. Naturlich soll auch diese These uberpruft werden. Dass Lindenzweig in seinen naturwissenschaftlichen Exkursen fast ohne Formeln auskommt, beweist, dass niemand Physik oder Chemie studiert haben muss, um ein Thema zu verstehen. Er spricht also uns alle als Leser an. Zwei Dinge sollten wir allerdings mitbringen: Neugier auf die Welt und ihre gro?en Fragen – und die Bereitschaft, vielleicht liebgewonnene Standpunkte infrage zu stellen.
Kompakt und >verdammt clever< auf den Punkt gebracht – so gelingt mit diesem klar strukturierten Lehrbuch der optimale Einstieg in die Grundlagen der Chemie. Nicht nur fur angehende Chemiker, Biochemiker und Chemieingenieure, sondern auch fur alle Studierenden der Lebenswissenschaften, Medizin und Pharmazie ist die allgemeine Chemie Voraussetzung fur das Verstehen von Sachverhalten benachbarter wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen. Mit dem Blick aufs Wesentliche gerichtet, sind alle prufungsrelevanten Lerninhalte wie der Aufbau des Periodensystems, Bindungskonzepte, Saure-Base und Redoxreaktionen und vieles mehr au?erst verstandlich erklart und abgedeckt. Dabei unterstutzen besondere Textelemente Ihren Lernerfolg: * Fur inhaltliche Orientierung sorgen optisch hervorgehobene Schlusselthemen am Kapitelanfang. * Das Wichtigste wird kurz und pragnant in Definitionen und Merksatzen zusammengefasst. * Beispiele helfen beim Anwenden des Lernstoffs. * Ideale Hilfe beim Nachschlagen von relevanten Stichworten und Begriffen bietet ein Glossar. * Wissenstest und Prufungsvorbereitung: Aufgaben mit Losungen helfen ungemein beim eigenstandigen Uberprufen des Gelernten.
This handy reference is the first comprehensive book covering both fundamentals and recent developments in the field with an emphasis on nanotechnology. Written by a highly regarded author in the field, the book details state-of-the-art preparation, characterization and applications of thin films of organic molecules and biomaterials fabricated by wet processes and also highlights applications in nanotechnology The categories of films covered include monomolecular films (monolayers) both on a water surface and on a solid plate, Langmuir-Blodgett films (transferred multilayer films on a solid plate from a water surface), layer-by-layer films (adsorbed multilayer films on a solid support), and spontaneously assembled films in solution.
A complete and timely overview of the topic, this volume of the encyclopedia imparts knowledge of fundamental principles of polymer blends. Each article is uniformly structured for easy navigation, containing the latest research & development and its basic principles and applications.
This book addresses the latest issues in multiscale geomechanics. Written by leading experts in the field as a tribute to Jean Biarez (1927-2006), it can be of great use and interest to researchers and engineers alike. A brief introduction describes how a major school of soil mechanics came into being through the exemplary teaching by one man. Biarez's life-long work consisted of explaining the elementary mechanisms governing soil constituents in order to enhance understanding of the underlying scientific laws which control the behavior of constructible sites and to incorporate these scientific advancements into engineering practices. He innovated a multiscale approach of passing from the discontinuous medium formed by individual grains to an equivalent continuous medium. The first part of the book examines the behavior of soils at the level of their different constituents and at the level of their interaction. Behavior is then treated at the scale of the soil sample. The second part deals with soil mechanics from the vantage point of the construction project. It highlights Biarez's insightful adoption of the Finite Element Codes and illustrates, through numerous construction examples, his methodology and approach based on the general framework he constructed for soil behavior, constantly enriched by comparing in situ measurements with calculated responses of geostructures.
Self-healing is a well-known phenomenon in nature: a broken bone merges after some time and if skin is damaged, the wound will stop bleeding and heals again. This concept can be mimicked in order to create polymeric materials with the ability to regenerate after they have suffered degradation or wear. Already realized applications are used in aerospace engineering, and current research in this fascinating field shows how different self-healing mechanisms proven successful by nature can be adapted to produce even more versatile materials. The book combines the knowledge of an international panel of experts in the field and provides the reader with chemical and physical concepts for self-healing polymers, including aspects of biomimetic processes of healing in nature. It shows how to design self-healing polymers and explains the dynamics in these systems. Different self-healing concepts such as encapsulated systems and supramolecular systems are detailed. Chapters on analysis and friction detection in self-healing polymers and on applications round off the book.
The importance and actuality of nanotechnology is unabated and will be for years to come. A main challenge is to understand the various properties of certain nanostructures, and how to generate structures with specific properties for use in actual applications in Electrical Engineering and Medicine. One of the most important structures are nanowires, in particular superconducting ones. They are highly promising for future electronics, transporting current without resistance and at scales of a few nanometers. To fabricate wires to certain defined standards however, is a major challenge, and so is the investigation and understanding of these properties in the first place. A promising approach is to use carbon nanotubes as well as DNA structures as templates. Many fundamental theoretical questions are still unanswered, e.g. related to the role of quantum fluctuations. This work is tackling them and provides a detailed analysis of the transport properties of such ultrathin wires. It presents an account of theoretical models, charge transport experiments, and also conveys the latest experimental findings regarding fabrication, measurements, and theoretical analysis. In particular, it is the only available resource for the approach of using DNA and carbon nanotubes for nanowire fabrication. It is intended for graduate students and young researchers interested in nanoscale superconductivity. The readers are assumed to have knowledge of the basics of quantum mechanics and superconductivity.
Seeing the Light: Exploring Ethics Through Movies is an engaging and innovative approach to the study of philosophy and the development of moral reasoning skills. Features broad coverage of topics in ethics and moral reasoning Offers an innovative and imaginative approach to showing relevance of movies for ethical reflection Draws on a diverse selection of popular movies, foreign films, and documentaries to illustrate ethical dilemmas and character development on the big screen that has application to our lives Presents coverage of major ethical theories ranging from Ethical Egoism and Cultural Relativism to Utilitarianism, Kantian Ethics, Rawls' Justice Theory, Aristotle's Virtue Ethics, and Feminist Ethics Demonstrates how film is a powerful vehicle for sharpening skills in analysis and moral reasoning Includes accompanying website
Voice over LTE (Long Term Evolution) presents the mechanisms put in place in 4G mobile networks for the transportation of IP packets containing voice data and telephone signaling, as well as the technologies used to provide a telephone service in the IMS (IP Multimedia Sub-system) network. Despite the difficulty connected to the handover of the 4G network to the 2G/3G network, a telephone communication will not be established on the 4G network. This book analyzes the technologies that have been put in place, such as CSFB (Circuit Service FallBack), an interim solution that enables a mobile connected to the 4G network to receive an alert transmitted by the 2G/3G network. The book also goes on to develop the SIP (Session Information Protocol) on which the telephone signaling transferred by the 4G network is based, the IMS network that provides the service and defines the routing, the SRVCC (Single Radio Voice Call Continuity) mechanism that maintains communication and the TAS (Telephony Application Server) that supplies supplementary services. Contents 1. The EPS Network. 2. The LTE Interface. 3. The CSFB Function. 4. SIP and SDP Protocols. 5. The IMS Network. 6. Telephone Services. 7. The SRVCC Function. About the Authors André Perez is a consultant and teacher in networks and telecommunications. He works with industrialists and operators regarding architecture studies and leads training on the 4G and IMS networks for NEXCOM.