“Hang on to your hats, it’s a joy”, Jane Gardam, author of Old Filth
Playful, intelligent fiction from acclaimed novelist to icon Woolf: “Wickedly smart, funny and fearless, plus that rarest of all things, genuinely surprising” Patrick Ness<br> A welcome treat for Virginia Woolf fans and for new readers: engaging, fun and easy to read, set in New York, London and Istanbul. Praise for Maggie Gee<br> ‘A wise and beautiful book about what it feels like to be alive.’ Zadie Smith<br> ‘Fast-moving, energetic, constantly surprising”’ Hilary Mante<br> ‘Worldly, witty, enjoyable, impressive.’ Doris Lessing <br> ‘Maggie Gee has never written better’ Rose Tremain<br> ‘Excellent … Exciting stuff.” Fay Weldon <br> ‘A tour de force – brilliantly structured, surprising, humane, and suspenseful” Elaine Showalter <br> ‘Gripping, original and highly entertaining – Maggie Gee at her superb best.’ J G Ballard<br> ‘So rich it is almost aromatic … impressive and important.’ Nigella Lawson<br>
Indie book stores and literary landscape are key in novel. Compares the values and practices of early 20th century bookland – writing, publishing and bookselling – to those of the early 21st and the competition between print works and the digital, the material world and the electronic one (Woolf, a writer and publisher, cannot find a fountain pen for sale on Fifth Avenue; the book stores are full of sales she is stunned and thrilled by racial, sexual, and gender equality, but disturbed by things that ‘can’t be said’). Woolf’s solution – storytelling itself will never stop.<br> Love-letter to Virginia Woolf from another novelist – being her intimate friend, putting up with her eccentricities and snobberies and also seeing fabulous places – New York, London and Istanbul – though her eyes.<br> 21st century women writers still look up to Woolf as the boldest and most original novelist – she did many things that no women writers have done before. Her essay ‘Professions for women’, says women still cannot write about as freely as men on ‘the body’ {sex} –one area where 21st century women can express themselves where Woolf could not. Woolf in real life was abused by her stepbrothers, which probably stopped her enjoying sex with men. Gee’s resurrected Woolf is no longer traumatised and can enjoy sex with whomever she wants, and Gee can enjoy the 21st century freedom to write it.<br> One of few novels on Virginia Woolf, with contemporary setting. Most current works are biographical on Virginia and Bloomsbury set. Will appeal to fans of Cunningham’s The Hours, Priya Parmar’s Vanessa and her Sister Three generations of women – Woolf, middle-aged, Angela, modern bestselling author and her teenage daughter Gerda, inspired by the heroine of Hans Andersen’s The Snow Queen. Readers who like thought experiments – what would happen if a famous person from 100 years ago came back to life in the present day?<br> Screenplay in development by Emmy Award winner Andrew Davies (Pride and Prejudice – A&E/Disney, Little Dorrit, Northanger Abbey, Emma , Middlemarch, War & Peace, Vanity Fair, Tipping the Velvet, Brideshead Revisited, Bleak House- BBC PBS Masterpiece; House of Cards -BBC/HBO) <br> Audience: New and literary fiction enthusiasts, LGBT, readers of Woolf and women’s writing, time travel fans, comedy and satire, feminists, readers who, like Woolf, have struggled through depressive illness; those are troubled by the suicides of writers like Woolf, Plath and Sexton, readers interested in creative writing and motherhood, creative writing MFAs.<br>
Эта книга рассказывает о жизни обыкновенных музыкантов. Их мирок- это надежно изолированная от всего прочего община. Они всю жизнь общаются лишь с себе подобными, то есть со своими. Из своих же лепят семьи, а родившихся детей, как правило, тоже отдают в музыку, чтобы и они не покидали этого тесного, тайного мирка. Даже темы, которые они обсуждают в свободное от работы время, редко выходят за границы музыки. Чужих они не любят, да и попасть к ним чужакам практически невозможно, ведь чужаки не знают паролей, отзывов, явок. Короче говоря, эта книга- об их жизни без прикрас, какая она есть на самом деле. Содержит нецензурную брань.
