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Flavor, Satiety and Food Intake

Beverly Tepper

This unique book provides a comprehensive review of the latest science on a key aspect of appetite control. It brings together contributions by leading researchers worldwide who approach this complex, multifaceted issue from a variety of differing perspectives, including those of food science, psychology, nutrition, and medicine, among others. It is well known that products that require greater oral processing tend to be more sating. At the same time, the orosensory exposure hypothesis holds that flavor and texture in the mouth are critical in determining meal-size. They may act as key predictors of nutritional benefits and so promote better processing of foods. These two related ideas are at the forefront of current thinking on flavor-satiety interactions. Yet, until Flavor, Satiety and Food Intake no book has offered an integrated treatment of both concepts. The only single-source reference of its kind, it brings health professionals, product developers, and students up to speed on the latest thinking and practices in this fascinating and important area of research. Provides readers with a unique and timely summary of critical recent developments in research on the impact of flavor on satiety Explores a topic of central importance both for food professionals seeking to develop healthier products and health professionals concerned with obesity and over-eating Brings together relevant topics from the fields of food science, psychology, nutrition and medicine Flavor, Satiety and Food Intake provides product developers with valuable information on how to integrate sensory evaluation with product formulation and marketing. It will also serve as a useful resource for health professionals and is a must-read for students of a range of disciplines in which appetite and satiety are studied.

Process Intensification for Sustainable Energy Conversion

Fausto Gallucci

This book addresses the application of process intensification to sustainable energy production, combining two very topical subject areas. Due to the increasing process of petroleum, sustainable energy production technologies must be developed, for example bioenergy, blue energy, chemical looping combustion, concepts for CO2 capture etc. Process intensification offers significant competitive advantages, because it provides more efficient processes, leading to outstanding cost reduction, increased productivity and more environment-friendly processes.

Zukunftsmodell Kooperation. Leitgedanken und Erfolgskriterien für Unternehmen und Organisationen

Stefanie Widmann

Kooperationen unterstutzen dabei, neue Geschaftsideen zu entwickeln, neue Markte zu erschlie?en, erfolgreich als Unternehmer zu sein, zu leben und zu uberleben. Entscheidend fur den Erfolg der Kooperationen ist in den meisten Fallen die Sozialkompetenz mit der Fahigkeit, klar und eindeutig zu kommunizieren. Dieses Buch ist wertvoll fur alle, die erwagen, Kooperationen neu einzugehen, bestehende Kooperationen zu verandern oder Kooperationsprozesse zu begleiten. Stefanie Widmann und Martin Seibt verbinden darin Wissen aus Psychologie, Biologie und Spieltheorie mit ihren Erfahrungen als Trainer und Unternehmer. «Zukunftsmodell Kooperation» schafft ein tieferes Verstandnis der Prozesse, die in einer Kooperation ablaufen, und bietet Anregungen aus der Praxis, von der direkten personlichen bis zur virtuellen und interkulturellen Kooperation, von der Idee und dem Start der Kooperation uber ihre verantwortungsvolle Gestaltung bis zu ihrer Auflosung. Wie wichtig Kooperationen in Zukunft sein werden, unterstreicht auch das aktuelle Wirtschaftsmodell der Gemeinwohlokonomie, auf das im Buch ebenfalls Bezug genommen wird. Inhalt: Kooperation als Methode – Kooperation aus Sicht der Anderen – Formen der Kooperation – Wege zur Kooperation – Wege der Kooperation – Interkulturelle Aspekte – Besonderheiten virtueller Kooperation – Best Practises – Das Ende von Kooperationen

Internationales Marketing. Rahmenbedingungen, strategische Ansätze und Businessplan

Markus Weinlander

Internationales Marketing ist eine wesentliche Herausforderung fur global agierende Konzerne und zunehmend auch fur kleine und mittelstandische Unternehmen. Die unterschiedlichen Merkmale der internationalen Marktbearbeitung erfordern jedoch besondere Methoden und Werkzeuge, um der hohen Komplexitat und der Vernetzung zwischen den Landern gerecht zu werden. Dieses Buch fuhrt kurz und knackig in die Thematik ein und erlautert die wesentlichen Aufgaben in diesem Bereich. Au?erdem liefert es praxisnahe Losungen fur die internationale Vermarktung von Produkten im B2B- und B2C-Geschaft. Im Vergleich zu bekannten Lehrbuchern bietet «Internationales Marketing» deutlich mehr Praxisnahe, gegenuber praxisorientierten Marketingbuchern erschlie?t es die Besonderheiten des internationalen Marktes. Studierenden vermittelt es einen Uberblick uber Zusammenhange und grundlegende theoretische Ansatze, gepaart mit praktischen Vorgehensweisen und Instrumenten. Praktiker unterstutzt es beim Einstieg in internationale Markte und als Ideenlieferant zur Verbesserung ihrer Arbeit. Inhalt Marktstrukturen – Rechtliche Unterschiede – Kulturelle Einflusse – Interne und externe Interdependenzen – Der Marketingprozess – Marktforschung im internationalen Kontext – Marktbearbeitung – Zielmarkte – Timingstrategien – Koordination und Organisation – Standardisierung oder Adaption – Produktpolitik – Kommunikationsstrategie – Pricing – Vertriebspolitik – Businessplan und Controlling – Fallstudie

