For anyone who had a childhood dream, which is just about everyone. In Hairdresser On Fire, everybody is flawed. People who like a dark edge to their humor, or find humor in dark places, would enjoy it.
Wildly off-beat, whimsical, humorous, and philosophical, here is an adventure story to engross the mind, warm the heart, and quicken the imagination. world-renowned concert violinist Zoltan Zany has been sitting in his living room armchair for an entire year, contemplating—with the help of his unconventional friends and austrian housekeeper—the future direction of his life. Meanwhile, his etymologist son, attila, along with an israeli linguist and archaeologist named isaac mashugi, is traveling—in search of the first word uttered by man—to eastern turkey’s mt. ararat, where they believe this original ur-word can be found by discovering Noah’s ark. they are joined there by the elder Zany. They discover the word and, on a quest for further adventure, return to America to launch a new kind of travel business—Posthumous tours, specializing in dead customers and raising funds by selling reincarnation is an adventure story to engross the mind, warm the heart, and quicken the imagination. World-renowned concert violinist Zoltan Zany has been sitting in his living room armchair for an entire year, contemplating—with the help of his unconventional friends and austrian housekeeper—the future direction of his life. Meanwhile, his etymologist son, attila, along with an israeli linguist and archaeologist named isaac mashugi, is traveling—in search of the first word uttered by man—to eastern turkey’s mt. ararat, where they believe this original ur-word can be found by discovering Noah’s ark. they are joined there by the elder Zany. They discover the word and, on a quest for further adventure, return to America to launch a new kind of travel business—Posthumous tours, specializing in dead customers and raising funds by selling reincarnation insurance.
Герои рассказов живут в разные эпохи, у них разное мировозрение и род занятий, но их всех объединяют любовь, секс и страна проживания – Турция. В этих колоритных историях автору удалось небанально смиксовать эротику с юмором, о чём свидетельствуют читательские отзывы: "…прекрасный язык повествования, я окунулась в атмосферу Турции, прочувствовала эмоции героини. Страстно, откровенно и восхитительно написано"; "Тут и юмор, и секс, ну и конечно же ваш особенный стиль!!! Брависсимо! Коротко, но очень четко и продуманно!"; " Ещё не видела столь… хорошего и угарного описания постельной сцены".