
Различные книги в жанре Экономика

Building Capacity through Participation

Kevin Balm

For years, Nauru, a small Pacific island nation (population 10,000), benefited from the considerable wealth generated from its only major natural resource, phosphate. However, when that resource was almost exhausted and national assets held under the Nauru Phosphate Royalties Trust had been reduced to relatively minor holdings, the Government of Nauru sought and received assistance from the Asian Development Bank and the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) to prepare a National Sustainable Development Strategy to guide future development in the country. This case study examines innovative efforts to strengthen participatory capacity in Nauru to support development of the new strategy, focusing on the design and implementation of a participatory planning process which engendered wide community engagement and included communications with communities about the choices and trade-offs facing them moving forward.

Knowledge Solutions

Olivier Serrat

A competency approach befits knowledge management and learning. Knowledge Solutions are handy, quick reference guides to tools, methods, and approaches that propel development forward and enhance its effects. They fit in five comprehensive areas: (i) strategy development, (ii) management techniques, (iii) collaboration mechanisms, (iv) knowledge sharing and learning, and (v) knowledge capture and storage. In general, raising organizational performance is contingent on progress in all five areas; however, the Five Competencies Framework can also help determine priorities for immediate action by selecting the area that will yield the greatest benefits if improved. Knowledge Solutions will appeal to the development community and people interested in knowledge management and learning.

Resurging Asian Giants

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The economies of the People's Republic of China and India have seen dramatic growth in recent years. As their respective successes continue to reshape the world's economic landscape, noted Chinese and Indian scholars have studied the two countries' development paths, in particular their rich and diverse experiences in such areas as education, information technology, local entrepreneurship, capital markets, macroeconomic management, foreign direct investment, and state-owned enterprise reforms. Drawing on these studies, ADB has produced a timely collection of lessons learned that serves as a valuable refresher on the challenges and opportunities ahead for developing economies, especially those in Asia and the Pacific.

Third ASEAN Chief Justices' Roundtable on Environment

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From 15-18 November 2013, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) chief justices and their designees convened in Bangkok, Thailand for their third roundtable on environment with the theme «ASEAN's Environmental Challenges and Legal Responses.» Distinguished speakers and the judicial participants shared their knowledge and experiences in dealing with the region's environmental challenges, and the various means and innovations they have implemented to effectively address these challenges. The ASEAN judiciaries agreed on how they could advance regional collaboration and accelerate the implementation of «A Common Vision on Environment for ASEAN Judiciaries» (the «Jakarta Common Vision»), such as by establishing National Working Groups on Environment and an ASEAN Judiciaries Working Group on Environment, and prioritizing the attendance of their chief justices at the annual ASEAN Chief Justices' Roundtable on Environment that is supported by the Asian Development Bank.

Attaining Sustainable Energy Access for All

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The energy policy of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) focuses on maximizing energy access, promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy, and promoting improved governance and capacity in the energy sector to strengthen the capacity of developing member countries to meet critical energy needs. This publication seeks to further ADB's efforts to promote knowledge sharing among stakeholders and help identify the policy, regulatory, and legal barriers to energy access; design and implement effective frameworks; and develop strategies to scale up energy access for all. This publication also seeks to serve as a reference for stakeholders and menu of options for further action.

Lose to Gain

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A crucial issue that confronts development in South Asia is how to build a better life for people displaced by infrastructure development projects. This book comprises recent displacement and resettlement case studies conducted by eight anthropologists in South Asia. Each contributor wrote around the key theme of the book: Is involuntary resettlement a development opportunity for those displaced by development interventions? In this book, «resettlement» carries a broader meaning to include physical and economic displacement, restricted access to public land such as forests and parks, relocation, income rehabilitation, and self-relocation. The book demonstrates that despite significant progress in national policies, laws, and regulations, their application still requires more commitment, adequate resources, and better supervision.

Trade and Investment in Services

Pierre Sauvé

This training module highlights the central contribution of services to development and the role of trade and investment liberalization and effective regulation in key service sectors. It distills a number of policy- and rule-making insights arising from the practice of trade and investment liberalization in services at both the multilateral and preferential levels, with particular focus on negotiating issues and sectoral challenges emerging in the Greater Mekong Subregion.

The Political Economy of Economic Reform in the Pacific

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This collection of studies on the political economy of Pacific island countries was authored by writers from various disciplinary backgrounds. Their research confirms the results of political economy studies of economic reform in developing countries from elsewhere around the world and shines new light on the kinds of obstacles that have to be overcome for economic reform to be successful in the Pacific. This publication presents many valuable lessons for agencies assisting in the economic development of Pacific island countries.

The Political Economy of Economic Reform in the Pacific

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Over the last several years, Vanuatu has become one of the fastest growing economies in the Pacific region driven primarily by tourism, construction, and aid inflows. The achievement of strong economic growth has also occurred on the back of improved economic policy, effective fiscal management, and improved environment for private sector development. While recent gains have been impressive, more remains to be done to sustain growth and ensure the benefits are distributed throughout the nation. The Government is now on a sound financial footing and is well placed to address key development issues. The report discusses options for responding to these needs with a view to helping guide public policy formulation in Vanuatu.

State Performance and Capacity in the Pacific

Rob Laking

The Pacific Approach of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) places good governance at the heart of the development agenda and identifies public sector management as an important driver of change. This study, prepared as a background for the Pacific Approach, reviews recent literature and analysis on the state’s role in the development of Pacific developing member countries, and suggests priorities for future support by ADB and its development partners of improved state performance and capacity of these Pacific states.