
Все книги издательства Автор

    Мой большой греческий ремонт

    Артур Крупенин

    После многолетних поисков идеального места для дачи семья москвичей приобрела недвижимость на берегу Эгейского моря, пребывая в полной уверенности, что мелкий косметический ремонт мигом превратит новое с виду жилище в дом мечты. Однако качество постройки оказалось настолько никудышным, что, для того чтобы привести дом в порядок, автору – в прошлом популярному телеведущему – пришлось прожить в строительной пыли долгих пять с половиной лет. За это время он успел рассориться с подрядчиками, подружиться с соседями, взять шефство над бездомными кошками, освоить местные обычаи, стать писателем, издать три книги и пройти через невероятное количество забавных приключений.

    Разведенная жена, а было ли после? vol.3

    Дарья Кова

    У школьниц есть "Сумерки", у студенток – "50 оттенков Серого", а что остается нам – замужним женщинам? Половина моих подруг имеют аналогичные проблемы с мужем, что и героиня в первой книге серии "Разведенная жена". И каждая хотела бы найти своего Эдварда или мистера Грея, того, кто имеет недостатки, но забывает о них ради любимой. "Разведенная жена" необычный любовный роман, он основан на реальных событиях в жизни нескольких женщин, которые я сплела в судьбу одной героини. У каждой есть шанс, главное, увидеть его. События через 5 лет после завершения vol. 2.


    Павел Корнев

    Приграничье – странное место, уже не подвластное законам нашего мира. Место, в котором почти всегда царит стужа, а боевые заклинания разят ничуть не хуже автоматных пуль. Вырваться оттуда в нормальный мир не удавалось пока еще никому, но для бывшего патрульного со странным прозвищем Скользкий это, пожалуй, единственный шанс выйти живым из смертельно опасной игры без правил, в которую он угодил, просто купив у случайного знакомого нож.

    Technical Analysis and Chart Interpretations

    Ponsi Ed

    Help your students succeed with classroom-ready, standards-based activities The Algebra Teacher's Activities Kit: 150 Activities That Support Algebra in the Common Core Math Standards helps you bring the standards into your algebra classroom with a range of engaging activities that reinforce fundamental algebra skills. This newly updated second edition is formatted for easy implementation, with teaching notes and answers followed by reproducibles for activities covering the algebra standards for grades 6 through 12. Coverage includes whole numbers, variables, equations, inequalities, graphing, polynomials, factoring, logarithmic functions, statistics, and more, and gives you the material you need to reach students of various abilities and learning styles. Many of these activities are self-correcting, adding interest for students and saving you time. This book provides dozens of activities that Directly address each Common Core algebra standard Engage students and get them excited about math Are tailored to a diverse range of levels and abilities Reinforce fundamental skills and demonstrate everyday relevance Algebra lays the groundwork for every math class that comes after it, so it's crucial that students master the material and gain confidence in their abilities. The Algebra Teacher's Activities Kit helps you face the challenge, well-armed with effective activities that help students become successful in algebra class and beyond.

    Message Not Received

    Simon Phil

    Lean Auditing

    Paterson James C.

    Attract, engage, and delight customers online Inbound Marketing, Revised and Updated: Attract, Engage, and Delight Customers Online is a comprehensive guide to increasing online visibility and engagement. Written by top marketing and startup bloggers, the book contains the latest information about customer behavior and preferred digital experiences. From the latest insights on lead nurturing and visual marketing to advice on producing remarkable content by building tools, readers will gain the information they need to transform their marketing online. With outbound marketing methods becoming less effective, the time to embrace inbound marketing is now. Cold calling, e-mail blasts, and direct mail are turning consumers off to an ever-greater extent, so consumers are increasingly doing research online to choose companies and products that meet their needs. Inbound Marketing recognizes these behavioral changes as opportunities, and explains how marketers can make the most of this shift online. This not only addresses turning strangers into website visitors, but explains how best to convert those visitors to leads, and to nurture those leads to the point of becoming delighted customers. Gain the insight that can increase marketing value with topics like: Inbound marketing – strategy, reputation, and tracking progress Visibility – getting found, and why content matters Converting customers – turning prospects into leads and leads into customers Better decisions – picking people, agencies, and campaigns The book also contains essential tools and resources that help build an effective marketing strategy, and tips for organizations of all sizes looking to build a reputation. When consumer behaviors change, marketing must change with them. The fully revised and updated edition of Inbound Marketing is a complete guide to attracting, engaging, and delighting customers online.

    Beginning Spring

    Höller Jürgen

    Merger Arbitrage

    Kirchner Thomas

    Intelligence Unbound explores the prospects, promises, and potential dangers of machine intelligence and uploaded minds in a collection of state-of-the-art essays from internationally recognized philosophers, AI researchers, science fiction authors, and theorists. Compelling and intellectually sophisticated exploration of the latest thinking on Artificial Intelligence and machine minds Features contributions from an international cast of philosophers, Artificial Intelligence researchers, science fiction authors, and more Offers current, diverse perspectives on machine intelligence and uploaded minds, emerging topics of tremendous interest Illuminates the nature and ethics of tomorrow’s machine minds—and of the convergence of humans and machines—to consider the pros and cons of a variety of intriguing possibilities Considers classic philosophical puzzles as well as the latest topics debated by scholars Covers a wide range of viewpoints and arguments regarding the prospects of uploading and machine intelligence, including proponents and skeptics, pros and cons