Your very own companion to any pre-registration nursing course! Packed with advice, hints and tips, this essential, practical guide will orientate and guide you through your nursing course even before you start. Written in a straightforward, no-nonsense style, this Toolkit is full of strategies and help for surviving and succeeding on your pre-registration nursing course, and addresses all the key issues and concerns you may face, including: How to get the most out of your clinical placement The nursing terminology you need to know – including NMC standards How to create a professional Portfolio How to achieve a healthy work-life balance How to develop an effective relationship with your mentor With case studies from real students, hands-on activities and suggestions for further reading, this is THE essential survival guide for your nursing course!
Drawing comparisons with other art forms, this book examines the role of aesthetic features in silent reading, such as narrative structure, and the core experience of reading a novel as a story rather than a scholarly exercise. Focuses on the experience of the art form known as the novel Uses the more common perspective of a reader who reads to be told a story, rather than for scholarly or critical analysis Draws comparisons with experience of the other arts, music in particular Explores the different effects of a range of narrative approaches
This undergraduate textbook provides a statistical mechanical foundation to the classical laws of thermodynamics via a comprehensive treatment of the basics of classical thermodynamics, equilibrium statistical mechanics, irreversible thermodynamics, and the statistical mechanics of non-equilibrium phenomena. This timely book has a unique focus on the concept of entropy, which is studied starting from the well-known ideal gas law, employing various thermodynamic processes, example systems and interpretations to expose its role in the second law of thermodynamics. This modern treatment of statistical physics includes studies of neutron stars, superconductivity and the recently developed fluctuation theorems. It also presents figures and problems in a clear and concise way, aiding the student’s understanding.
The only book series to summarize the latest progress on organic reaction mechanisms, Organic Reaction Mechanisms, 2011 surveys the development in understanding of the main classes of organic reaction mechanisms reported in the primary scientific literature in 2011. The 47th annual volume in this highly successful series highlights mechanisms of stereo-specific reactions. Reviews are compiled by a team of experienced editors and authors, allowing advanced undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, and chemists to rely on the volume's continuing quality of selection and presentation.
Organic Reaction Mechanisms 2010, the 46th annual volume in this highly successful and unique series, surveys research on organic reaction mechanisms described in the available literature dated 2010. It details the latest progress in a wide range of classes of organic reaction mechanisms, including reactions of different compounds and acids and their derivatives, oxidation and reduction, aliphatic substitutions, elimination reactions, and molecular rearrangements, to name a few. An experienced team of authors compiled these reviews, ensuring the quality of selection and presentation.
Organic Reaction Mechanisms 2009, the 45th annual volume in this highly successful and unique series, surveys research on organic reaction mechanisms described in the available literature dated 2009. The following classes of organic reaction mechanisms are comprehensively reviewed: Reaction of Aldehydes and Ketones and their Derivatives Reactions of Carboxylic, Phosphoric, and Sulfonic Acids and their Derivatives Oxidation and Reduction Carbenes and Nitrenes Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Carbocations Nucleophilic Aliphatic Substitution Carbanions and Electrophilic Aliphatic Substitution Elimination Reactions Polar Addition Reactions Cycloaddition Reactions Molecular Rearrangements An experienced team of authors compile these reviews every year, so that the reader can rely on a continuing quality of selection and presentation. This volume includes a 5-year cumulative index.