Metallofoldamers. Supramolecular Architectures from Helicates to Biomimetics

Galia Maayan

Metallofoldamers are oligomers that fold into three-dimensional structures in a controlled manner upon coordination with metal ions. Molecules in this class have shown an impressive ability to form single-handed helical structures and other three-dimensional architectures. Several metallofoldamers have been applied as sensors due to their selective folding when binding to a specific metal ion, while others show promise for applications as responsive materials on the basis of their ability to fold and unfold upon changes in the oxidation state of the coordinated metal ion, and as novel catalysts. Metallofoldamers: From Helicates to Biomimetic Architectures describes the variety of interactions between oligomers and metal species, with a focus on non-natural synthetic molecules. Topics covered include: the major classes of foldamers and their folding driving force metalloproteins and metalloenzymes helicates: self-assembly, structure and applications abiotic metallo-DNA metallo-PNA and iDNA metallopeptides interactions of biomimetic oligomers with metal ions applications of metallofoldamers

Environmental Modelling. Finding Simplicity in Complexity

John Wainwright

Simulation models are an established method used to investigate processes and solve practical problems in a wide variety of disciplines. Central to the concept of this second edition is the idea that environmental systems are complex, open systems. The authors present the diversity of approaches to dealing with environmental complexity and then encourage readers to make comparisons between these approaches and between different disciplines. Environmental Modelling: Finding Simplicity in Complexity 2nd edition is divided into four main sections: An overview of methods and approaches to modelling. State of the art for modelling environmental processes Tools used and models for management Current and future developments. The second edition evolves from the first by providing additional emphasis and material for those students wishing to specialize in environmental modelling. This edition: Focuses on simplifying complex environmental systems. Reviews current software, tools and techniques for modelling. Gives practical examples from a wide variety of disciplines, e.g. climatology, ecology, hydrology, geomorphology and engineering. Has an associated website containing colour images, links to WWW resources and chapter support pages, including data sets relating to case studies, exercises and model animations. This book is suitable for final year undergraduates and postgraduates in environmental modelling, environmental science, civil engineering and biology who will already be familiar with the subject and are moving on to specialize in the field. It is also designed to appeal to professionals interested in the environmental sciences, including environmental consultants, government employees, civil engineers, geographers, ecologists, meteorologists, and geochemists.

Practical Medicinal Chemistry with Macrocycles. Design, Synthesis, and Case Studies

Eric Marsault

Including case studies of macrocyclic marketed drugs and macrocycles in drug development, this book helps medicinal chemists deal with the synthetic and conceptual challenges of macrocycles in drug discovery efforts. • Provides needed background to build a program in macrocycle drug discovery –design criteria, macrocycle profiles, applications, and limitations • Features chapters contributed from leading international figures involved in macrocyclic drug discovery efforts • Covers design criteria, typical profile of current macrocycles, applications, and limitations

Circulating Tumor Cells. Isolation and Analysis

Mark Vitha F.

Introduces the reader to Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs), their isolation method and analysis, and commercially available platforms Presents the historical perspective and the overview of the field of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) Discusses the state-of-art methods for CTC isolation, ranging from the macro- to micro-scale, from positive concentration to negative depletion, and from biological-property-enabled to physical-property-based approaches Details commercially available CTC platforms Describes post-isolation analysis and clinical translation Provides a glossary of scientific terms related to CTCs

Contracting-out Welfare Services. Comparing National Policy Designs for Unemployment Assistance

Mark Considine

Contracting-out Welfare Services focuses on the design and overhaul of welfare-to-work systems around the world in the light of the radical re-design of the welfare system; internationally based authors utilise a national/program case study, considering employment services policy and activation practices. International contributors bring a global comparative perspective to the subject Contributors are all experts in their field, who also draw on a much longer intellectual legacy Uses employment services as a case study to advance understanding in relation to a host of broader principles and concepts Each paper included within the text uses a national/program case study, and each considers employment services policy in general, and activation practices in particular

Introduction to Information Literacy for Students

Mark Canada

Introduction to Information Literacy for Students presents a concise, practical guide to navigating information in the digital age. Features a unique step-by-step method that can be applied to any research project Includes research insights from professionals, along with review exercises, insiders' tips and tools, search screen images utilized by students, and more Encourages active inquiry-based learning through the inclusion of various study questions and exercises Provides students with effective research strategies to serve them through their academic years and professional careers Ensures accessibility and a strong instructional approach due to authorship by a librarian and award-winning English professor