"Разговор – форма интерактивного, спонтанного общения между двумя или более людьми". Но так ли это на самом деле?
Книга повествует в занимательном ключе с искромётным юмором и неподражаемой иронией о жизни в обычном небольшом деревенском реабилитационном центре для лиц, страдающих алкогольной и наркотической зависимостью «Северное сияние», увиденной глазами мужчины средних лет, впервые попавшим в подобное заведение. Автор попытался раскрыть в доступной и понятной форме основные аспекты зависимости как хронического, неизлечимого, прогрессирующего и смертельно опасного заболевания, признанного ВОЗ, и рассказал об одном из немногих возможных вариантов успешной борьбы с этим коварным недугом. Содержит нецензурную брань.
В данном издании собраны лучшие юмористические рассказы, которые превратят изучение английского языка в увлекательное занятие. Английские тексты полностью озвучены носителями языка. Пособие адресовано всем, кто изучает английский язык и хочет читать литературу на языке оригинала. © Адапт. текста С.А. Матвеева, В.В. Ганненко, О.Н. Прокофьевой, 2020 © & ℗ ООО «Издательство АСТ», «Аудиокнига», 2020 Продюсер аудиозаписи: Татьяна Плюта
In the highly personal tradition of Jenny Offill and Elena Ferrante, Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride is loosely based on Sweany's tragicomedic teenage life growing up in Indiana and his later years working in the New York publishing industry. Hunter S. Thompson biographer William McKeen called it, “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas meets Leave It to Beaver.” And bestselling author Frank Bill adds, “In the vein of David Sedaris or Chuck Palahniuk, Brian Sweany has written a tight satirical story that has you bent over with laughter one moment, then wiping away the tears the next minute.”
Elevating Overman is a funny and painful story of redemption that explores the complex ramifications of what it means to get a second chance. The novel follows the journey of Ira Overman, veteran of multiple botched careers and a singularly botched marriage, as he makes one last attempt to rise above the guilt, weakness, and self-hatred that have been hard-wired into his soul since birth. Through an unlikely side effect from a seemingly routine surgery, Overman suddenly finds himself trying to reconcile newfound powers with the man he used to be, determined not to repeat the poor choices of his past. Overman succeeds at righting some of his former wrongs, fails miserably at others, but, most importantly, gains a small yet significant window into a life that matters.
Dissatisfied lawyer Winston Patrick leaves his first career to pursue teaching at a Vancouver high school – but he can't seem to leave the legal world behind. <br/> <br/>
<b><i>Deadly Lessons</i></b> <br/> Winston Patrick, a successful lawyer but dissatisfied with his career defending the downtrodden of Vancouver's criminal world, trades in the courtroom for the high school classroom. Soon Winston's past life meets his present when a student accuses a fellow colleague of a teacher-student love affair. <br/> <br/>
<b><i>Last Dance</i></b> <br/> Former lawyer Winston Patrick is barely surviving his first year at a Vancouver high school when his students present a human rights issue. A student wants to bring his same-sex partner to the prom, but the school says no. Winston reluctantly leads his kids in suing the school. Opponents will stop at nothing to make their point, even murder.
A hilarious literary novel about the world of alternative, folk, and indie rock, in a self-unravelling, edgy, contemporary style Author's previous book, Festival Man , won excellent reviews in Quill & Quire , Maclean’s , the New York Journal of Books , the Vancouver Sun , and the National Post Author is a “klezmer-punk” musician who has performed in seventeen countries with a devoted international cult following Author’s new album Canadiana Grotesqueiqua will be included as a free download in every copy of the book[/i] Author is known for his humorous and politically controversial persona, which is reflected in the novel