After the Fall presents a timely and provocative examination of the impact and implications of 9/11 and the war on terror on American culture and literature. Presents the first detailed interrogation of U.S. writing in a time of crisis Develops a timely and provocative arguement about literature and trauma Relates U.S. writing since 9/11 to crucial social and historical changes in the U.S. and elsewhere Places U.S. writing in the context of the transformed position of the U.S. in a world characterized by political, economic, and military crisis; transnational drift; the resurgence of religious fundamentalism; and the apparent triumph of global capitalism
Times Are Altered with Us: American Indians from Contact to the New Republic offers a concise and engaging introduction to the turbulent 300-year-period of the history of Native Americans and their interactions with Europeans—and then Americans—from 1492 to 1800. Considers the interactions of American Indians at many points of «First Contact» across North America, from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific and Atlantic Coasts Explores the early years of contact, trade, reciprocity, and colonization, from initial engagement of different Indian and European peoples—Spanish, French, Dutch, English, and Russian—up to the start of tenuous and stormy relations with the new American government Charts the rapid decline in American Indian populations due to factors including epidemic Old World diseases, genocide and warfare by explorers and colonists, tribal warfare, and the detrimental effects of resource ruination and displacement from traditional lands Features a completely up-to-date synthesis of the literature of the field Incorporates useful student features, including maps, illustrations, and a comprehensive and evaluative Bibliographical Essay Written in an engaging style by an expert in Native American history and designed for use in both the U.S. history survey as well as dedicated courses in Native American studies
New scholarship on World War II continues to broaden our understanding. With each passing year we know more about the triumphs and the tragedies of America’s involvement in the momentous conflict. Tapping into this greater awareness of the accomplishments of both soldiers and civilians and a better recognition of the consequences of decisions made, Allan Winkler presents the third edition of his highly popular series volume. Informed by the latest historical literature and featuring many new thoughtfully chosen photographs, the third edition of Home Front U.S.A. continues to ponder the question of «the good war,» the moral implications of the use of the atomic bomb, the implications of expanding wartime roles for women, African Americans, American Jews, the imprisonment of Japanese Americans at the hands of the federal government, and the experiences of the many other people who, though relegated to the fringe of mainstream society, contributed in important ways to the nation's successful prosecution of its greatest challenge.
Für die praktische Anwendung von Eurocode 3 DIN EN 1993 Teil 1-1 «Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbauten; Allgemeine Regeln Hochbau» wird mit diesem Buch eine konsolidierte Normfassung vorgelegt. Es werden umfangreiche Kommentare zu den Regelungshintergründen gegeben, um das Normverständnis zu vertiefen. Komplettiert wird der Band durch eine Reihe von Berechnungsbeispielen. Herausgeber und Autoren stellen damit eine unverzichtbare Hilfe für die schnelle Einarbeitung in das neue Regelwerk und die sichere Anwendung in der Praxis zur Verfügung. Auch erhältlich für Teil 1-8 «Anschlüsse». Die europäische Norm DIN EN 1993 Eurocode 3 «Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbauten», die die frühere deutsche Bemessungsnormenreihe 18800 abgelöst und damit die Nachweispraxis im deutschen Stahlbau grundlegend gewandelt hat, besteht aus insgesamt 20 einzelnen Teilen. Diese gliedern sich in Grundlagen (die zwölf Teile DIN EN 1993-1) und Anwendungsteile (DlN EN 1993-2 bis DIN EN 1993-6) auf. Zentrum ist der im Rahmen des vorliegenden Kommentars behandelte Teil 1-1 mit dem Titel «Allgemeine Bemessungsregeln und Regeln für den Hochbau». Alle anderen Teile beziehen sich darauf und geben ergänzende Regeln an. Gleichzeitig werden hochbauspezifische Grundregeln, insbesondere zu Festigkeits- und Stabilitätsnachweisen von Stäben, in diesem Normenteil behandelt. Der vorliegende Kommentar soll allen Fachleuten, die sich planend, bauend, prüfend oder überwachend mit der Bemessung von Stahlbauten in Deutschland oder dem europäischen Ausland befassen, Hilfestellung bei der täglichen Arbeit mit dem Eurocode 3 im Allgemeinen und dem Teil 1-1 im Speziellen bieten. Der Kommentar besteht aus drei Hauptteilen: Zunächst ist DIN EN 1993-1-1 mit den A1-Änderungen von 2014 und Nationalem Anhang inkl. Änderungen A1 (Entwurf) als konsolidierte Fassung abgedruckt. Das heißt, dass man die zugehörigen nationalen Empfehlungen und Ergänzungen genau dort im Normentext findet, wo sie auch gebraucht werden. Der Anwender hat somit alle Regelungen auf einen Blick, anstatt sie sich aus drei Dokumenten zusammenstellen zu müssen. lm darauf folgenden Kommentarteil, der sich von der Gliederung her strikt an die Norm hält, werden Zusatz- und Hintergrundinformationen, Erklärungen und Erläuterungen gegeben, es werden Verknüpfungen zu anderen Normenteilen hergestellt und geplante Änderungen angesprochen. Der dritte Teil enthält Beispielrechnungen, die die Anwendung der wichtigsten Regelungen im Eurocode 3-1-1 auf konkrete Fälle ausführlich und mit Normenbezügen darstellt.